318073 tn?1197565324

waiting to see lyme spec

So I got my western blot back and was positive on bands 23, 41, and 58. I was told on here two of those bands are specific for lyme. I have not seen the lyme specialist yet, I am waiting for my referral. I was also diagnosed with a heart condtion called psvt basically rapid heartrates that come and go. They want to put a cathedor in cause I have a very bad sensitivity to meds now. I guess my question is and it's been bothering me and maybe someone here knows I've been very sick with the lyme I'm guessing around 2yrs. I have all the symtoms now and have had the bells palsy around two years ago (which I feel should of been able to tell by a dr what is wrong with me) I have tremors almost constanly is this ever going to go away with treatment or has there more than likely been permanent damage done.
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may I suggest you post on lymenet.org? I think finding more than one site is to your best interest. This is a great place to post, but traffic is so much better on lymenet and they have a huge community. Click on Flash Discussions then Medical and post about your symptoms and please tell them your IGeneX results. Good luck getting well, keep your chin up, ok?
oh yeah don't forget to come back here and keep everyone up to date. :)

the best,
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It will go away as you get better.... don't stop treatment until it goes away and expect to get worse before better.
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