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PATM cured

Hey guys I've been suffering from patm for about 2 months. luckily I was able to find am instant cure. I believe most people with patm are generally the type of people who would never want to hurt other people and damage others, which is why we care about other people coughing. I was quite generous and nice to others, but never nice to myself. Once you start having negative thoughts about others and yourself, you'll realize how quickly patm comes back. The trick is to remind yourself that you are someone who deserves to live, and that you shouldn't be afraid of anything. I mean you aren't afraid of thoughts of killing your ownself than why would you be afraid to go not give a dam about other people coughing and start enjoying your life and yourself.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Yessss, an imbalance in your glands in the endocrine system, like a hormonal imbalance, or the waste that is caused by different parasites and bacteria. I noticed that my tongue has a thicker white coating than it ever has before, and it got this way soon as my PATM got worse.  White coating is caused by bacteria and also by candida overgrowth.  These are all things that i am working on and marking off the list.  There are just many things that could be causing this, but as long as there are options and possibilities, i will try them all.
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Do you experince that your tonsil always produce phlegm??
I also have white coat  on  my  tongue and most likely hormone inbalance and also have feeling that something  is stuck  in my throat. I am seeing ENT in August for my throat.
17489628 tn?1458796338
By what i have witnessed so far, I agree w you Keltic.  I am 2 weeks new to this world, and im observing EVERYTHING.  My family is always saying u never make us cough!?  I didnt bother saying, but my immediate educated guess was that its probably cuz they were always around me.  On the other hand, i am making ppl at work cough life crazy, being that i work with new ppl everyday.  Also, im not nervous when im at my house.  On my way to work i get more nervous the closer i get.
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Chupapa were closely the same..... why we get nervous when we deal with our friends??
17489628 tn?1458796338
Yall are talking about energy and chakras and stuff.  If I meditate and focus on my inner energy, am i going to be able to shoot lightning from my hands soon, or am i on the path to having telekinetic powers?? Like, wth is goin on here!!??  

I just have a lot goin through my mind, sorry for all the long comments, hope yall understand.  

Is this a candida thing maybe?? Im tired of vegetables and really wanna order a pizza tomorrow w my sis.  

I have never needed to consult w others when i felt down. I have always been self reliant and good at cheering myself up, thats what music is for, but this is something i was not prepared for.  I feel like i would be better off w cancer cuz at least it is known, and u have a shot of beating it.  PATM is just one big mystery that will probably never be solved...at least not in my lifetime.  If it is, it wont be by doctors, itll be by people like us.
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Yess...i agree with i would rather want a high fever than this patm..we all just guessing here....if i go try diet cleansing and detox... the patm become worst..my god help us.
17489628 tn?1458796338
I'm hoping to make a few friends on here that I can have for support cuz this is so unreal to me right now and im in a state of shock.  Everyday at work now is rough, especially when i have to go to my meetings blahhhhh.  I am going to be working from home soon, so that will help while im trying all these remedies. I just need to make it long enough w/out getting fired lol.

So please, reach out to me if ya can, i just want ppl who understand me cuz my family thinks im crazy now.  My sis told me to prove it to her, so tomorrow we are goin out n about, and I hope for some dumb reason the PATM switch doesnt get turned off.  Maybe cuz she will be next to me i might feel more comfortable and therefore not have the reactions i want her to see?  Idk, but if it goes like today, she will definitely be a believer.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Whats up yall, I just came to realization that I have PATM as of 2 weeks ago.  As of 2 days ago I didnt even know there was a name for it.  I know it was made up by people like us and not by professionals, but still it has a name.  I am finding more and more relief w this forum.  Seems like the more tenured ppl with PATM are depending now on more spiritual type remedies and inner peace and all that, and the other folks are busting their butts trying to find scientific explanations and cures.

I couldn't have asked for a better life. I have a great paying job, tons of friends, and i get to practice my greatest quality everyday at work, my ability to socialize w dozens of new ppl everyday and network.

I am truly devastated now.  I talk to nobody but family, and a handful of friends.  I'm walking on eggshells at work cuz my adherence has declined dramatically.  People everyday come to me w smiles, notice i am not really in the mood to talk, and just end up walking back to where they came from

Today was the worse day at work for me ever.  I walked many long halls where hundreds of ppl are, and put this PATM to the test.  I couldn't believe that this ridiculous PATM is real.  I was shocked to see that numerous ppl, all at once, started coughing.  This was happening even up to 30-35 ft away instantly.  Bad breath doesn't travel that fast.  So i figure it has to be something else.  Like others claim in this community, It seems to be worse when you are nervous.  

Im not ready to run w this spiritual thing quite yet.  I feel like I owe it to myself to try as hard as i can to get my life back to normal.  I have put in hrs of research, and have packages of probiotics, supplements, i have already cleansed my intestines and liver and am currently doing 2 candida cleanses, cut out all sugars, grains, dairy, alcohol, carbs and processed foods.  I have lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks.  I will be trying a dewormer that was suggested soon.  I have noticed that my skin has cleared up, no more muscle spasms, no more flakey dry skin on my face, and other things that are showing good signs.  Today though, it was terrible.  

Its weird though how this problem seems to thrive off of certain emotions, especially nervousness.  Today when i would walk in a room, i could feel my energy sweep through the whole frickin room, and bam, there came the coughs.  I walked by this sexy lady comin down the escalator, i knew she would feel my funk, as i could feel this energy or vibe just fly through her.  Yep, she started coughing instantly.  

Man has my life changed, im just not sure how this is going to pan out.
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have any of you guys tried argan oil soap both for your body and hair? This might be working. Please try it and share your experience with us here. It is not an expensive soap, worth a try.
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