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PATM Information

I'm on my 2nd day on this medication and I have never experienced the headaches and the die-off that I'm going thru right now.
I am not taking any other supplements and I have not had any reactions from anybody. I pray to God that this will heal me.
Will provide you with more updates as time progresses.
26 Responses
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Members talk about taking this taking that but they don't really explain in detail the science and the health benefits behind it all. Here are some tips that members have suggested in the past but did not really explain why!

Here are some simple ways you can start detoxing your body by making simple additions your diet.

Take An Epsom Salt Bath

The skin is our biggest organ and it is responsible for a hefty portion of toxin elimination.

Epsom salt baths are great for pulling toxins out of the body through reverse osmosis, leaving your skin silky smooth. The salts also provide the body with a nice big dose of magnesium which helps relax the nervous system and soothe back pain and achy muscles.

Make sure to use pure epsom salts, also known as magnesium sulphate. None of this artificially scented stuff. Rule of thumb, if you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin. Same goes for moisturizers and creams, if you wouldn’t put it in your mouth, don’t put it on your body. A great alternative for moisturizer is coconut oil.

If you want to add a nice scent to your bath, use a few drops of essential oils. Citrus oils are especially great for detoxing the liver.

Use about a cup and a half of epson salts in your bath and stay in the tub for about 40 minutes. Twenty minutes for the toxin flush and twenty minutes for the mineral absorption.

Massage Yourself

The lymphatic system helps the body remove toxins and wastes. Many times this drainage system can get backed up because it doesn’t have a pump system and needs some manual help.

Professional lymph drain massage is pretty pricey but you can save your money and do it to yourself. This type of massage is very simple and gentle. You use your fingertips and apply the same amount of pressure as you would to move a quarter across a desk.

You slowly press and stroke the lymph node areas of your body: the throat, the neck, the arms, underarms, chest, and upper thighs. Always going towards the heart.

You can do this while watching a movie or while you lie in bed waiting to fall asleep. Just 3 minutes a day can make a huge difference.

Click here for a quick video on how to do a basic lymph massage on yourself.

Also massage in general is a great way to manually influence nutrient and waste exchange in your cells. Exchange weekly 10 minute head, back, neck, or foot massages with your partner, family members or friends. You don’t need a fancy spa to get the great benefits of a massage.

And the last one for today is probably the most simple detox methods of all time.


Breathing is a major way of releasing toxins. About 70% of your body’s waste product is eliminated through the lungs.

Try this out for size. Every time you go to check your phone for the time, or an email, or to use one of your fancy apps on your iphone, take a long deep inhale through the nose and long deep exhale out the nose. About 4-8 seconds in and 4-8 seconds out, using 100% capacity of your lungs.

Most of us are only using 10-20% of our lung capacity in our day to day activities. By using more of your lung capacity you take in more oxygen which allows you to deliver more nutrients throughout your body and release more toxins. And as an added bonus this deep breathing technique drastically lowers stress hormone levels.

Become conscious of your breathe and try to incorporate this type of breathing when ever you can: in bed first thing in the morning and last thing at night, during commercial breaks while watching TV, at your desk at work, or waiting for the bus.

You can literally breathe anywhere. No excuses.

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Lufenuron does not work for electrical type of PATM...I bought some from a supplier in Europe a couple of years ago and it did nothing for my set of symptoms
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Has anyone taken the oral diamatacious earth 1x day??
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Diamatacious earth is excellent for candida overgrowth. I've been taking it for a while but stopped. I remember it would give me severe die off effects but would feel great after. I just bought empty vegetarian capsules that I fill up with DE. The idea is it will go straight to my gut hopefully killing off the candida there.
Food Grade only folks and only 1 spoon day.
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Then instead of taking that dangerous toxic flea med take a spoonful of diamatascious earth -- oral only not outdoor one

Same but safer it's an exoskeleton killer
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Already did that for a full year no benefits for me. Anyway, I'm PATM free. I can continue with my life.

God bless you all.
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Please don't criticize me for doing this but as you know everybody that has suffered from this horrible disease, called PATM, is very desperate and desperate measures require desperate acts. Research it yourself to see if it's something you want to try yourself.

I'm going to give you some info first before you even think about trying it or maybe some of you have already tried it.

1. It has not been approved by the FDA for human consumption even though people use it all the time around the world.
2. Doctors have gone out of their way to say it's extremely dangerous. That's why I'm trying it first. (Maybe it's biting into their profit)
3. I know that it is an inert chemical when humans consume it and it has no affect to the vital organs.
4. It's only supposed to be used on mammals which we are a part of.
5. If you do decide to use it, buy the type that is meant for human consumption and not the animal grade. (Very dangerous)
6. Don't buy cheap brands that could have heavy metals or be contaminated with by-products.
7. Drink plenty of water when taking it to lessen the die-offs.
8. You have to take with some type of fat, whether it's beef or chicken etc.. It gets absorbed into the fat cells of our body and gets slowly released for up to six weeks.
9. I bought mine from a certain supplier in Thailand but they were not the cheapest but had good feed back from previous customers.
10. It is not a guarantee that you will be cured from PATM because it could come back and re-infect you if you don't take care of yourself.
11. Look at testimonials of people on YouTube that have taken it and you be the judge. (None of them mentioned PATM)
12. I personally think it's much to soon to come to conclusions because I have only taking it for 20 days but members are insisting that I give out the name.

It's called Lufenuron and it's made by a huge pharmaceutical company in Sweden or Switzerland. They had a patient on the drug for many years until just recently it ran out.

PLEASE DO YOUR RESEARCH and YouTube it. You will find many informative videos on YouTube.

Good luck and God Bless you all.

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For me , it's - no thank you  !

Lufenuron - not for me !

I will continue with my bone broth protein powder , plant based food choices, other supplements, lemon water, sauna and exercise etc, etc

God Bless always !
You know grateful, its got me thinking that maybe antibiotics have done irreparable damage to the liver since that is where blood gets filtered.

Also, this organ makes more than 400 different functions in the body.
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Hello Grateful,

I'm convinced that if I don't heal my leaky gut, I will re-infect my body with fungus Albicans.

I don't suffer from explosive headaches anymore, just a mild headache here and there. I'm still 20 days from finishing my treatment. I have also been doing the GAPS diet.

We will see if PATM stays away.

One good way to find out if you have candida overgrowth is to get a 6 oz glass of clear water first thing in the morning. Work up a spit before eating or brushing your teeth. Spit in the cup and observe  the spit for 15 minutes. If it is murky or cloudy and it starts to sink to the bottom of the glass, then you have candida overgrowth. The spit will also kind of string out to the bottom of the glass.

If the spit is clear and it floats at the top then I would be pretty confident that candida overgrowth doesn't exist.

This is just a quick inexpensive way of finding out what your condition concerning candida overgrowth. Also, a white tongue first thing in the morning would also indicate that you candida overgrowth.

Try it, it will not cost you anything but a few minutes of your time.
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Yes, I did that candida overgrowth experiment/ years ago and it was positive for candida . I also during that time had the white coating on my tongue .

I have not had a white tongue in years.

What is the name of your treatment that requires 45 days ? Where did you find out about this treatment ?

God's continued best to you always !
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