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How is your life?

Are there any mature / elderly people here who suffer from PATM most of their lives?  I just really want to know, how is your life?  How much has this condition affected your life? Is it really that bad? Have you been able to find peace and happiness despite this problem?  I hope you are doing well.
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I would like to know mostly about career, family/relationships. I just wonder, if I will suffer with it until the rest of my life, is it possible to be at least content with my life. O wonder if it’s possible to live like a normal person with such condition? Like, to have a stable job, decent home, spouse and kids.
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If you are approximately between 17 and 25 years old, it is possible to plan already with a view to the future having PATM, it is difficult, but it is a good age, to choose careers that in the future give you independence, look for ways to invest, save, buy a house in places in the field, being with people who are not affected by your PATM, that exists, there are people who are not affected by the PATM. It is NOT necessary to have a partner, you can rent a belly in the future when you are economically sustainable. You focus only on saving, investing, having careers that add to your independence ........ It will be difficult, but it seems to me that it is possible. make that effort. Unfortunately, I discovered my PATM at the age of 27 when I already had other plans which all fell apart, all my plans were thrown away to the point that I got to rent a room, where it was even worse to hear like the neighbors They felt my PATM, hehe. Now slowly I return to my studies and work, that if, again to save, to be calmer, I bought a guitar for entertainment, I bought saxophone, I bought a gamer PC, etc., I bought everything that kept me entertained there at home or more independently, from time to time I go to ride a motorcycle, I go there far to go around mountains, I also go to crowded places when I am relaxed and my PATM is low, etc ... It is possible, quietly. It becomes difficult for you when your happiness depends on the other, when you want to follow the path of the majority that is; dance, have a girlfriend, have children, looking for happiness in the other, etc ..... That could tell you.
Hi! Thank you for your advice. I’m glad that you found a way to manage this problem and.  Stay strong and take care!
Hi ocvq
Why you repeat several times the same. Do you have TOC?
That my writing bothers you is your problem, I will repeat how many times it seems to me ..... It is what works for me, therefore, I try to at least alleviate something. Do you have something to contradict? Cite some of what he wrote and refute it on argued grounds. If not, you're just another hater clown.
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It's nerves.
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Are you the nervous type? Somewhat shy? Get flushed when you hear your name in public? Too jittery to tell a joke to friends? Drink coffee? Smoke cigarettes? Use other stimulates?
You are releasing a chemical, particularly from your feet? Do your feet sweat alot? Does your very own chemical release make your eyes water? Do people look at you and know?
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If any of this makes sense, let me know.
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