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518031 tn?1295575374

stares and glares

i was answereing a journel entry and sandee sais i should start a thread on the subject, what it is like for us chronic pain sufferes who go their pharmacy,and when we get our meds filled, one of the employees kinda just stares at us like we are drug addicts. It just blows my mind that they knoiw you have a DOCTORS script, that he wrote for YOU. I have had this happen twice now, and the people were new hirews, i have been going to the same pharmacy forever now. in fact the ones that have worked there a long time wonder if something is wrong if i am not in there by a certin time during the month. It is bad enough that the general pubvlic dont understaqnd and thinks we are getting these meds to get off on them.. i wish i could get off of them, but if i do then i have no quailty of life, but to have a profesional, working in the pharmacy look at you like that is just too much. I would like to haer about others whoi am sure this has happened too. share your story, so we can shake our head at the ignorence we have to put up with thanks....brian
22 Responses
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I know how fortunate how I am now after reading your pharmacy nightmare stories.I have been going to the same small town, mom and pop pharm. for years. I've only been on percocet for 51/2 months for my rsd pain, they're always been wonderful. Never any questions, never any problems. I know on my script my pm doctor writes dosage and then for chronic intractable pain.  I wifsh all of you had the same wonderful pharmacists I have. I've told them many times how great they are...best wishes to all and thanks for all your posts. I've learned more on Medhelp than anywhere else..Thank you  Tresa
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653169 tn?1303446369
I was noticing the same thing with pharmacy staff myself so I transferred all my business to another pharmacy that while not perfect is better.  There is surely alot of prejudice out there about people who take narcotics especially if it is on a regular basis!!
These people are similar to those who have prejudice against different races, other socioeconomic classes, or even obese people.  If your Dr. is writing the scripts, it is between you and him/her.  Please don't let these people stress you out.  I am a nurse and have seen other nurses try to withhold pain meds even after surgery because of their personal beliefs, This infuriates me.  Remember that you do have patient rights.  You have the right not to be in pain and to be treated with respect.  You may want to voice your experience to the Pharmacist manager.  What your Dr. prescribes you is between you and him/her.  The only reason they should say or do anything is if your asking for refills too early or if your scripts are not legitemate.  Please don't let these idiots embarrass you.  Hang in there!!!
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518031 tn?1295575374
good for your husband i am so gld he went and told them off. i just wouldnt have been mice about, which i know is the wrong way, but i am ahotr head when it comes to this
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679575 tn?1245115450
Thanks for saying that. My husband finally had enough of me coming home from the pharmacy upset so he went in there and told them in a nice way to back off.  I would love to be able to sue them just to make them feel like the **** that they make me feel like.  But I live in Canada and lawsuits aren't real big here (at least not that I know of) I also suffer from severe anxiety and i was prescribed Ativan for this and when I brought it to the pharmacy (different one) she said very loudly that she thought the I was bi-polar and the I should be getting other help.  She even recommended medications that might help me.  I was almost crying when i left there partly out of embarrassment and partly out of anger.  My great husband went back and gave her a big blast of you know what and then i called a complaint in to the College of Pharmacies (or whatever you call it here in Canada)... Who would have thought getting my prescriptions would be so much work and stress.... Oh well guess i just have to start laughing about it before i give myself a stroke!!!!
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518031 tn?1295575374
i am so sorry you have to betreated like this.. i dont have lupus but i know strees is not good for.. have you ever thought about talking to the store mgr of fiking a complaint with the better business beaure.. there is no way you should be treated like this.. they have no business telling you dr. how to persrcibe the meds he thinks you should be on... sounds like a law suite to me.. you are a human being and deserve to be treated as one, and if the pharmisict cared about his customers he would treat you better, i know it is hard but thanks for sharing...brian
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679575 tn?1245115450
I wrote something about this on another post but i think I will repeat it here also... My bad experience with the pharmacist happens almost everytime i go in there.  I only went to this pharmacy because they directly bill my insurance anyways to make a long story short they decided for themselves that my medication wasn't be prescribed to me correctly so they called my Dr and told that they thought that he wasn't prescribing my pain meds right that I was taking more then they thought i should be taking.  First of all they have to idea what is wrong with me or how long i have been taking them and also how bad my pain is and it is pretty bad.  They also wouldn't fill one of them before talking to the doctor again and they made we wait 3 days to get my meds.  Everytime i go in there they preach to me about the evils of pain meds.... I am so going to snap soon and it won't be pretty.  I find it so stressful and I have lupus, colitis and rheumetoid arthritis and all these conditions are worsened by stress so they sure aren't helping my health at all.  Other comments have been made but to many to write. Like I said they say something to me everytime  i go in and I go in often cuz I am on alot of meds.  Thanks for listening to my rant!!!!
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518031 tn?1295575374
i thank god everyday that i have found this site.. most everyone on here has genuine concern for eachother here and the people in our life that we love or have loved..most peoiple that are afficlted with the problems we have do not understand whatr we go through.. like something as simple as getting our meds filled and it is pretty sad we are at times ment to feel like we are drug addicts and less then human getting that done.. so thanks to you Molly and everyone here who has listened to me b itch and complain about the world around us...thanks for being truly concerned and caring...brian
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535089 tn?1400673519
After the incident with my dad, I started to get my medications from the clinic where my Doctor practices. There is a pharmacy right on the premises. The Pharmacist's all know me now and it is a real pleasure to refill my meds. I don't worry about the attitudes or the looks anymore so if you can and have access to a pharmacy in a clinic, I would recommend going that route. Thank's to all who mentioned my dad. He would have been tickled for the concern.
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518031 tn?1295575374
yes it is saad you had to go through that and i appluad you for what you did.. we are just peopel who are trying to get through the day the best we know how.. if hey only knew what it is like to be in contsest pain they would change their tune.. they act liek we dont know whats going on when it comes to pain meds.. most of us are more educated on the subject then most.. and every one i have talked too that is on pain meds for chronic pain would much rather not have to take any at all.. and it is about time that we get the espect we deserve,
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356518 tn?1322263642
I knew this was a problem but hearing your stories makes it very real. It is so sad we are treated this way! Each one of us deserves better and I for one demand it.
These pharmasist are pothetic they are simply doctor wanna be's and med school drop outs that could  not cut it as doctors. So the next time this happens just remember how pothetic they are and demand you be treated with dignity and respect!

Sorry for the spelling errors:)
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667015 tn?1268595478
Hi all,
  I have had the same problems with my meds and the looks I get. I get alot of pain meds for my problems and just about every time i go in to get my meds. I get 180 plus pills at a time and wow do they look at me like im going to sell them or some thing. I know that my pain scale is not around the norm. the 1st dr i saw about my back said he was supprised that i could even walk with how bad my MRI was. And i see other ppl that are in pain but when i compare my pain to theirs i almost laugh, I still work 8+ hrs a day and travel to work on ships. I know that everyones pain levels are different but i also know that if i need to take a pill to help then i am in really bad pain. I take 6-8 a day just to get by it still hurts. I feel for everyone that has pain and gets the look from ppl when they get their meds and feel that they need to do something because in their minds we are doing wrong. I had one man that said he not only would not fill my script but he would not give it back, I called the cops and told them to arrest him for stealing my script that he had no right to keep it he was allowed not to fill it but when the cops showed up he changed his mind really fast. They think that because they too a course to have their job that it makes them a Dr. Well guess what their NOT DR's they are only there to make sure that we get what the Dr perscribes and that there are no conflicts between pills. I do get quite mad when they try and pull that ****, I am also done with them, they do not want me getting mad and then asking for a investigation about them.

Sorry for the rant but it makes me mad to see someone feel that they know all about you and what you are going through even tho the only thing that they know it what the Dr wrote down.
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547368 tn?1440541785
It was Walgreens that treated me so badly on the o=incident I described early BUT it is also Walgreen's that treat me so wonderfully.

When I drove to another pharmacy 20 miles way, that was a Walgreens also. It is the pharmacist or the Tech and not the company that provides either good or bad customer service.

I'm sorry we all had these problems to obtain something that was legally prescribed for us. What a crying shame!

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606078 tn?1247264553
I never had a problem at Walgreens, but a local pharmacy in my little town is another story. I had knee replacement surgery 3 times in 07. Starting out with a partial, 2 months later had to have a revision, 5 days later it broke also and in Oct I had to have it revised to a total. All of this 7 months to the day.
My ortho surgeon had given me a script for Lorcet and then he gave me a script for Darvocet. He wanted me to take  a Lorcet then a Darvocet and so on. The pharmacist in front of everyone, spoke loud enough for the whole dam store to hear "I can't fill these scripts, you have a problem and it needs to be taken care of."
Here I was on crutches, my knee full of staples and that jerk decided that I had a problem. I felt as though he had slapped me in the face. I demanded that the store manager be called and I tore into him.
My scripts were filled after I threatened to call the police after calling my surgeon. I have never been back there. I use Walmart and they know me now. It's sad that we as patients have to go through the stigma of being a pill seeker. Now I have to have several different pain meds filled and the pharmacist understands why.
People that take pain meds as recreational drugs have sure made it hard on those of us who need them desperately.
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460185 tn?1326077772
I've been going to the same pharmacy for years now and still run into difficulties. Since I'm in Canada maybe the "rules" are different but pharmacists now take a more "active" role in prescriptions meds - translations - they interfere.  I have to practically fight with them to get my cholesterol meds and the last I heard, cholesterol meds weren't street drugs.  Rather than get angry, I contacted the Association that all Canadian pharmacists belong to and let them take care of it.  Maybe that makes me a coward but who wants to spend time and energy with a pharmacist who won't listen.  Others must have complained too because he's gone.  I'm SO depressed about that  lol

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Sorry about your dad! It seems walgreens is horrible for everyone. Back when I was recieving my pain meds from my facial pain/tmj specialist, he would switch me back and forth from tylenol 3 to hydrocondone. Every other time he called in a refill he would switch it. After awhile, he called in a script for me on a Friday. I called later to see if it was ready and they told me that they were waiting to hear from my doc. My doctor called a few minutes later and told me that "the pharmacist did not like how many narcotic scripts he had been writing for me and that they did not agree with him that he should give it to me". He said they basically scared him out of prescribing my meds. He never wrote another script after that. He ref. me to my primary care doc to continue medication therapy. Needless to say, I never went back to walgreens and I won't. I have never had issues like this with anyone but them. After one of my surgeries for another health issue, I was given a script for percocet. On the way home after surgery my husband ran into walgreens while I slept in the car, to get everything we needed for when I was on bedrest. He gave them the rx and they said to give them 20 minutes. After 20 minutes he went to get it, and they said that they had filled the same script for me a week before, and would not fill another this soon. Even though they called my doctor and he said that he had instructed me to go ahead and fill it on the way home from surgery so I would be all set while I recovered. It was even a very small amount of meds, just enough for a couple days. I don't get it, but some pharmacists/techs are just plain jerks. They do not have your medical records to see what actual conditions you have. They just pass judgement on you based on your meds. I always send my husband to do everything now, because I am always so nervous about what they might say one day. I have found a great pharmacy now that is a small mom and pop shop. The pharmacist is very nice and knows all about my condition and never gives me mean looks or makes me feel uncomfortable. I usually just call him to let him know my husband is coming for me, and he is always very polite and quick. I think that some pharmacists just take it too far trying to show their power. (JMO.) Anyway, hope you all are doing well. Have a great day.
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356518 tn?1322263642
I am so sorry this happened to your Dad!
Please do not be afraid to tell the frude pharmasist's that they have no right to treat you in this manner. They do deserve respect, the ones who earn it by being professinal. But the ones who act like this need to be told they are not doctors and they are simply ther to follow the doctors orders and if they can't handle that you will take your business elsewhere. They have no business or right to treat us this way and it angers me to no end tht they think they can get away with it! Our doctors are the only ones who say we can or can't have a presciption not the rude thoughtless under achieved pharmasist who wants to play doctor or even god.
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535089 tn?1400673519
Thank you Jollyman, that means alot...
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518031 tn?1295575374
well all ican say i am sorry for what your father had to go through..
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535089 tn?1400673519
I'd say, I wouldn't have the guts to do anything like that but I'm glad you did. My Dad who has passed away had a horrible problem with the local Walgreens. He was the city Liutenant (sp) Fire Inspector and was greatly admired but that didn't stop walgreens..even with his uniform on treat him like a drug seeker. He was also a severe diabetic (3 insulin shots per day), cancer of the bladder which he had under control (tumers would pop up now and then but always removed beore it spread) and the latest diagnosis of lung cancer...that's what killed him, he was only 65.
Anyway, one day while waiting for his prescriptions ( he had many) the pharmacist asked him if  "everything was alright, that he seemed to be taking alot of narcotics on a monthly basis and a few are by different Doctors"  My dad, being the kind gentleman that he was said "why yes, thank you for asking" The pharmacist then replied," I will have to call the Doctor to see if he can re-evaluate these prescriptions, this will take some time". Now keep in mind that my Dad was very ill and it was hard on him to wait in a Pharmacy (my mom usually did this but couldn't that day). By this time my Dad was furious at the way the guy was treating him and told him to just give him the D*** medicine. The Pharmacist replied NO, that he'd have to wait. Finally my dad broke down and tears came and by then so did the manager. The manager asked what the problem was and my dad said kindly...Look, your pharmacist won't fill these prescriptions at the moment, I have full blown lung cancer, bladder cancer and I'm a diabetic now please just fill the prescriptions I gave you. After that, my dad never had a problem again.
How sad is that when a person can barely get to the pharmacy let alone having to wait...
So yes, something has to be done about that too.
Thank's for taking the time to read my story.

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518031 tn?1295575374
sandee i have even more respect for you now.. you have one hell of alot of guts
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356518 tn?1322263642
I have told my story here before but I will tell it again.
I took my script to the pharmacy to be filled and he said he had to call the doc to verify it. ( I have been to this pharmacy many times with the same script)
So I said okay and I sat down to wait and the whole time the pharmasist was eyeing me like I was a criminal. Then he says across the room I can't get your Dr on the phone so I can't fill your ****** He named it.
I said well just give my script back and to my suprise he said no that he was going to keep it until he called the Dr. I went ballistic and called my Dr and e was just as angry. I then called the police and they spoke with my Dr and the police had to make the pharmasist give my script back or fill it. He still wanted to keep it.
Well I still use that pharmasist today because he knows he can't fool with me or intimidate me now. Some would say why would you want to use that pharmasist after what he did well I see it this way, he knows he has to go by the letter of the law and otherwise or I will make him. He can't short me or deny my rights. Today he is as respectful as he canbe and he always goes out of his way to help me anyway he can. This happened awhile back and now he in some wierd way respects me. I can't explain it but it is what it is.
I have had those who will look at me and glare at me with resentment when they see what I am filling or picking up and I will quickly tell them they have no right to judge me and they are simply there to follow the doctors orders and they have no idea what my medical condition is.
This will completly change the way they look at me the next time I see them!
We have enough to deal with like Brian said than to have to deal with these judgemental people that have no idea who they are judging and why.
The stigma placed on us is bad enough and we are always having to justify our need to take these meds and the one person we should not have to justify it to is the medical community.
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547368 tn?1440541785
I have been going to the same pharmacy for years also. They know me by name and are always kind and considerate, especially the Pharmacy Manager. She always asks me how I am doing, wishes me well, askes how my pain is, etc.

Than a year ago last spring the Manager went on vacation and her replacement came from a large city. I did not know my PCP was a bit late (one hour) calling in my refill pain RX . I went to the counter, gave my name and asked if they had a prescription ready. Nothing yet was the reply. I was than asked what the drug was. I quietly said a pain medication. He ROLLED HIS EYES and said in a very loud and sarcastic voice for all to hear, "And what narcotic would that be?" I said, "You would obviously know if you had received it."  And than I left. I called my physicians nurse and she apologized for being late, no problem I said, but please call the prescription to another (same chain) pharmacy. So I drove 20 miles out of my way to pick my medication so I would have to face him and any further embarrassment.

This happened in a small town where I held a very prestigious position for a very large well known company. Half the town knew me and now know I take narcotics. Yes I reported the guy. The Manager was very apologic and geniunely felt bad. He never did another replacement at my pharmacy, she said she saw to that.  It take all kinds!!
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