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Does anyone with patm have breast implants ?

Are there anyone with breast implants that also have PATM?
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I have dental implants and some  people think it's problem because its titanium implants.I don't know whether it's true.
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I have no implants and I have this problem.
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Any implant or device can increase a biofilm because bio films can live and grow on surfaces
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I feel the PATM is getting worse for me and it’s freaking me out. And I wonder if explanting will decreases these PATM symptoms.
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I'm  in same boat boat same exact situation but the stress makes it worse and you have to try to be calm otherwise it multiplies
Explatg. May be a wise choice but it won't get rid of it -- it will get rid of any bio films that have grown on the device. Then u have to start a vigorous vegan only diet and walking daily herbs and herbal teas
Maybe I need to further explain ----- if you don't remove the device the biofilm will never be killed on the device that it attached to and multiplied ---- but who knows if there is even a biofilm on the device?
Honestly if it were me I'd remove them --- dental is different
There is much research on dental implant bio films -- you can google and for everyone I've been holding listeriene in my mouth for 1 minute after brushing my teeth as the thymol kills biofilm
Dental plaque is a biofilm
You have to have a super clean bathroom disposable cups change out toothbrush frequent floss wash hands with soap for 30 sec then rinse and so on
Right now before I sleep and pray one of u guys found a cure -- I deep exhale and deep breath
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I was reading something on the internet of a list of ingredients that are found on the shell and filling of a breast implant. And 2 caught my eye and that was toluene and xylene. And isn’t that what the Japanese doctor found when he did his study on those candidates? What are some of the symptoms that you guys give others ?
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For me I have worked and been exposed to both in the lab every day but I lost my job so nothing -- but most cheap furniture and cabinetry is also loaded with it and if it's nicked the gases seal into air and you r exposed and u breath it in -- dr oz had a show on it years ago and showed how to re seal any cracks as u r endangered
Itchy and other times coughs
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