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Does anyone have any concrete evidence that could help find the cause of patm?

I see a lot of people just going with their gut feeling about patm, but i dont see any evidence that backs it up. I think that its alright to not have an explanation to your thoughts on patm since its a very complicated problem with many possible solutions but at the same time its strange that finding someone who backs up their claim is a rarity. If you think patm is related to your gut then provide evidence that shows it even if its your personal experience, if you think its energy or something then explain why you think that. In my personal opinion i think the patm community as a whole needs to change their thinking to be logical oriented because i see that we tend to ask What can i do to reduce my reactions? but not Why does this reduce my reactions? Asking why and how allows us to focus on specific ways we could treat patm. For example, if we knew that calcium is the reason why milk is so bad for us then that information is much more beneficial than knowing that milk is bad for us. Im just ranting but i am seriously curious about this.
3 Responses
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20620809 tn?1504362969
A SIBO friendly doctor can help a lot as well as a functional medicine specialist. Between these two, you can find a lot of help
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The only thing we suffers know for sure, is that people react to us no matter where we go.
This condition does not discriminately by age, blood, anything. My own mother reacts to me.
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11174952 tn?1461874487
I think patm is a fungus probably coming from our environment, lungs or intestinal tract. It is something that latched onto us from first exposure because we had a week immune system somehow, then it produced more spores and since it is stuck on us then we breath it in and it gets into our internal organs. It think it is hard for our bodies to rid of this specific fungus because it is too busy trying to rid all the other fungus present in our foods and skin care products.

I was watching a video and they were talking about resistant Candida in the hospitals. It was all over the room on the walls and surfaces...etc.

Has anyone used a black light to check their environment and them self?

Has anyone gotten a skin sample to check for fungus, specifically any the emits gliotoxin ?

Does anyone have dandruff ?

Does anyone have cavities, this can be caused by Candida?

This issue is likely from mold exposure and it never left us.

We do not suffer from invisible bugs, spores does that.

Antibiotics from the doctors comes from fungus, citric acid in our foods is derived from black mold and plus it functions as an antibiotic, which destroys all of our good bacteria.

We have too much mold exposure and we are not cleaning it out fast enough.

What we could have is an opportunistic  fungi.

Starving Candida does not kill Candida it just makes it go dormant. You need antifungals and or salt.

There is a salt flush you can do.
And a list of anti fungal herbs .

Also if people are exposed to mold then it can trigger other systemic issues such as hormonal imbalance and gut changes, which would led to Candida overgrowth that can cause so many other problems.

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After considering one of our member’s high level of gliotoxin. I am assuming we might have Aspergillus fumigatus. Our exposure to that could have led also to Candida overgrowth which would also increase gliotoxin.

A. Fumigatus can be found in damp damaged buildings, soil, decomposing plant matter.

I definitely was exposed to a damp building when I started having reactions. I remember others said they were gardening.

If you look on YouTube and in the comment section for videos about A. Fumigatus people are describing what we have, some even think this is what is behind morgellons.

Cotton fuzz from mold
Black specks from mold

Also they say this mold can penetrate the hair shaft and feeds on just about anything.

Many of us have cleaned our environment throughly, and taken extremes to clean our selves. I would even go as far as to say our homes are immaculate from our efforts to fix this issue. But it likely penetrated our hair shaft and that is why we have no luck.

I remember reading in the bible that God said if  a person has leprosy (which is caused by mold) they have to shave their heads and body and leave the camp.  Well I guess they knew it penetrates the hair shaft.

Maybe that is why drying out our skin helps because it is not feeding on our oils that we produce.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to kill a fungus that has entered the hair shaft?

I only know of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide.
Does anyone know how to naturally kill aspergillus Fumigatus ? Has anyone cultured this and used various antifungals methods to kill it ? I can find nothing about how to kill this. This might be our problem. No one knows how to kill it. Has anyone tested their air quality for this fungus? Has anyone cultured samples from their skin of this fungus. This fungus seems impossible, it can be in foods as well, but our stomach acid is strong enough to kill it, maybe some people had weak stomach acid and this fungus got out of control . What happens when it is on our skin or hair, how do we get rid of it from there without it becoming resistant. Nothing seems to kill it
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