Hey guys my name is Paul Im 28 from the uk and I have been suffering from this condition called PATM since I went to primary school .it has totally ruined my life and my career and affects me day to day, though it does tend to come and go.I have all the reactions whenever I am around people from coughing fits,sneezing fits ,rubbing of the eyes and nose and on the very rare occasion a comment from someone about a bad smell at work or out in public places,I am a very clean person I take 2-3 showers a day .wear aftershave deodarant etc..though sometimes i can smell a strange odour as soon as i get out of the shower,when i ask someone if i smell they say im being ridiculous. I find day to day life a struggle .I have tried so many things that people suggest and nothing has worked so far ,from diet change .supplements etc... i have met the love of my life and even she is getting reactions .i really dont know how much more i can take of this **** and i dont want her to leave me.i was doing a tattoo apprentaship,and there were no reactions at all ,then 6,7 months later and everyone that come into the shop would cough like mad .clear there throats etc .and when people act like this around me i have really bad anxiety and cant deal with it .because i couldnt concerntrate on the job i left .and i was doing really well .i try to get on with everyday life and be happy but i find it near enough impossible ,doctors just think your mad and so does everybody else that ive spoken to about it .i feel like im going mad but the thing is im not. If i didnt have a gorgeous daughter from my past relationship and a fantastic misses then i honestly wouldnt think twice about being here .how do people cope with this **** ?live there lives as normal as possible with people constantly coughing at you ,sneezing around you ,rubbing there noses ,rubbing the eyes as soon as you get on a train or go to a public place .people thinking your crazy because of this when you explain .and were really not crazy at all .thanks for reading this essay and i know there are a lot of people suffering out there and i just want to say that i really do feel for you guys and i wouldnt wish this on anybody because this condition is awful and is a compleat nightmare to live with .wish you all the best of luck .and i hope that there is a cure for this **** someday . Thanks
8 Responses
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God bless you , please do not ever give up - your treasured daughter needs her Daddy always !!!

You can do this , you have the power - I have walked in your shoes and know your pain !!!

To be  patm free I choose to be proactive 365 days a year !!

Please detox ( youtube and research) your body regularly , get the bad stuff out of your body - it takes time and continuous focus - sauna helps also, take Epsom salt baths daily , fragrance free soaps and products, oil pulling daily

I choose a majority plant based food choices

to help build up the good stuff in your body : lglutamine powder, probiotics and just recently discovered the need for PREBIOTICS also for our gut ( do your research on all I have suggested!!!!!)

I am discovering the benefits of resistant starch
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I learning a lot about candida parasites and sibo. See a gastro, get a colon hydrotherapy session. This helped me but not long term
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17489628 tn?1458796338
I feel your pain man.  I've noticed as of 3 weeks ago that i have patm, but now that i think back, i know ive had this longer.  I agree w everything u said.  This is horrible, and i wouldn't wish it on anybody.  All we can do is cleanse our body, clean it out, and stay strong.  Shoot its tough though i know.  My life was normal not too long ago.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Ive made changes to my diet, i take probiotics, parasite cleansers, and other supplements now.  It has only been 3 weeks so im not too sure of the progress yet. Ive done tons of research and basically im killing bad bacteria that cause certain odors.  Idk if im targeting the right parasites or if parasites/ bacteria are even the problem, but i have noticed other conditions on my body clearing up.  I exercise all the time and have lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks.  

Work is hard, especially on the bad days since i am around hundreds of ppl everyday.  I notice coughs and nose rubbing everyday.  Fortunately i will b working from home soon where i will continue to monitor myself and see what works.  Hopefully they set me up fast cuz this is VERY stressful to try to keep a job where u are around so many ppl.  I have taken up my old hobby of DJ'ing and am making more money than my job.  It provides me peace of mind to do what i love and the money is great too.  

U just have to adapt my friend.  U have ur kids, which i do not have yet.  I have always had many friends that are girls and use to have fun as either friends or more, and now i am so nervous to even be around anybody for too long.  I have told a handful of friends about this problem.  My fam thinks im cray cray, so i have stopped tellin ppl bout this problem.  If u need sum1 to talk to u can hit me up, i have realized the best support comes from ppl who have the same problem.  

So what helps me the most is having ppl to relate to, i just need to build up my contacts w some of u guys.  Also, anything to de stress after a long day is a necessity.  I lift weights and workout, like i go HARD when i lift. Builds up ur immune system, and that feeling of pain while ur working out takes ur mind off things and truly helps heal after a long day.  U just have to put yourself in a place that is bearable for u.  
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Your still around brother?   I understand.  My wife and 4 children are leaving  of the reactions.  She’s on my side but with them
Starting to react to me also  We made the hard decision to spend a month apart to see if the kids get better.  I have a lot of info although no answers but if you wanna cross check any info please contact me.  I was a normal dude 2 years ago.  Now this s***.  I’m on it though.  Cant quit I already tried and it’s not an option.
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2 years for me again .... we kill this ******* **** !
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First of all, your post touched a nerve in me. I fought this for two long hard years and I have just about won. It took everything from me. Once it was done taking all manner of material possessions and achievements, it started to take my basic humanity to the point that I could easily have never helped a single person more with this after I had cured myself.

There is so much noise upon noise on these open forums . I have said many times before that this condition appears to attack basic objectivity in the first instance. After that, the victim is stuck in a cycle .

My insights here have cost me all I have in life . Many thousands , many hours and some jobs . Please please read and take to heart .

Let me get to the point :

This is a parasite issue . Even if doctors have told you otherwise . Parasite tests are about 1% accurate . UK doctors are not educated in them . There is a huge , silent epidemic of parasites in the western world. Over the Counter drugs do not cut it and will make it worse.  It is important to accept this because knowing what it is is half of the battle .

It is a brutal reality that there will be no important person confirming this to you . There will be no scientific test confirming this to you ( with some exception ) . Please see all of my other posts .

PATM is a symptom of a systemic parasite infestation . In my journey, I truly witnessed some "other worldly " symptoms like people who reacted over the phone and in cars whilst I stood on the street; the instantaneous faster than light speed reactions. I reasoned that there was no way in hell that mere parasites could do this .

My general advice to you is to stop confiding in others about this . It is counter intuitive, but , trust me , you will lose more than you gain .  You need a lot of time to fight this . you do not want to be the KNOWN itchmeister whilst doing so . You will need all the money you can get !

I spent my life savings on the mother of all Parasite cleanses . The Nuclear apocalypse of parasite cleanses . There is not a single supplement, herb or anti parasite drug I have not tried, so this is expensive advice I am giving to you.

I took so much , I am not sure if my success was a cumulative effect of the whole , but please read my other posts where I detail the star protocols.

Along the journey, it dawned on me that I had been infected for decades . See, there are other symptoms you will simply dismiss as a result of age, allergies, cravings , etc .

Right now, I have about a 1% reaction rate and getting better. From my observation, there is simply some product coming from the body that is promoted by the weakened presence of a huge colony of parasites that makes people react . This means that even when getting better, you must allow some room for reactions , but the key is to kill the life cycle of the parasites.  They deposit on your body and clothing , so people are also reacting to your clothing .

I was my clothes with two spoons of chlorine Granules. You can get this from Bunnings and in most cases it will not destroy clothes .

Here is a list of products you will need to take a small mortgage to obtain for as long as this lasts.

1. Oregano oil Capsules ( This will kill them off in the brain / scalp , ear areas )

2. Fresh Clove .  Eat it. Make tea with it . Bathe in it . ( Will kill all of the eggs

3. Zink  ( Your body will use up all its reserves fighting )

4. Vitamin C

5. There is a protocol called the L NAC protocol , used for Moregellons . Try a cycle of this along side the above products or whilst on a break from them . Whilst it was not a cure in of itself for me, I feel that it got my body to where it needs to be to finally start fighting back .

6. Cycle a Wormwood and Black Walnut cleanse .

7. MMS - as much as you can afford

Of all those, if I had to use only those I could afford, I would go for the Oregano and Clove. They are complete magic . I thought I was cured on the spot when I first started on Oregano . It was hiding in plain sight all along !

If you have tried any of these products and found them to not work ( like me ) , it is because of the nature of the pathogen  and its life cycle . This is a protracted Vietnam type war ( one you will win ), not a Falklands weekend type skirmish . Cycle products relentlessly and be creative .

Here is an example of creativity . So , last night, it dawned on me that the parasites breed , feed party or whatever as I sleep . Thus, I woke up at 4am and took a dose of Wormwood and Blakwalnut and Zinc .

It's nasty to contemplate, but , I am at the point where I feel them dying off in the recesses of my intestines. I here whirling high pitched noises ( sound like hunger pangs , but they are not ) .

Oh , I know 100% that this is parasites for the following reason also : Since I started winning the battle. I have had dream upon dream. Lucid dream upon lucid dream. Each increasing in its pleasantness . This from a point of not recalling a  single dream for many years . I even had one where I was evicting random strangers from my home which seemed to be my body communicating to me .

Any way . Keep up the fight . Good luck.
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Great post.  I agree with a lot you said.   These parasites seem to communicate with each other.  I can see a few swimming in my eyes. Doctors dismissed me time and time again. I have 4 children at home and I can make them react just by looking at them almost any time.  I feel they are inside them also. I’m teying to keep hope.   I don’t know I’ve collect so much info these last 2 years.   Thanks for your time in posting.  
The ones I see swimming in my eyes are what makes me think parasites.  It’s the only concrete proof I have for myself. Proof I can see.   I have the leaky gut and failing pancreas now also.  But only because of patm.  I was strong before all this.
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I don't really know the answer but are
we really crazy?
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To people going through PATM,try to take a lot of probiotics,drink lot of clean warm water and eat healthy a lot .. I hope this answer help u guys because it seems the effects of my patm started to lose its effects after 3 weeks(people still sneeze when I talked but there is no anymore a cough sounds).I believe the patm was actually a bad gas that was released from our stomach and we need to care for it.Hope this help u.
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