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Fart smell , but I didn't fart

hello everyone I'm a good looking guy, studying at highschool, it really hurts when you do so much for your hygiene , but still you hear people saying, you smell like poop, and people asking, how many times you take bat?

, I've had an amazing life 4 years ago, when I suddenly felt fart smell around me, first I thought it wasn't me, but even when I was alone sitting I Could smell the same odor. THn I realised tht it's me myself;

My life was going so fast, but suddenly when I realised tht everyone is back bitting about , it feels 1 hour at school is 1 month, bcz I'm becoming so depressed and nervous bcz of this problem

I'm sure the problem does nothing to do with hygiene, bcz I take a bath twice a day.

the odor isn't there 24 hours, but it suddenly appears after I just ate something, whenever sound comes out of my stomach (this happens almost every morning).

And the strange thing is that I am 100 % sure that I don't fart, but still smell tht fart odor... this is really killing, me or should I say I'm already a dead body, bcz I don't want to speak with people, I stopped contacting my friends, dont go out anymore , never had a gril friend,

I've stopped eating onions, and drinking softdrinks sodas for almost 2 years, now I don't have a bloating feeling bcz of the diet, and I don't have problems with uncontrolable farting.

sorry for my bad english, and im waiting for a solution, or I will definatly kill myself

3 Responses
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I am you - please do NOT give up - there is HELP and HOPE !!!!!  Please read all of my posts immediately !!!!!!!

God Bless you always !!!!
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PLzz help me out here

I can't find your posts, plzz help my I'm starving everyday.. plzz plzzz plzzz, I need your and gods help, I dont have hope anymore, Im thinking to kill my self , plzz help me

can I cure it?

does this disease have any name?? plzz

can doctors cure me??
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