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I was wrong

I think i was wrong. In order to get rid of patm you have to focus on your lungs not your gut. I have been using lime water to get rid of patm in the morning but for some reason it always comes back even if i feel really good when im falling asleep, i always wake up reseting my progress. Btw when i wake up, i wake up with a weird taste in my mouth and if i spit into an empty water bottle, my spit isnt clear. So anyways i didnt think much of patm coming back in the morning because i thought i just wasnt fully cleaning out my stomach but after time and time again i realized that regardless of the amount of reactions i had when i fell asleep, i always woke up with a variable amount of patm/weird taste in the morning. I was wondering why that kept happening and then it hit me like a truck, the patm doesnt originate from the gut, we are constantly breathing it in and then when we sleep we breathe in our own breath which then dissolves into our mouth which then goes into our gut if we dont wash it out in the morning. I am not sure if this is 100% true because i still need to test out one thing but i am almost certain this is true because it just makes way more sense now. I think that the way to see if the theory is true is to get an air purifier or to somehow get out all the bad air in your lungs but i dont know how you could do that, maybe breathing in pure oxygen or doing breathing exercises? It also explains why our breath is so foggy, its because the gas form of patm is much easier to heat than water vapor which is what we normally exhale. If i remember correctly, water is the very hard to heat up because you need to break hydrogen bonds in order for a phase change to happen, and hydrogen bonds are the strongest bonds in the periodic table so if you put liquid water and liquid soap in the same 99°c temperature then the water wont boil but the soap will.
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Of course the toxins comes back. All people have them. With our condition, it's much worse for us.
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What do you mean by toxins? And if patmers have more toxins then what specially is that toxin?
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I think i just confirmed it today. I went to sleep away from any wall because when i breathe out then i will just breathe in my own breath. I also opened the window right next to me so that the gas i exhale doesnt stay trapped in my room for me to breathe again. I woke up and i didnt have much if at all residue in my mouth. If i continue to do this then i think i will effectively get rid of patm breath but the problem is that i dont know how to get rid of the gas in our lungs so before i actually get rid if it, i need to figure out how to get rid of the gas. Does anyone know how to clean out your lungs? If theres even a way? My guess is that exercise works at least a little and maybe an air purifier will also work over time even doing breathing exercises might work but we might have to take drastic measures like breathing in pure oxygen. I dont know how to do it so if you do then please let know.
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That weird taste on your tongue in the morning is toxins that your body is trying to expell. Gargle with coconut oil for 5-10 minutes in the morning and this will help that condition.
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But it only helps until the next morning then it comes back.

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