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I think I found the cure for PATM. Glutem free diet. Read this story.

My opinion.

Fecal body odor doesn't mean the smell comes from your skin, but it mean you are passing gas unconscious. Also it comes from your mouth and nose. I have this issue; it will fill the whole room and travel far in the office like 25 meters. And I eat gluten in the morning and lunch. After eat everybody will sneeze,cough, laugh and cover their nose. Bad breath after brushing. And very gassy. I think I have this problem 6 years now. But it became stronger 3 years ago.

Since I red this post yesterday I have hope now. But I feel extra embarrassed.

All this years I have this problem and nobody was friendly enough to talk to me to help? I spoke about this problem with more than 10 people even my family. But they said they can't smell anything. But they will act weird like avoid to speak with me. Or will take a step back. Everybody is dead for me. Because if you gossip and laugh about me. You don't love me. You don't have any right to be in my life anymore. I have extra good hygiene since I notice this problem and I spent alot of money to find solution is like I have a drugstore,toothpaste and pills, in my house. Nothing helps. 

Might you guys you can't smell yourself. But people will react. I think this is the solution. I'll start today with gluten free diet. 


This is a story that I found on the internet the writer wrote it 6 years ago. Wrote by glasters.



to those suffering from "fecal body odor" - my story and cure c u r e z o n e . o r g  


I suffered from what this community calls "fecal body odor" from the age of 15-18/19. I actually think I found this message board all those years ago. I'm now 26 and 100% cured and never once have had a reoccurrence. I remember how my life was back then and how it is now and it is a complete turn around. When I finally figured out what my problem was and got to a place where I could sit in a room and have a normal conversation, be treated like a normal person, I literally cried of happiness.  

Around 15 years old, I started to get comments about odor. I wasn't sure if it was caused by me at first, but then after I kept hearing the comments, I became aware that it was me. Strangely enough, I couldn't smell it myself.  

As you can imagine or have experienced, the mental torment is almost unbearable. As a kid in high school, I was frequently in close proximity of a group of kids. After about a year of suffering through this, I became well known as "the kid who smells like ****". I had a small group of friends, who never really commented on it, but the signs were there - opening windows in winter, keeping a distance, etc.  

Since I couldn't prove it myself, I pleaded with my parents to go to the doctor. It wasn't till I was older that we actually started going to the doctor, and even then I think they didn't believe me. So I was stuck with it. After reading through a couple of these posts, I see all the same patterns. OCD about cleanliness, charcoal, strange rituals, enemas, colognes/perfumes, etc. I even remember trying to use bleach to clean myself. Dumb idea.  

I nearly always had a little bit of gas. Since I was afraid of the smell getting worse, I would hold it in and go to the bathroom to release whenever I could. I would never have any stains or actual ****/liquid, so I was perplexed as to what was happening to me. When I started going to the doctor, I got all sorts of random diagnoses - even one doctor said it might just be me growing up. What the f*** does that even mean?????  

I remember one especially humiliating day in my life, my Science teacher called a random seat reassignment. Everyone got up, and she called kids to their seats one by one. I started getting worried it was about me. When I was one of the last 5 or so kids, I got so ashamed my face turned beet red. To make it even more humiliating for me, she left one seat open in front of me, one seat open behind me and then put the class trouble maker in the very last seat. A kid in the class asked why they changed seats, The teacher didn't answer. One of the kids said "It's because x smells like ****". It was agonizing. Since it had been a while suffering through this, and being publicly humiliated was a common occurrence at that point, I felt like I needed to escape. I went home and was ready to kill myself. I went to the bathroom, filled up the tub, and got in with the knife. I sat there for hours. I couldn't do it.  

The most tormenting part of this period of my life was the psychological torture. Since I couldn't smell it myself, I began to try to confirm or disprove with friends and only the closest of friends. All I wanted was to know. When I was working with a good friend of mine, at the end of the shift, he openly said "Dude, you smell like ***." He told me about it and how everyone knew. He said it wasn't all the time, and sometimes it was much worse and sometimes it was just a little bit. I finally had someone be upfront with me about it after over a year of dealing with the issue.  

My symptoms:  
Odor - described as "****", "farts", or "it stinks in here"  
Inability to detect own odor  
Foul smelling stool  
A weird bubbling in my lower right gut after eating  

My (self found) cure:  
At the end of it all, no doctor was able to help. I tried all sorts of diets, but it was one in particular that cured me. For 6 weeks straight, I ate nothing but boiled chicken breast, white rice with no seasoning, egg whites, and green pea pods (low in fructose). My symptoms slowly decayed until they were completely gone. I started reincorporating things into my diet, and noticed them come back. Through the process of elimination, I had nailed it down to gluten. two years of suffering - all because of gluten. After completely eliminating gluten from my diet, I was cured. This is much more difficult than it appears, and it can't be half-assed. If you want to be free of this - it has to be 100% adherence without any slip ups. I'm sure if you went through what I had to go through, you won't have trouble finding the motivation to do this.  

My life is on the right track. I moved as soon as I could, and began a new life. I graduated near the top of my class, and I'm now working in NYC at a top consulting firm. This wouldn't have been possible with the debilitating and strange disorder I had when I was younger. I don't think I would be alive today had I been suffering this long.  

Please, if you have not tried it, and the above story/symptoms sound familiar to you, you need to try a 100% strict gluten-free diet. I would also suggest following the "zero-chance" diet I followed above to maximize your body's ability to heal.  

I felt the need to share my story and my cure. I don't expect it to be the cure all for all of you, but I know for a fact it will be the way for some of you. Good luck."
7 Responses
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You know why I think it's gluten. Because of this issues I ate vegan for 3 to 4 months straight. The situation got worse my breath would mild a little but I was always very gassy.

This week I eat only bread with salad and rice. Same reaction and same embarrassment. I tought what's going on. If I don't it animal proteins I have the same reaction. I thought this is impossible. Since I red the post of gluten. I can understand it. Because I never stopped to eat gluten.

That's why someone that would be vegan for a long period, but  still have PATM. Because they will not stop eat gluten. If it gluten intolerant it will be good, because I can some protiens.

I did a gluten blood test and parasite test 2 years ago and it came out negative.
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you have to avoid gluten to heal from candida and the smell would come by candida in your skin, on the belly candida grows fast sometimes and you don’t see it
put some white clay on your belly every day to dry the candida and kill it, it grows into humidity, sorry for the english im french girl
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Leaky gut is 1 hypothesis for cause of PATM, glutein is in everything affordable food so avoiding it is hard.
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That's not true, you can eat gluten free. Wheat, barley and rey is the ones that trigger odor and PATM. Their planty more that you can eat, you can eat rice and mais.

Do some research on gluten intolerance. Don't give up and accept it. If someone could fight it and be free, we can do it also.

Use your pain to find that discipline to eat gluten free. Every time you want to eat bread remember your embarrassment.

My freedom, worth my effort.
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I tried that diet for almost half a year, it did not have any effect .........
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I dont think its just a question of glutten free. I think it has more to do with inflammation in general. Lots of glutten free foods still cause inflamation. I am working on a similar hypothesis but mine is a little more complicated. I am using everyone around me as test subjects, where before everyone was my tormentors maybe now they can be my saviors (unknowingly of course) or at least help me try and figure this out. Sometimes I feel discouraged because I keep seeing reactions and sometimes am on top of the world because it feels like am close to solving it. I mean think about it guys if one of us (or a few of us) are able to solve this then there wont be nothing we wont be able to do. It would be like winning the lottery, probably even better because we would have done it ourselves.
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I salute your attitude.   That's exactly how I feel.  Can't rely on anyone nowadays.  I'm working on this daily.  If not a cure at least who/what gave this to me .  It is NOT natural.  Good luck brother/sister.
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What am working on is the inflammation in my body, particular in my nose. In my particular case I believe my nose was damaged from a fight I had as.teen and I never got it fixed.  So that plus chronic inflammation due to a poor diet restricts my air intake and sense of smell. I know because when ever I go to eating nothing but vegetables and green salads for a couple of days I start to get my sense of smell back. I believe this is one of the keys to my problem. Unfortunately I revert back to poor eating habbits after a week or so because dieting like that is so hard. So I believe that at least in my case it probably isnt just one thing but probably a few things like damaged nose, inflammation (from poor diet or food sensitivities and allergies) I even have a fatty liver from drinking and poor diet, thats causing all this. I think that am probably not getting the oxygen that I need and due also to inflammation my body probably isnt absorbing it the way it should, because think about it if your nose suffers inflamations then so does the rest of your body( air ways, lungs, intestines etc.) Maybe my fatty liver probably isnt helping either. Anyway thats What am working on.

I started suspecting something like this a few years ago when a would fast for days at a time then all of a sudden I could smell better. Also somebody else posted on here that they got a blood transfussion because they had low oxygen levels in their blood and they said they noticed their patm went away, so am not the only one. I recently purchased a couple of those cans that come filled with 95% oxygen supposedly, and the last few days Ive been keeping one in my car and everytime I go into a crowded place I take a few inhalations to see if it reduces the reactions. So far I think it does but I cant say for sure because the effect doesnt last but 10 to 15 minutes and the undelaying problem is still there. That a long with the diet is what I am working on more intensely now. Its not easy. Dieting is hard but If I can find a stronger corralation then my next step would be to go see a dr about getting my nose fixed and also checking for food intolerances or sensitivities.

Anyway thats what am working on right now.
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To people going through PATM,try to take a lot of probiotics,drink lot of clean warm water and eat healthy a lot .. I hope this answer help u guys because it seems the effects of my patm started to lose its effects after 3 weeks(people still sneeze when I talked but there is no anymore a cough sounds).I believe the patm was actually a bad gas that was released from our stomach and we need to care for it.Hope this help u.
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To people going through PATM,try to take a lot of probiotics,drink lot of clean warm water and eat healthy a lot .. I hope this answer help u guys because it seems the effects of my patm started to lose its effects after 3 weeks(people still sneeze when I talked but there is no anymore a cough sounds).I believe the patm was actually a bad gas that was released from our stomach and we need to care for it.Hope this help u.
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