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All questions about PATM answered

As a collective we have enough information to figure out many of our questions but the problem is that we aren’t organized. This post should be used to ask any question about patm but the questions should be ones that are asked over and over like what patm is, what are some ways to reduce patm, etc. I will answer to the best of my knowledge and hopefully other patmers will give you different perspectives and that way we can combine our information to provide a definitive answer to some of the mysteries of patm.
6 Responses
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What is PATM
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I think patm can be a few things but the 2 i think are the most likely is either A. it is something on your skin that slowly evaporates during the day which is what causes patm or B. its gas that we expel constantly. To preface i think patm is related to sebum since whenever i get rid of it, my patm starts to fade away. I have some sort of residue on my skin that makes my fingertips dry when i shower and i think that is what is evaporating throughout the day. When i shower i notice that when i let the water hit my hair, the water turns greyish which can be the substance thats being evaporated. There are different things that support both arguments which is why i am not completely sure yet. I noticed that in hot weather my patm is significantly worse and i think that just means that the rate of evaporation increases and it helps spread the gas faster. When you are stressed your body temperature increases which explains why being relaxed helps a bunch. There is more evidence but i think that gas is 100% how patm is able to affect people and the only mystery is how the gas is produces, whether its something that evaporates slowly through the day, gas that we emit, a problem with our gut, etc.
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Why is my breath foggier than normal in cold weather
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The reason why our breath fogs in the first place is because we breathe out water vapor along with other things like co2 but in a cold environment, the water vapor turns into water and that what forms the fog you can see, being able to have breath that fogs also depends on the dew point(temperature when the air cant hold any more water vapor) and atmospheric pressure and more. Now the reason why your breath is foggier than normal is probably because you are exhaling a gas you dont know about that probably causes patm. The reason why the gas lasts longer is because its a hot gas or its taking longer to dissipate.
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What are some diets i can use to reduce patm
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LOW FODMAP- no sugar/ dairy / antibiotics/ hormones
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Why is patm less severe when i travel
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Why do people react over phones?
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You might be confusing coughing/sneezing/runny nose/clearing throat as being a result of patm when in reality its actually just normal. If people are clearing their throats only when they talk to you or you notice that they do it more when you are close is because people start to associate things with people and so you are associated with allergies so when they hear your voice or see your face they start getting allergies that arent there or if its really severe they will start getting allergies because your patm is so intense that their body triggers the immune response to allergens.
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Why do patm reactions get stronger after i panic
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This is an interesting question that i have 2 theories on. To understand the answer we first have to understand how patm works. So patm is a gas, that is a fact, and gas spreads faster when its warm so when you panic, your body temperature increases which makes it easier to spread. That is 100% a reason why panic/being calm affects patm. Another explanation involves the theory that patm is a gel/liquid on your skin and during the day you evaporate patm. If we believe this to be true then its obvious that body temperature has a great affect on patm.
The serious mistake they make is to say that it is 100% safe, that not even scientists are able to ensure. You could say probabilities. On the other hand, it does not necessarily have to be a gel on our skin, it may be the defecation of x skin bacteria, or its composition itself, it may be some alteration in the emission of skin waste and of the very blood of our body... Recently when I was looking for interesting topics to entertain myself, I read that a person insisted on being clean, it was so much that he thought any odor came from his body, it was such that he began to bathe with 3 daily showers, when he got up, when noon, and before going to bed, the guy thought that this would reduce the odor of his body or that he would be cleaner than others, it was so much so that in a few months the guy really began to emit another type of odor, it turns out that from so much bathing altered its habitat of skin bacteria, it began to deteriorate with infections.... According to the reading it mentions that the same person was examined by a doctor who mentions about the alteration of the skin fauna, that fauna is mainly among the parts; scalp, genitals, armpits, feet and to a lesser extent between the chest and the middle part of the back, in these regions there is a certain type of skin bacteria that, when altered, can be invaded by other types of bacteria. ............. This reading reminded me that before the PATM I was obsessed with cleaning my skin, I bathed minimally twice a day.....  
Whatever it is, it still cannot be assured without scientific evidence, nor can we know what the solution would be.... What type of gas travels at those speeds? How far? How is it that this one is not affected by the weather?, etcs ......
I understand that sometimes we think that we found a solution by using x substance or by temporarily being in a certain state of mind, here many sang or proclaimed to find a solution, they even swore that it was candidiasis to the point that they really ended up with candidiasis because they proposed to follow the diet and consuming antifungal antibiotics that altered their intestinal flora... Some claimed that PATM was in the nostrils and that they are removed by surgery, others claimed that the problem was in the blood with toxins and the solution was to practice the blood transfusion. Many of these affirmations, among others, ended in a few months or weeks, they ended up saying that the PATM became stronger, that the solution was not what was mentioned, that the solution is only temporary, etc... That is why it is necessary to take it easy I say this because many enter the forum enthusiastic and when someone posts or affirms saying that they find the solution, these same people eventually end up disappointed x2 or x1000 to such a point that they think about suicide. That is why I repeat: take it easy and analyze what you plan to say, the words you will use...
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