237053 tn?1258828426


My tongue has been sore since before begining treatment.  Now it's getting more sore and it has whitish/yellowish coat on it.  I've shown dr's and none of them had said anything about yeast.  However I posted on another forum and the majority of them said it sounds like yeast.  But I don't have any vaginal itching or stomach problems.  My LLMD said in his notes I had a slightly furred tongue.  When I looked up furred tongue it said it can be caused from infections such as HIV or Syphillis.  I know I don't have either of these, but I would think it would be the same for lyme.

Anyways, in case it is yeast, what can I do for treatment.  I had two difulcan pills and just took one of them.  Don't know if two will do the trick.  If not I guess I'll get in to see the dr on Monday.  Any other ideas on how to kill the yeast?

8 Responses
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I've been dealing with a big yeast infection and my tongue gets that way sometimes too.

I think Wonko once mentioned something I've also seen written elsewhere too, which is to swish around but DO NOT SWALLOW water with hydrogen peroxide in it.  I forget the proportions.  You can google it.

*I think I've read that hydrogen peroxide is poisonous if you swallow it.*

But it blasts the little yeast bugs to bits, so I've read.  (I stick to Listerine cause I'm a chicken.)
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666921 tn?1254990618
I had the coated tongue prob. - before all that stuff with [sorry to mention it again!!] - 'white stuff in BM.' - since then my tongue - acid reflux - IBS. etc; have been o.k. - wish I knew what the 'white stuff' was - if you remember my doc. said 'worms' - LLMD. said poss. fatty stuff - whatever - it was something that needed removing!!!!

No one seemed to think it was yeast but who knows?
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It's odd to me that in recent years, MDs don't do tests for things -- they are just 'sure' it's not 'X'.  

We know our bodies so much better than they do!  I do wish they would *L*I*S*T*E*N*!!!
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666921 tn?1254990618
Yes - they should try LISTENING - they might learn something!
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428506 tn?1296557399
For the record, I do not recall advising anyone to use hydrogen peroxide for oral treatment.  Listerine, yes.  H2O2, NO!  If I did ever suggest this, I retract it.

A general FYI, for any chemical substance, you can search online for its "MSDS," or "material safety data sheet."  These documents contain information about the hazards of a given substance, and are useful in accessing the safety of some suggested remedies.

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My apologies.  Lousy memory here.  I read it someplace but was doubtful.

Statement retracted.
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428506 tn?1296557399
No problem!  I actually googled and saw that some listerine products do contain H2O2, which I never knew.  I think it is a "whitening" rinse.  I usually buy store-brand antiseptic mouthwash, but I'll be sure to check the ingredients next time...
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Just an FYI, if you swallow a hydrogen peroxide solution with water, it will likely just make you vomit profusely.  It's a good think for dog owners to know, if your dog ingests something it shouldn't have (Chocolate, poison, chemical, whatever...) have them drink a solution of 1 part water and 1 part peroxide solution and they will instantly vomit it back up...then call your vet of course.  Anywho, not really related, but just so you know, swallowing enough of it will not be pretty and you should probably call your doctor!
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