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Antibiotics and PATM bust after them

A couple of weeks ago I had a toothache.  The problem turned out to be serious: a large cyst under the tooth.  The surgeon removed and prescribed a course of antibiotics (lincomycin in a large dose).  My PATM just went berserk after starting the injections.  My wife, who was allergic to me only sometimes in the morning, now even on the street she experiences severe allergies from me (she does not know that I am the source of the allergy), she has snot flowing, she sneezes.
I also have increased plaque on my tongue, which cannot be removed, in my mouth there is a feeling that I ate a persimmon.
Does anyone know how to behave to us (patients patm) after taking antibiotics?  Please advise, thanks in advance.

P.S. With a course of antibiotics, the doctor prescribed the antifungal fluconazole (but he apparently failed)
P. P. S. Today I had another tooth removed with a cyst and tomorrow, most likely, the doctor prescribed another course of antibiotics to avoid infectious complications of a complex operation ((((
2 Responses
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Take low histamine probiotic with antibiotics (5-10 days after antibiotics ). I take probiota histaminX by seeking health and it improve my condition . Regular check for iron,b12 and vitamin d3 - reference range should be above average . If they're low you have some type of malabsorbtion .
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Did people around you cough and sneeze? Where can I buy the medicine? Did the symptoms of coughing or sneezing disappear after taking the medicine?
Interesting... I have my own hypothesis regarding B12 and D3, but may I ask how you reached those conclusions?
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I also had symptoms of people coughing and sneezing severely after taking COVID-19 antibiotics for two weeks. There's a reaction even if it's far away. How are you doing right now
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Which antibiotic in particular?

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