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The bugs of PATM.

As far as I can tell from personal experience and all the web reports on PATM(the so-called "electrical type") it looks very likely that PATM is being caused by an infection/colonization of our bodies by one or more microorganisms. The main problem lies in identifying which ones.

There is a strong evidence from blood tests done by others that mycotoxin producing molds might be implicated, but I wonder if this is directly or maybe indirectly. What I mean by indirectly is - what if mold is just a symptom? Maybe some other bug is causing our immune system to become so out of whack that it cannot properly recognize or handle mold/fungal infections?

There are a few bacterial and viral infections out there that can cause this to happen. Unfortunately there are many of them and it would be quite hard for most of us to get tested for potentially a huge list of infections and there is a big possibility for false negative. So the intent of this thread is for everyone to post any tests for Viral/Bacterial infections that they have done and or that they want to get done, so a total coverage is bigger than one person can afford.

Let me know what you think.

So far I have done the following tests:

Helicobacter pylori  - Blood AB - negative
Chlamydia Pneumoniae - throat swab PCR - negative
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae - throat swab PCR - negative
Regular Aerobic/Anaerobic Bacterial Blood culture - negative
Stool Salmonella, Shingella, Campylobacter, E. Coli 0157, Yersinia - negative

I have a hunch that this could be one of the Mycobacteria, Legionella, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma/Ureaplasma, H. Pylori, or some other such small or intra-cellular bacteria. They are really small, hard to detect, most labs/doctors don't test for them, they have complex metabolism pathways and can potentially get a slew of bodily systems out of whack. They are good at evading and fooling the immune system and are implicated and suspected to cause a variety of autoimmune conditions.  Some of these can mimic other infections on presentation and can colonize mucus membranes producing slime/mucus/biofilm etc. Others who post here have had had some similar suspicions.

Unfortunately I live far from any decent lab and have hard time convincing my doctor to get these panels done, but am I thinking of alternate routes, specifically about going somewhere abroad where there are decent walk-in labs that can test for some of these.
Another option would be trying to empirical treatment with appropriate antibiotics, which I might have had some success with in the past as I was treated for something else. Good luck though finding doctor who will agree to this though unless you have additional symptoms besides PATM.

I don't know if this is it, but I think his is one of the main areas worth exploring.
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Some interesting reads:



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"Volatile Compounds Emitted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Stimulate Growth of the Fungal Pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus"

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Has anyone taken medication for this specific fungus?
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