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Donyou have tartar/plaque on your teeth?

I will explain later.  Not saying this is a cure; just posting a question!  Working with a team of people here (dentists, fellow nursing staff, infectious disease MD’s)
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Hi Justincase_25.Pay attention to b12 deficiency,process of low methylation which means high histamine,homocysteine levels,MTHFR gene deficiency.Candida,mucous,leaky gut and electrosensitivity are the consequences of this problem.As i said previous when I eat fish or seafood I'm getting better because b12 is much more in these foods and also in beef and liver beef.
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Interesting, i don't feel better when eating fish/seafood however b12 seems helping to reduce my patm. Instead green vegetables do have a huge impact on my overall feeling. But i wish you luck with this mthfr test even if we all don't have the same disease it's probably a big step forwards if you find somehthing in this direction.
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I can agree that our histamine levels are too high.  To support this, I used to be severely allergic to my cat.  When the PATM took over, I am no longer allergic to him.  I’ve let my team of people know about this, and they support it.  I do have to get tested for H Plyori to make sure I’m good; however, I think I’m negative.  I picked up so methylfolate with b12 and other b vitamins in its methyl form.  I also have started TMG to see if that lowers my homocysteine levels.  Not taking anything else besides omega fish oil pills, bromelain, and SB probiotics.  My dentist thinks there may be an overload of candida in my mouth.  Had him deep clean everything, and I feel alot better.  I denied the antibiotics; I’m doing oil pulling instead.  Thanks again mindspace!
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Justincase_25 I also had white tartar on teeth but that was due to antibiotics.Yes it's like you had candida overload in the mouth but I don't have this for months.
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Justincase it's very promising that you found a group of medical professionals that aren't calling you delusional.  Please keep us updated, perhaps they could scientifically narrate their observations so others can point to their findings with medical professionals we see.
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I take Vitamin B complex (B1-B6-B folic acid-B12) and it is still the same as PATM, I also take Vitamin C, N-NAC (Acetylcysteine) and the PATM is still the same, now I'm still taking all that and 1 month has passed just like PATM in me. I also took Loratadine 10mg for 2 weeks and did not do anything to me, PATM was still the same. The only thing I have besides the PATM is my stuffy nose, there are holes where my nose is covered but magically in seconds it is uncovered, when I walk it is uncovered and when I am seated it covers my nose. .

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Doing the same vitamin b complex, vit b2, b12 methyl, vitC, zinc, mag and loads of vit d3. The patm still exists but it's lessened by 50%.
Ocvq, is it just the patm reactions that you've or do you also suffer from bromhidrosis?
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Do not ask if the Mohos is in the sinuses and that this enters the mouth? Because I do not have any lesions on the tongue, some say they have white tongue but I have none of that, the only thing I have is an amicable amygdala but according to the doctor that is defect or caused by my allergies.

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