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probiotic recommendations for abx

Is there a good web site/publication for listing probiotic recommendations when taking antibiotics (e.g., acidophilolus brand, dose, etc. and/or others). Thanks
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It's my LLMD who specifically prescribes Florastor, which is a brand name for Sacchromyces [sp?] boulardii.  No recommendation from the LLMD ever to take L. acidophilus or any other bacteria-based probiotic.

There appear to be good yeasts (S. boulardii) and bad yeasts and bacteria, and somehow the good yeasts are supposed to exclude the others, but I can't wrap my head around it yet.

Will let you all know whatever I find out.

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428506 tn?1296557399
thanks, JackieCalifornia.  I'm also confused on this!  I've read some people advocating products such as "florastor" with yeast, and others warning not to take it.  It seems the patients take this on more than the doctors, probably because it's out guts that have to take the fallout!
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I see my LLMD this week and this will be a question posed:  yeast probiotics, or bacteria?  Will let you know where I end up.
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Thanks for info Wonko. More questions...

Is there any philosophy behind taking Florastor (yeast) vs. acidophilolus (bacteria).  Or do most people mix? IIUC from Jackie, LLMD suggested NOT taking acidophilous.

What do most of you take: dose/timing for either refrigerated or non-refrigerated probiotics?

Do people tailor dose according to antibiotic type/quantity?
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Nicely done, wonko.

As someone who has had problems with yeast, here's something I've learned:  there are two basic categories of probiotics:  yeast-based (S. boulardii, also known by the brand name Florastor), and bacterium-based (various Lactobacillus varieties for example acidophilus).

(Some of you have heard this already.)  I am still digging my way out of this problem, but I suspect that I was already harboring a borderline tendency toward a yeast problem when I first went on abx, which yeast problem was tolerable if annoying for quite a long time.  Then because I was feeling SO good from the effects of the abx against the Lyme, I got cute and in addition to Florastor, I took extra S. boulardii, not realizing (duh) that it was more of the same stuff as Florastor.

Well, if you plant twice as many pumpkin seeds in the ground as usual, you are likely to get twice as many pumpkin plants...and what had been tolerable and annoying became awful.  I craved sugar, and thinking I needed the energy, would top up the yogurt with molasses or brown sugar and was drinking energy drinks with sugar.  Instead of better, I felt worse and worse -- and the symptoms were much like Lyme:  fogbrain and fatigue most prominently.  Feel tired?  Have some sugar!!  Gak.

After several weeks or more of this coming on slowly, I began to notice intestinal bloating which finally began to produce sharp pains at the waistline [where the colon goes across the body].  Ultrasound had no negative results.  Later colonoscopy had no negative results.  I was the one who figured it out, so like Lyme, you have to be your own first line of defense.  I am now on serious amounts of antifungal medication and a strict no-sugar no-carb no-dairy diet for the time being until the yeast is whipped.


I had to stop abx during all this and have not yet resumed them.  But when I do, ***==> I will be taking probiotics again because of the severe problems that can result otherwise. <==***

Just don't be a turkey like me and overdo it, and if you start itching, bloating and/or craving sugar, think 'yeast infection.'  This applies to those taking yeast-based probiotics like Florastor/S. boulardii --- I do not know how it applies to bacteria-based probiotics like L. acidophilus.

I still don't know why my dr recommended Florastor rather than acidophilus, but we will be having that conversation before I go back on the abx, which I hope to do.

A word to the wise!  Y'all take care now.
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Good, informative  post wonko.

I'm one of the lucky ones.  I have never had yeast.  I eat yogurt almost every day and have had no problems.  I only take one antibiotic though.  I think if I took more than one I might have problems with yeast.
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428506 tn?1296557399
I'm one of the "lucky ones" who, after 6 months now on abx, have not had serious GI issues.  I alternate probiotics, taking a store-brand acidopilolus brand and another brand that claims to have "super-stable probiotics."  I don't take any refrigerated varieties at this time.

This is advice someone offered me on the subject.  While I have not adhered to it and therefore can't testify to it's credit, maybe it'll be of help to you or someone else:


1. Take lots of good refrigerated probiotics with high # of strains & high cultures
2. Take Antifungals-(yeast Killer)
3. LOW CARB/SUGAR DIET & Oral Mouth Care
4. Detox-fiber, lemon water, baths, excercise!!


Refrigerated probiotics are the most potent. You can get some of these at your local healthfood store.

Some brands are:

Renew Life Critical Care (50 Billion) 10 strains (i take this-it is great & over the counter)

Iflora Professional Strength Acidophilus
(20 Billion-16 strains) doctor can order for you or you LLMD may have a brand he recommend

VSL#3-CVS Pharmacy
(225 billion cultures/8 strain)
Very high potentcy-once a day at night

There are lots of other brands too. Just make sure they are the REFRIGERATED high culture/high strain.

Yeast Control:

Here are few popular HERBAL antifungals to kill yeast:

OREGAMAX-(works really good & gentle)
Oregano Force
Olive Leaf Extract

Believe it or not, yeast starts on the tongue. It is really important to brush your tongue really good every day and rinse with antiseptic mouthwash such as Listerine.
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