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A few questions about PATM

Hey guys, what's up? I have a few questions about the disease

How many time you have been suffering with PATM? When you realize that you were sick? How you deal with the disease? Do you already talk with some parent or a friend about it? Do you look for a doctor?
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I first started noticing my PATM around the 7th grade; I'm 19 now. After all these years, I still have absolutely no idea what the root cause of this is. I cut dairy and gluten from my diet about 6 months ago and I have noticed less reactions. So at least I know it's some part physical. However, it has to be cognitive as well. Whenever I have stressful thoughts, or simply think about PATM - people start reacting. It sounds crazy, but as other posters have mentioned, people will often react to me even if they are in a different car. Don't mean too sound bizarre here, but I often feel like the universe is moving through me. If I eat cheese pizza, or am stressed about something, people can pick up on the fact that my body is thrown out of whack.

Here's what I can tell you. I'm absolutely positive this is real and we are not all insane. Second, I have had this for 7+ years and am otherwise very healthy; I ran my first 8k race last week. Some people say they've had it 30+ years and they are still living, so it's definitely not life threatening.

My advice is to buy a good pair of noise cancelling earphones to drown out the sniffles and coughs on the train, in the library, ect. There are people out there who don't react to us, and I recommend building relations with them. Eat healthy and you will see the reactions decrease.

There's a million theories as to what causes this, but I know someday will figure this out. Once I graduate from university in a couple of years, I'll be willing to fly wherever to meet some of you guys in person.
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I am suffering with patm since last two years and I figured out that it is a kind of psoriasis so what we need to do is eat veg food no to sugar n salt. Drink at least 4 glass of water as u wake up and do pranayama. U vill see the changes in one week. But it vil take some time to cure as it is skin diseases.  
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I am suffering with patm since last two years and I figured out that it is a kind of psoriasis so what we need to do is eat veg food no to sugar n salt. Drink at least 4 glass of water as u wake up and do pranayama. U vill see the changes in one week. But it vil take some time to cure as it is skin diseases.  
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I've talked about it with everyone that I know. It's the quickest way to understand it. Read my post on the PATM community. Hopefully you'll understand it more. There's a possible cure but it's costly. It that don't work, I doubt there'll be any cure until genetic engineering gets cheaper which is about 25 yrs from now.
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