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How do you guys function at work with PATM?

How do you guys function at work with PATM? Do you feel you give others stomachaches?
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Yes i feel like i give them diarea constipation dizziness stomach aches. I was told by a doctor that it could be bad bacteria overgrowth a particular kind of bacteria that floats and it doesnt just drop like a raindrop but it floats like pollen. There has to be a healthy balance in the digestive organs. I would recommend that the person not give up their job though even if you feel bad or if people treat you like trash. Assure yourself of a shelter . at the sametime you dont want people talking about the problem because cops can initiate an investigation against people for being ill or disordered.  Thats what happened to me and its hell they wont stop following me and turning people against me. Believe me the cops will persecute theyre heartless. Have a good day
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I just ignore the complaints about sick stomachs and feeling hot it just like I ignore the allergic reactions, nobody has ever blamed me for causing anything and I would shoot myself in the foot by trying to convince people about PATM.
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How bad do people react around you ?
Hi FindaCure1111,

Different people react differently, most common ones are coughing, running nose,scratching face and nose, stomach aches, red faces. I would still say that the strongest reaction are the people that don't have any visible symptom but avoid me and leave the room as soon as I enter and so on.

Also I hate that people start treating you differently mid conversation like there is a small delay for some people to feel uncomfortable.

Still life goes on and I wish I could say I have better and worse days BUT PATM just seems to be pretty much a constant problem that is always present.

Seriously researching ways to make money without interacting with other people so that I could at least afford to live and live a peaceful life.
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