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PATM cured

Hey guys I've been suffering from patm for about 2 months. luckily I was able to find am instant cure. I believe most people with patm are generally the type of people who would never want to hurt other people and damage others, which is why we care about other people coughing. I was quite generous and nice to others, but never nice to myself. Once you start having negative thoughts about others and yourself, you'll realize how quickly patm comes back. The trick is to remind yourself that you are someone who deserves to live, and that you shouldn't be afraid of anything. I mean you aren't afraid of thoughts of killing your ownself than why would you be afraid to go not give a dam about other people coughing and start enjoying your life and yourself.
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Good to hear that you are getting better. Always keep in mind, all things happening to us we can accept and learn from it, or can regret and dwell on it. Just gotta love and accept everything, including ourselves and others.
My flaw was that I always tend to make things all in my point of view, and missed my past. It resulted in depression because I could never have what I wanted. But guess what? Once I changed, everything around me changed. So yea, we can all do this.
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16586576 tn?1449410735
Hi Nsoz,

Really agree with what you said, as that's exactly what I have realized since one year ago. We are the one who have the power to heal ourselves.

My case I'm having allergic myself since childhood. My personality abit social phobia, negative thinking on myself & things, tend to being considerate type or like you said, tend to please others more in the past. And since the day I realised I made others feel uncomfortable, I feel guilty that I could make others suffer, angry myself then to others.... tend to isolate myself when necessary. And visiting doctors or try some ways to solve the problem but the problems not being solved.

Years after years then one day, I think God lead me to discover the Chinese youtube videos about 'Seth' concepts (I'm Chinese). And I started to look more into my inner part.

So now I am also accepting my imperfections even though it's true. And try to forgive myself for created such reality for years.

By changing beliefs, and with God's love , parents & siblings around (though they don't mention it or deny the fact).
I feel better & better, even though my itching still exists & others may still sneeze & cough, but the frequencies has become lesser.

And although others may still have such impressions or fears deep inside their mind when get along with me, which could remind me of this sorrow, but I try to let go the sadness, sooner than before.

Thank you for sharing. =)
I believe one day I'll be healed. =)

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Actually this version of the song is better.


And another thing to keep in mind. There isn't such laws as how people should be. You are perfect in every way if you just accept that. What matters isn't what is happening outside the world, it is what is going on with yourself in the inside.
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Everything is inside you anyway. Just accept what you should be accepting and keep calm. Remember DON'T TRY TO FORCE ANYTHING, let all things just flow and balance things out. If you go back to being a victim or a self-hating character, you'll just make things worse.


This song prob tells us something about the patm symptoms. Everything changes. Your relationships, work, people around you, how you are being treated. If you keep repeating your old patterns and behavior, nothings gonna change and you'll stay the same self-hating. Just accept everything and move on. Life is strange anyway.
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No no, it is not some kind of disease thing.
Look, all living things have different frequencies.
As for patmers, I suppose, most tries to please others and give their personal power to other people. Like I said before, it may be due to some trauma or being judged by other people.
However now things have changed. We are gaining our personal powers back, my guess is our inner self probably were like "shi.t I had enough".
Just move from state of trying to fit in and please other people into state of just existing and enjoying the moment. Let life take care and balance your energy.
My other theory is that all the negativity in our self is just being carried over to others who prob need that energy to balance ourselves.
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It's not a disease,  it's real and it's from our Nero transmitters not being able to process a chemical or drug we are taking or have taken. Our brains and nervous system are realeasing charged ions thru the skin. A bug, or virus can't travel thru wall or glass to make people itch, they rely on wind or touch to move. But charged ions that our brains and nervous system produces from God knows what are being released and can travel fast as lighting thru pretty much anything. We have billions of these ions and our brain are constantly producing electrical impulses in our body.
Somewhere somehow our Nero transmitters got messed up and stuck in this state.
A Nerologist or biochemist is or only hope. Go anywhere else is just a waste of money.
Please share. I have had this for 5 months, ***** and there is no cure and it's physical not mental and church and god is not the answer
16586576 tn?1449410735
Hi Observer_patm, It's true, ignoring others' attention may be not the exact cure, & to me, quite a challenge not to care about others reactions especially when the reactions are obvious.

Some people they try to being nice, tend to get closer to you when want to discuss something with you, but right after they turn their back, they cough or sniff , or quickly drink water after they went back to their seats.

Think that way could make me feel better?In fact, I feel like crying......
As I sense their fear, just as myself too.

But now I learn to choose whether to let those reactions hurt me or not. Though it's not easy.
I truly understand your anger, as I've been going through that feeling too.

This 'PATM' nightmare had made me become bit cynical and hatred even though I don't wish to. & those who I had tried to seek for the truth, will deny my statement, maybe they feel embarrass to tell the truth or don't want me to think too much, or they really don't think that's the fact.

But to us, the feeling of the denial is suck.  I think only us can understand the bitterness inside our heart.

May I know if you all having allergic too?
I have allergic myself & now whenever I feel itch on my nasal or face, I will feel worry that someone else may sneeze or itch soon. Or when someone sneezes or rub their nose or cough (more on purpose), I might feel itch right after that.

Recently, I also will cough a few times too because I feel hard to breathe sometimes.

In the past I used to feel guilty.  I realized that my PATM may somehow related to my negative thinking, don't have too much confidence on myself & tend to repress myself in the past, besides my allergy problem.

Now, I am trying to accept myself more & yell inside my heart :
"Ya. That's who I am. I've got no mean to harm people too. But I accept my imperfection, even though others don't "

Of course, may still feel unhappy & helpless sometimes. But at least happier than keep on blaming myself like the past. Now, I feel the symptoms getting relieved day by day.

Do you always have negative thinking on yourself always like me ?
Try to accept ourselves more, change some of the beliefs.  

Hope we can get heal soon! Pray to God & believe God is actually protecting us.

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