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Has anyone watched Root cause on Netflix?

I found that documentary to be so interesting! Anyone ever gotten a root canal done and now has PATm? I’ve never gotten one done but I’m just wondering.
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If someone got PATM after having a root canal then I would think that the antibiotics are the culprit, and not the procedure itself.
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Zetti444, you should watch the documentary
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I watched it last night and it definitely made me think. There are a lot of unknowns in medicine and I think PATM is just one disease that falls in the realm of the unknown. There has to some root cause to what we are all experiencing, but I'm just not sure what that is. I've read through most of the posts and comments here. I've reviewed a spreadsheet of questions that many members answered years ago. I just can't find any sort of common past experience that links us all together. Maybe we should resurface a survey to try to find commonalities that may direct us to what caused PATM. This isn't going to be an easy quest without support from the medical community, but perhaps we can start to document more of what we are learning.
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That documentary inspired me to make an appointment with a holistic doctor until she told me the price of the first visit ! $800 !!! Of course my insurance doesn’t accept holistic doctors. Bummer ! And I told the secretary about PATM, she must have thought I was crazy lol. She made me spell it and then she goes I’m not sure if I can help you but we can try :/
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I sent you over my naturopathic Doctors information to you email.  I talked to her today and told her you may contact her.  She will not charge you anything.   She has been really trying to help me. With our different environments and same problem maybe she will be able to see something that we are missing.   Please let me know how it goes.  
Take care
Does your naturopath consult patients in other states?
I'm not sure of her normal practises.  I live in CA. and she is in WA.   I referred findacure111 to her because or symptoms are similar and I'm doing all I can to find answers.  I still believe that this has to do with frequencies.  What is in us causing this I don't know yet.   But I believe that smells carry on this thing.   That's why some people believe it is the smells. What ever they have for an odor it carries.  But the car to car I experience and the over the phone others experience leads me to believe the answers are in the frequencies.   I also havent ruled out nero transmitters somehow being expelled in an incorrect way.   I will ask the Dr. If she is interested in any more patients.  
Thank you! I also believe it is frequencies. This travels over video conference line even when I am on mute and camera is not on.
Thank you helpsavemykids I will check it out
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Yes I had a root canal done before PATM started.
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Very interesting documentary with seemingly logical arguments. I did have a root canal many years ago. I will explore with my dentist.
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