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Does anyone want to be part of a team dedicated to figuring out more about patm?

I feel like we need a small group of people who are willing and able to do tests to figure out what patm is. I think that this will greatly benefit the patm community and finally provide answers. I envision this to be a small group of people who are testing on themselves to figure out different things about patm like source, things that help and worsen patm, what gas causes this phenomenon to happen, theories about patm, and many other things. I dont know if anyone will want to do this or not but i am 100% willing to be a part of the team. Just in case you think there might be any type of bias in our results, we will use the scientific method and multiple people will corroborate the results.
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1880475 tn?1579232941
Please test sun exposure as I have described. Specially head and hair and it has to hit hair roots.
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