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Still no cure

I feel bad for the people around me still no cure.
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have you tried the Reishi mentioned in hopeful12345's "PATM CURE Part 2" thread?
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No but yeaterday a guy at the gas station threatened me saying im going to die and i cant do anything about whats going on i told doctors about whats going on with me but i still know they dont believe me even though everyone in the office starts to cough when my presence comes in. But i lnow the security gaurd has noticed me cause of his reaction when i come to the office constantly and he tries to leave while im there.
I've come across unstable people all the time both before and after PATM, did your PATM provoke him? maybe, but it could have been something else or nothing like it is with people sometimes.

Everywhere I go people cough I know that feeling, at work, in the train, going to purchase groceries, I am not sure how long you've had this but for me the first 6 months was worst.

The guard reacting to you might be reacting to you subconsciously as in his gut feeling tells him to go away from the room, I know that some people get really bad reactions from my PATM and not all of them are visible.

Try to adjust your diet its not 100% and its not instant but it should reduce reactions if done consistently.

Its a pretty exclusive NO sugar,dairy,red meat,gluten,coffee or alcohol

I eat vegetables,sometimes small amount of chicken or fish and a small amount berries even though sugar is otherwise a no no

I am waiting for the reishi and I am hoping its the final piece to the puzzle

I recommend that you should try eliminating the NO things from your diet first because they all cause either inflammation or gut issues.

Hang in there!
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Hang in there! The first few months were very rough for me too but if you are losing hope you are being too selfless. We deserve to have everything that everyone else has in life, so what if people around us cough, they are not going to die around us. I came to accept that I might have patm for the rest of my life but that sure is not going to prevent me from living it to the fullest.
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You will not have PATM forever. i got rid of mine for 2 entire years and it came back due to high stress and aggressive antibiotics. Be hopeful.
This has been my curse for 7+ years ive notice this happening for 7 years but it could of been longer but didnt realize it. Now that ive realized it I've been separating myself from everyone even friends and family but when i do come in contact with them they start to cough sneeze and get constipated ans want to throw up. It hurts me bad because i care for the people and wish i didnt have this effect towards anyone.
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The government knows . The doctors are not informed. For example the romaine lettuce -- everyone was informed to take it off shelves. There are soooo many grants for biofilm disrupters currently and yet only a handful in clinical trials -- it's bs dragging their heels
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i just get the 'sniffles' from people, Im not sure if im emitting some kind of odor or what, When i have the best hygiene ever. Feelsbadman#
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