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Mi propio PATM me afecta

It happens to me that my own PATM affects me in a way; When in a locked room I start to feel short of breath, I have difficulty breathing, I get dizzy and my head feels heavy. I don't cough. Has this happened to anyone? Do you know how I decrease those no shots?
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I most certainly can feel the effects in my throat that others feel if I sit alone in my car long enough.
Thats how I know that other people arent faking their reactions. The question is why does "it" seek out others, but attack me when there's no one else around?
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I feel the same way except for the head feeling heavy part. I also feel hot too. I think in my case I'm just becoming stressed out though.
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Creo que es porque no estas recibiendo el oxigeno necesario. Sabemos que patm es un gas y entonces sabemos que en tiempo, un cuarto se llenara con este gas. Creo que la solucion es respirar aire fresco y abrir una ventana en tu cuarto para que se quite el gas de patm. Una simptoma de patm es un dolor de cabeza entonces es probable que el dolor de cabeza viene de un production abnormal de el gas que causa este simptoma especifica.
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