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PATM and electromagnetic signals (my posts keep getting deleted)

Omg so guys, I know some people have posted a possible correlation between PATM and electromagnetic signals and omg now I know what some people are talking about. And maybe some people can produce these electromagnetic signals more than others because I honestly only experience this phenomenon at one of my jobs. Im a registered nurse at a pediatric hospital which I’m sure quite a few members from this site are aware of because I do mention it a lot. You can read my previous posts. I don’t work there full time, only per diem (which is a good thing for the patients because of my condition unfortunately). I also work as a nurse at another hospital and it’s full time but its in an adult setting and the majority of my patients in that hospital are much more healthier. None of them are in any monitors.    Well yesterday I had to work at the peds hospital and after reading that post about the electromagnetic signals, I realized a lot more things about my condition. All my patients are hooked up on heart rate monitors and pulse ox’s (which reads your oxygen saturation) which I’ve mentioned before in previous posts. And not every patient is allergic to me but the majority of them are because from my observations, I’ve noticed that a lot of my kids with weaker immune systems, seem to be more sensitive to my condition. But there are a few patients in this hospital that don’t seem allergic to me. And i tend to interact with them more because obviously they’re not allergic to me.  So I tend to bond with them more. I talk to them more, and carry them more and engage with them more than the others.   But I used to notice that as soon as I would talk to them, their oxygenation would go down dramatically like in the 70s (normal is between 95-100). But upon doing my assessment on them, they would like fine. Their nose would not be flaring (this is a true sign that a baby is in respiratory distress). The baby would be laughing, and the baby wouldnt be congested at all. Their face would still be the same color. So there would be no indications that the baby was in any distress but on their monitor would state otherwise. And if I stayed there long enough, the monitor would not end up  picking up their O2 sat or heart rate. It would not read anything. This has happened many times before but I just never thought that it’s possible that my condition can do that. And this happens all the time and it happens mostly to the patients that are not allergic to me because I tend to engage with them more. I don’t like to engage as much with the ones that are allergic to me because I’m sure they feel uncomfortable being around me since They get extremely congested and I’m sure it’s an uncomfortable feeling. I just do what I need to do and then leave their rooms right away. I’ve never experienced anything out of the ordinary with electronics or any weird phenomenon in my personal life. For some reason it’s only with the heart monitors and pulse oximeters at work. This is just so freaking weird! But I just wanted to share my experience with you guys. I don’t know if my condition is affecting those monitors but it is weird that these things happen to me when I interact with them long enough than to any other nurse. And this happens way too many times. I’ve observed other nurses go into a room and engage with their patients and nothing happens to their monitors but if I enter the room and start engaging with a baby especially one that is not allergic to me (since I tend to be more comfortable around them) the monitors go haywire. I really wish I could video tape it all but then I would be violating their HIPPA rights.
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Thanks for taking the time to post.    What you say here I 100% understand.  That is what I go through also.   (The deleted posts are the reason that I’m continuing to compose a patm email/phone chain.). Just in case relevant information comes out we are able to share with each other without interference from a moderator.  I understand their position.  If I didn’t have this myself I would have a hard time believing also.  But I do have this “thing” and I’m not going to sit around and wait.   I was told today in the Facebook group that the keltic survey was NOT needed that they had it under control.  What do you mean our survey isn’t needed.???  I have no respect for someone trying to surprise information that could be helpful to others.   We are going to figure this out.  
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Again today on my feed a few posts were deleted. One by  akhenaten13.   This is the reason I’m trying to get the new page finished.  We need a different platform.  I am 99% sure the real cure will not be allowed to be posted on medhelp.  I have close to 50 interested patm suffers that have already sent me their info.  If you would like to be part of this information chain please message me.  I believe that this can be solved by us. I know it can. Even with the Interference being ran.  Hope you all have a good day today
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This week I was also made aware that the results from the Japanese scientist are out and have been translated to English.   The problem is they don’t want to release them for fear of being sued at the moment.   This seems to be the problem in this world. Money before people.   I will continue to try and get a copy anyway possible.  If so I will pass it out to all suffers. It’s the morally right thing to do.
I know it’s not a cure and maybe not even correct info but I believe that we should be at least able to read and decide for ourselves what we think.  So much for doctors/scientist  being here to help people.  They only want to make money. It’s more and more prevelant daily.  
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I hope we can get a copy! Thanks helpsavemykids for being such a strong advocate for all of us!
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