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PATM Information

Let’s start by identify foods that feed candida.

Sugar comes in many forms. Any processed and packaged foods, are filled with it. Even healthier options like fruit and whole grains are candida promoters.Sugar. To most of us the first thing that comes to mind is table sugar and candy bars. You might be thinking, “But I barely eat that stuff.”

Breads, pasta, grains, corn, fruit, root vegetables, alcohol, all these things when eaten in excess contribute to an overgrowth. So where do we start?

Reduce your intake on processed and refine carbohydrates. Start by cutting back, or better yet, completely eliminating bread and any wheat products from your diet. Wheat, even whole wheat, rapidly breaks down into sugar, and can quickly being to over feed candida.

Get in the habit of reading ingredient labels. If you can’t pronounce or recognize something in the ingredients list, just avoid the product altogether. Stick to simple whole foods.

The Paleo approach, the Raw Food diet, and Macrobiotic approaches to how we eat share similar eating habits which make up a healthy diet.
•no processed or refined foods
•choosing fresh fruits and vegetables
•incorporating lots of dark leafy greens and above ground vegetation
•limiting the consumption of grains and legumes, and if eating them sticking to gluten-free whole grains like amaranth and quinoa
•minimal dairy, if consumed should be fermented such as homemade kefir or yoghurt
•eating plenty of nuts and seeds
•buying organic produce and animal products
•consuming more healthy dietary fats such as olive oil, avocados and coconut
•eating locally and whats in season
•drink more water, no alcohol or sodas
•eating plenty of fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir, kimchi

Basically getting in touch with our roots and eating lik e our ancestors, before food was industrialized and agriculture was introduced.

I’m not saying you need to completely drop everything and adopt this new kinda of lifestyle, but definitely allow yourself to be influence by these new eating habits.

Simple things such as serving your chicken breast on a bed of romaine lettuce rather than next to a wad of mashed potatoes or rice for dinner.

Switching out the sugar in your kitchen with stevia, a fabulous natural sugar alternative. It’s actually part of the mint family, its 100x sweeter than sugar, and has absolutely no effect on your blood sugar levels. You can use it to sweeten your teas and smoothies. I absolutely love this stuff.

These minor adjustments can help prevent another candida invasion because if you revert back to a Standard American Diet, candida will come back.

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Candida, What Is It And Why Is It My Problem?

Lets go over the basics.  

What is Candida?

As you probably already know, Candida is a fungal yeast that naturally lives in your gut, and when left over fed and unattended it spreads throughout the body causing numerous health problems.

Candida overgrowth is actually one of the most common health problems out there right now.

Practically everyone has some sort of overgrowth and it can be difficult to pin point because it has dozens of symptoms that we either brush off as nothing or confuse for other more serious chronic health problems.

Candida is a ruthless, and if left untreated, it will kill you and eat you, literally. It was naturally designed to begin the decomposition of your body when you die.

The Candida Circle Of Life

Candida yeast, the natural bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract, and sugar have a little ‘circle of life’ system going on inside of you.

You eat food > food gets turned into sugar > candida yeast eats excess sugar > bacteria eats the candida.

It’s crucial to keep a healthy balance between all 3 aspects, otherwise a candida overgrowth occurs.

With the standard American lifestyle today its no wonder most of the population is suffering from candida. Diets high in sugar and refined carbohydrates are sweeping the nation, antibiotics are being handed out left, right, and centre, and people’s immune systems can’t keep up.

What most people don’t know is that carbohydrates are basically sugar and  at the rate we’re consuming them provides candida with a 24 hour, 7 days a week all you can eat buffet. Way too much sugar in our diets!

Antibiotics kill off bacteria in the gut, the bad, and the good. After a drug cycle its very important to repopulate the good bacteria. Unfortunately most people aren’t educate to do so by their doctors and the gut is left barren.

Take a second to think back, when was the last time you took a probiotic? And how many times in your life have you taken an antibiotic?

Another underlining factor to an overgrowth is stress. Your body reacts to stress by creating a hormone called cortisol which raises your blood sugar (again, excess sugar) and suppresses the immune system leaving the body unarmed and candida with the upper hand for an invasion.

So now candida has no bacteria around to eat it, has copious amounts of food available, and no enemy soldiers around to attack it, of course its going to take advantage of this glorious opportunity and take over. It’s the rule of ‘survival of the fittest’ and unfortunately for us, we’ve taken a step down in the food chain.

The Invasion Begins

Once the candida yeast penetrates the intestinal walls, it travels through the circulatory system changes into its fungal form and sets up camp in other organs and tissues.

Candida fungus has 2 lines of defense:
•it’s equipped with a chitin armor layer similar to the exoskeletons of cockroaches and beetles
•it releases poisonous mycotoxins that have a cross reaction with your natural antibodies influencing your own immune system to attack the very thing it’s protecting, your body.

There are so many symptoms of candida because depending on what area of the body the fungus has inhabited determines the symptoms.
•the brain: depression, anxiety
•the nervous system: chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia
•the gastrointestinal tract: gas, constipation, IBS, Crohn’s disease
•the skin - acne, rashes, itchy skin, athletes foot

With a tampered immune system you are more susceptible to getting sick, you take longer to heal, and you constantly feel fatigued. It’s as if your body is working graveyard shifts, overtime and a half, and with a pay cut in order to survive.
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Candida seems to be a part of PATM and cutting down on sugar helps. My dermatologist actually noted that much of the acne on my back was related to candida. In so far as we have a serious Candida problem, the idea that it could physically affect others is what confuses me. Surely others have worse Candida infections, it must be our bodies biology and the response we have to it.
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Candida, once it crosses the blood barrier morphs into fungus and can spread all over and anywhere in your body. For some it manifests as joint pain for others ear aches but for us its PATM etc. Our intestines have eroded which allows Candida that turns into fungus to reach every corner of our bodies.  

Candida Albicans is a fungal yeast that is present
naturally in the human gut; everyone has Candida
albicans living within them to some extent. Our gut is
also full of natural bacteria that feed on the yeast and so
keep levels to a low number and stop it from becoming
a problem.
The yeast becomes problematic when it grows
beyond normal levels and spreads throughout the
gastrointestinal tract, into the bloodstream and from
there throughout the body. The yeast then does
something remarkable and changes into fungus
This fungus now settles itself into the tissue and a fungal
colony quickly spreads. The fungus is protected from
the environment as it has now left the gut and does not
have the challenge of the gut bacteria trying to consume
it. The risk for the Candida fungus is the human immune
system. The immune system would normally identify and
fight off this fungal intruder without too much effort.
Sadly more and more people suffer from low immune
systems due to stress, bad diet or general ill health.
This means the immune system is not as strong as it
needs to be to fight the Candida fungus colony. The
Candida fungus is protected from the immune system
attack by its cellular membrane.

This membrane is comprised of a layer formation called
chitin. Your own cells when the immune system is strong
and healthy fight Candida by producing an enzyme
called chitinase which breaks down the yeast cell wall
exposing it and making it vulnerable to attack by the
body’s immune system. In a system wide infection there
is simply too much of the yeast for the body to fight and
it is at that point we begin to see symptoms of the yeast
In simple English - imagine the fungus is wearing a suit
of armour that your immune system cannot punch
through if it is weak.

To make the long story short, we go on a strict diet thinking we are going to starve it to death but this fungus is smart and goes into remission and waits until you go back  to your regular diet and you get PATM reactions again.

You feel disappointed and because you failed.
So we can never get rid of it...
Mine went away 75% but came back. I am on the candida diet, no sugar, carbs, coffee, etc..so I dont know anymore
Yes we can get rid of it. I believe there are two ways.

1. Stay on a strict diet until your gut is completely healed and you have no more leaky gut which could take years depending on the amount of damage we have done to our intestinal trait. Also, it would depend on how much fungus is in our systems. Like I was mentioning, our overall health depends on how fast we can rid of the Albicans fungus.

2. The second option is an experimental drug that was made by a very powerful pharmaceutical company which has kept quiet for obvious reasons $$$. Pharmaceutical companies are one of the most powerful and wealthy conglomerates in the world. If there is no money to be made then they don't want any part of it. They would rather you be sick than healthy. Anyways, this simple but highly effective drug is not sold in the USA. I am ordering a treatment and will report back my results. (Still have to keep a strict diet but don't have to wait as long to rid of Albicans from body)
please post whom the research company is and the drug
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Thanks for posting this information, Ray. It's nice to have it neatly organized in one space. For me, keeping up with the strict diet will always be the greatest challenge. Especially difficult when traveling or during social events and holidays. I also experience higher volume of reactions when traveling due to my inability to maintain the paleo diet and also the increased stress/ anxiety I experience when traveling. I have recently started to take grateful's advice and exfoliate my skin. Too early too notice results but my skin does feel great! Planning on adding the coconut oil to the routine as well.

I think realizing it's a constant battle is a good thing. Keeps me motivated when I start to slip on my diet. But knowing there will be ups and downs with it is important. I've never fully committed to the diet enough to entirely eliminate reactions, but I undoubtedly notice a reduction of reactions when I'm more strict with it, and more reactions when I start slipping.

So thankful for this forum and to be able to share experiences and learn from others.

Good luck to all dealing with it, and never give up!
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Maintaining Your 7 Pounds of Bacteria

How many times have you come down with some sort of nasty bug and the doctor prescribed antibiotics?

And how many times did the doctor then address the importance of rebuilding your natural gut flora by taking probiotics?

A good doctor would have educated you about the importance of probiotics. For me, not one doctor ever discussed it.

As I mentioned before, the bacteria in your gut and candida are closely tied together in their life-cycles. To help keep your candida in check you need an abundance of this good bacteria in your gut.

There are over 500 species of probiotics in your gastrointestinal tract and all together they can weigh up to 7 pounds! These guys do us many great favors besides keeping candida in line.

1)  Aid in digestion because they help with the absorption and synthesis of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc. They improve gut barrier function because they make fuel for the cells that line the GI tract. Without proper fuel supply, these cells loose their integrity and you get leaky gut syndrome resulting in a bunch of food sensitivities.

2)  Boost metabolism because they convert inactive thyroid hormone into its active T3 form. Gut flora make about 6 seconds of every 2 minutes of your energy. It doesn’t sound like much but it ends up turning into around 8 hours a week. Thats enough energy for a full day at work.

3)  Makes you happier because it synthesizes B vitamins that are
involved in the production of the ‘make you happy’ hormone called serotonin

4)  Supports the immune system because they fight the bad bacteria and any other intruders in your gut. About 80% of your immune system is in your digestive system and these friendly bacteria train your immune system how to recognized pathogens from non-harmful anitgens and help in the production of antibodies. Many times allergies are the result of your immune system getting confused and over reacting to a non-harmful antigen.

It’s very important to maintain a healthy gut flora so do yourself a favor already and eat some bacteria! A few things you can do to improve your natural eco system is:
•Stop eating sugar and refined carbohydrates because they feed candida along with the pathogenic bacteria in your gut.
•Eat more plants, vegetables, and fermented foods such as sauerkraut because they feed the good bacteria. Avoid pasteurized commercial yogurt because its filled with preservatives and sugar anyway and the pasteurization kills off the natural occurring bacteria. Pasteurized yogurt is a very backwards thinking kind of industrialized product.
• If you find it difficult getting probiotics from your diet, invest in supplemental probiotics in tablet, powder or liquid form. When choosing which brand to go with look for labels that say “contains live active cultures.” You want a high potency supplement about 20 - 30 billion bacteria per capsule, and ones that can survive stomach acid.

Ray whats your diet every day..
Everything eliminated find it hard to eat without sugar, cafbs..bread..four..red meat.

You are reading content posted in the People Allergic to Me (PATM) Community

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