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Patm and fungus/mold?

Does anyone have any concrete proof that patm is fungus or mold? I dont want our efforts as a community to be misaligned with what we should actually be looking for. I dont want to discredit the theory i just want solid evidence for example a antifungal medication that has worked for you, traces of unusual mold or fungus in your body, anything at all. I think that before we go down any rabbit hole related to patm we should question the validity or lack of evidence supporting the theory. Regardless of if you have evidence or not, please write it down in the comments why you believe this theory.
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11174952 tn?1461874487
Yes I believe it is fungi.

We all have mold symptoms,
Joel, got a blood test back with high levels or gliotoxin, which can be caused by aspergillus Fumigatus and a strain of Candida.
I had seen great reduction of symptoms after doing a parasite cleanse which contained a lot of antifungals.
Some sufferers were exposed to moldy building, others outside and some after their bad diet, which all can be mold related.
Some people have had success reducing patm using antifungal shampoo, 2%ketoconazole, but that will only last for so long unless they want to be bald.
Others had gotten worsen symptoms after antibiotics, which is a mold that is used to compete with whatever bacteria in our gut, sometimes even creating space for more mold.
And mold can cause every one of our symptoms. There is not one symptom that we have that cannot be related to mold.

Science has very little research on killing mold aside from the drugs they make which can cause resistance in the fungi. Hardly find any natural treatment safe for the body.

We can list about every fungus that attack humans  and what natural treatment works (since we do not want resistance).  Let’s see how far we get trying to research this information.

Here is the list of fungi :

Aspergillus fumigatus
Candida albicans
Cryptococcus neoformans
Epidermophyton floccosum
Microsporum audouinii
Microsporum canis
Microsporum ferrugineum
Sporothrix schenckii
Talaromyces (Penicillium) marneffei
Trichophyton concentricum
Trichophyton rubrum
Trichophyton schoenleinii
Trichophyton tonsurans


Can anyone tell me how to get ride of these without medication that will cause resistance from my body and hair?

Maybe we have low white blood cell count, which is suppose to help digest these fungi when present in the blood.

Our issue is NOT genetic, there is something in our blood, in our environment or on our body.

Why do doctors never suggest our problem is mold, rather they just jump to assuming mental problems, because they have not studied mold. They themselves are not educated. After reading all the symptoms mold can cause nearly anyone would assume it is mold that we have. But for some reason our doctors don’t. Maybe because they have a habit of giving people mold as treatment , such as antibiotics. Why would they give anyone antibiotics (mold) when your body is already not filtering it out properly, then people say after antibiotics it became worse.  A doctor’s god might just be their sole trust in mold antibiotics. They have a bias.

And maybe a lot of this has to deal with being a breading ground for the patm mold. Many may not know, citric acid comes from black mold and is used as an antibiotic. Let us say by the time we came into contact with this mold we have been consuming foods with citric acid. Every time we ate, this antibiotic goes to work and slowly starts decreasing our good bacteria. When we came into contact with patm,we should have been able to fight it off but could not because our immune system was weak, we just did not know it. Now the mold has made us a breeding ground.

Antibiotics works by competing with other micro organisms. If you had taken antibiotics, what you essential have done is kill off good bacteria because the antibiotics is stronger than your good bacteria. So now in your gut, what is present is the patm and the antibiotic fungi in more dominance, what if patm mold is stronger than the antibiotic. Well then patm has taken more ground since it is stronger than the antibiotic.

Was patm mold under control when it was just your good bacteria fighting against it ? Idk.

Maybe that is why everyone sees some sort of improvement with diet change, maybe we are to support the good bacteria that is suppose to help fight it off since we have no other methods on how to do it.

Someone I saw on a YouTube video said she is having luck killing aspergillus Fumigatus with oil of oregano, no doctor she went to knows how to kill it. She even said, doctors says it is all in her mind. Perhaps that is our same issue, they are uneducated and maybe even willfully ignorant.

How can people from all over the world be complaining about the exact same symptoms, and then everyone around us is also complaining we are causing their symptoms. Technically if the people who are around us has a bad immune system, they would also likely catch patm, it is contagious in that sense.

There are hundreds of thousands of people suffering if we start combining groups, for example PATM, “invisible biting bug community, maybe even morgellons. All can be linked back to mold.

Our government is not smart enough to create new life forms they cannot even control half the stuff in our environment. Not even Satan can create life in such as manner. They can only have our bodies be more exposed to it by weaken it.

And from what I gathered a lot of sicknesses comes from parasites and fungi . Maybe that is why they do not study it enough and possibly refuse to help us. It is a bias they have to make money, they are gaslighting us.

I remember a conversation I had with a suffer, that said they were improving then decided to start drinking V8. Then it got worse. How can tomato juice make their symptoms worse when tomatoes are suppose to help make your stomach more acidic to kill bacteria sand fungi ? Well there is also citric acid in v8 which is an antibiotic. Citric acid is in abundance in our food , it at some point will reach our gut and start wiping out our good bacteria.

This is my opinion anyway.
I reached out to the only person in this forum to get rid of PATM and they confirm they believe it’s dybiosis leaky/guy and fungal /mold infection.
The question is which mold? Joel had 9.0 ppb gliotoxin in his blood when the average person has 1.0 ppb. There are only two molds what I found can produce that mycotoxin. And aspergillus Fumigatus is one of them. But no one knows how to cure it naturally .
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If it is the Fungus they mention, our body would be intoxicated to the point that many PATMers who are almost 10 years old would already be Dying due to the deficiency of white blood cells and the massive reproduction of the mold fungus. If your hypothesis is true, why doesn't it affect us like the others?
In addition, I see that there are studies on said mold fungi and there are ways to examine them in addition to treatment, in any case you would first have to go to a health center.

Diagnosis: The diagnosis of this pathogen can be made by direct examination (samples or microscopy), culture, intradermal reaction, serological techniques, PCR controls, X-rays, and CT.

Treatment: Voriconazole is currently the most applied treatment for invasive aspergillosis. There are other medicines that can be used to treat invasive aspergillosis in patients who cannot take voriconazole or who have not responded to it. These include formulations of itraconazole, lipid amphotericin, caspofungin, micafungin, and posaconazole. Whenever possible, immunosuppressive medication should be stopped or decreased.
All those drugs can make it resistant. I do not know why, but Joel is in the world walking around with 9.0ppb of gliotoxin mycotoxin in his blood when the average is 1.0ppb. Shouldn’t Joel be dead? His problem is in fact coming from a fungus. Who knows why it hasn’t gotten to extreme levels. Perhaps because most of us are not dying from AIDS and genuinely immunocompromised  and our bodies are still fight for us.  Idk. Has anyone tried oil of thyme. Thymol is the anti fungal component in oil of oregano.


I have never seen it in store , I guess I am going to have to make it.
Also, aspergillus Fumigatus can be found on foods. It is naturally there on some foods , but the normal human body naturally gets rid of it.  Then there are extreme cases in which people are dropping dead perhaps from it being invasive . Well what about the people in between?  What are their symptoms like?

A.F. on foods.
Im glad that you were able to back up your theory with evidence and i appreciate that greatly, however i have critiques of the theory since i think patm is related to sebum.

First i think we should make a clear distinction here, do you believe patm is a collective of many different fungi or mold? or is patm one fungus or mold? If you say that its a collective then how is it possible that we all have the same types? and what happens when we kill off one of the strains?

The strongest piece of evidence presented was when you said that people have had success using anti-fungal shampoo because ive seen people post that it works for them and it has even worked for me but it didnt work because it got rid of fungus. The purpose of the anti-fungal properties of the shampoo is to get rid of dandruff, dandruff is linked to sebum. By saying that the antidandruff shampoo helped relieve patm because it reduced the patm fungus, is also saying that the fungus responsible for patm is close to or is on the scalp.

You said that you saw a great reduction in symptoms after doing a parasite cleanse but parasites are separate from mold and fungus. A parasite cleanse does have benefits for patmers because in a parasite cleanse, you are sometimes required to diet a certain way which is probably what was the biggest factor in the reduction in patm. Another thing is that almost all parasite cleanses have Wormwood which is an ingredient that relieves stomach pain which you can imagine helps patmers as well.

"Others had gotten worsen symptoms after antibiotics, which is a mold that is used to compete with whatever bacteria in our gut, sometimes even creating space for more mold."
Antibiotics only affect the bacteria in our gut and nothing more. Antibiotics wouldnt affect existing mold.

"mold can cause every one of our symptoms. There is not one symptom that we have that cannot be related to mold."
There are a lot of different types and variations of mold/fungus so yes there is a high likelihood a type of fungus or mold has the different effects of patm. The issue is that mold can probably cause anything, you can make the same argument with chemical compounds like toluene and xylene which cause patm like symptoms along with hundreds of other gasses but does that mean that any of those gasses are responsible for patm? no.

"Our issue is not genetic"
I agree, i thought it might be because i wasnt familiar with different patmers stories but then i thought about the legitimacy of it and i realized that its not possible.

In response to your section about doctors, i think that they assume that patm is a mental problem because the patmer is presenting this issue in a manic way which probably prompts mental screening tests. I think its kinda hard to present patm in a concise and understandable way without rambling about theories, treatments, etc. but i think that is one of the main reasons why patmers get mental health checks instead of the help they need. Another reason why doctors are so hesitant to believe the existence of patm is because its such an absurd claim to an outsider, i mean some patmers have gone and told their close friends and families who have been constantly exposed to patm and they deny it. Look, although it feels very real to us, its still hard for other people to believe and you shouldnt patronize or get mad at someone for not believing you at first because it will only be a little while before you convince them. Doctors are not meant to know everything about medicine, they shouldnt study mold because its not something that will ever be used on the job. Doctors probably dont even give a second thought to what is inside the medicine they give you, they just prescribe it because its what they have been trained to do, they have not been trained to remember everything inside every medicine they prescribe.

If we have a low white blood cell count then that means that patmers are more likely to get sick which is actually the opposite for me, i always used to get sick when i was a little kid all the way up to about middle school and then in my sophomore year of high school i got patm which i was arguably the healthiest ive ever been.

Mold and fungus have such a large ecosystem that you could relate ANYTHING with it, you could relate it to your mode of transportation, the gasses you breathe in, your diet, literally anything so if you say that xyz is related to fungus then its value is dimished.

If our immune system is the reason why we were able to get infected in the first place then why doesnt the immune system fight patm now?

If you argue that antibiotics kill off good bacteria in your stomach which then leaves more room for the patm fungus to grow then when does the good bacteria come back? If it never comes back then how are we still alive? we would all have a host of problems that would be way worse than patm. If it does come back then does that mean that our good bacteria becomes stronger than patm? but then why isnt patm already gone.

Doctors are not uneducated and they are not willfully ignorant thats a vast generalization and its not true in the slightest.

There are people with way worse immune systems than every patmer so why havent they contracted patm?

You have to let go of the idea that the "government" wants only bad things to happen and they are evil and cruel and only care about money... its not ALL true...some yes. The government gains nothing by not studying patm, they dont have any financial incentive by withholding information like that and anyways it would be a waste of resources and money for the government to try and figure out different sicknesses just to not release the information. If you say the government is incompetent then how are they able to withhold this information if any country that isnt incompetent can easily discover it themselves.

"they were improving then decided to start drinking V8. Then it got worse"
again, it has to be tested by other patmers because it might have been a fluke. A reason why v8 might have been bad is because the vegetable fibers are removed so the benefits like better digestion, nourishing good gut bacteria, etc. are gone from that drink.

Thanks for taking the time to defend your theory again i appreciate this a lot. Im sorry if i sound a bit aggressive at times, i am really into debating so its in my nature to try and "win" these "arguments". If you dont want to continue to debate or defend your theory then thats alright i 100% understand, no hard feelings.
Okay, I think it is one fungi, Aspergillus Fumigatus.

Herbal parasite cleanse I did, contained herbs that were anti fungal as well. For example garlic, wormwood, black walnut.

I think the mold is feeding on your sebum. In your glands, maybe hair shaft.

I do not think we have low white blood cells but not enough to rid and completely eliminate it. Let’s say we have the average amount of white blood cells, what if our exposure was more than we can handle, so now it is stuck to us, and we are not supporting ourself with the right food to get rid of it.

I think I tried to explain how antibiotics work. In your gut there is fungi and bacteria . Antibiotic is a mold. This mold competes for space, thus killing the bacteria in your gut because it is stronger than bacteria in your gut, hence it is an antibiotic -it eliminates bacteria.  Now let us say that in your gut patm mold is also present, while the antibiotic went to work and killed off your bacteria, it left patm mold alone. Now in your gut, is high levels of antibiotic mold and patm mold. Let us say patm mold is stronger than the antibiotic mold, then it will start to compete for space. Thus increasing and worsening your symptoms.

I think most people get enough fiber,ֶ as much as doctors want you to think other wise. The only time you really need fibre is when you drink something extremely sweet. Fibre in this respect helps your blood sugar not to spike.

I had an eco toilet cleaning product, and the active ingredient was “citric acid”.  So if citric acid is strong enough to kill the stuff in my toilet , imagine what it is doing inside of you.

I posted a link on how aspergillus Fumigatus is present on some foods .  So it is not like it is foreign to us, we just are not filtering it out properly. This can explain why people after some bad diet developed PATM, the fungi got out of control.

A person with a worse immune system may not have this fungus heavily in their bodies, maybe they were not exposed, or they have a different gut flora than we do that supports them more.

Average person —-> naturally filters it out
Patm sufferer—-> does not know what is happening, neither any doctor, get’s no help
Immunocompromised —-> gets medical treatment because it is obvious they are dealing with something

I noticed you never mentioned anything about Joel’s blood test. Can you share your thoughts on that?

For me, I distinctly remember the moment it happened. I was cleaning under a moldy damp sink when I was “bitten” by something. And skin crawling feeling and invisible bitting is related to mold exposure. So that is my position. For me, Joel’s high level of gliotoxin resonates because Aspergillus Fumigatus can be found on damp decaying buildings. Which is where I was at the time.

Again this is just my opinion.

This might disturb some people.

Read this, MCA (manufactured citric acid) has never been tested by the FDA.  

We have constant mold exposure.
In follow up to my post, about citric acid look at Joel’s blood test.

“Test, Value, Result, Present if greater or equal
Ochratoxin, 2.3 ppb, Present, 2.0 ppb
Aflatoxin Group (B1, B2, G1, G2), 0.40 ppb, Not Present, 1.0 ppb
Trichothecene Group (Macrocyclic), 0.52 ppb, Present, 0.2 ppb
Gliotoxin Derivative, 9.50 ppb, Present, 1.0 ppb“

Ochratoxin comes from aspergillus Niger, black mold (citric acid), more than normal levels he had. He is not getting rid of it fast enough. And tbh, after reading about citric acid, no person should have that in their body. In the study mentions it can take 72hours to get rid of black mold mycotoxins from the body or have it subside. I have no idea how long it takes for aspergillus Fumigatus to leave the body. Can someone help find out that answer please?

So if it takes 8-72 hours to get rid of citric acid according to the study, and we are a source of aspergillus Fumigatus, than what should we expect? We have to kill our source.

Where is Joel’s gliotoxin coming from?
The lungs?
The gut?
The skin?
The hair shaft?
The oil glands?

What are the best methods on removing it, expelling it?

The for the lungs there are expectorant herbs .
The gut, maybe oil of thyme because it is really anti fungal,
The hair shaft maybe a deep treatment with an ingredient that kills it.
The oil glands I have no idea.

Please help me think of what we can do.

Having these data, it is recommended that you go to a medical center and ask a doctor for help, and that he guide you in the treatment. If you ask for a recommendation around here having that information and you get antifungal antibiotics into the drift, well, the most likely thing is that you will really get sick even from candida. I say this because apparently you have data from a study foreign to yours, however you still do not dare to do the same studies for some reason. I understand that doctors do not understand the PATM, however some health centers can do specific studies and help you with some controlled medication. Do not try to self-medicate unless you have studies or knowledge of treatments, it is dangerous and doors can open to worse diseases.....
Thank you for your response. People have gone to the doctors, they are not helpful, myself included. Using herbs and natural treatment is not harmful like how the medical industry likes to scare people. We are trying to figure out what is the cause because no doctor can help up. The person who did the blood test cannot even get help from the doctors because they do not see his blood test as valid, idk maybe because it was from a private lab else where.

So, according to the citric acid find, I highly believe that is the root cause for causing leaky gut. It causes inflammation in the body according to the study. So my advice is stay away from  black mold “citric acid”.

Next, apparently cedarwood essential oil contains an antifungal compound sesquiterpene that can kill aspergillus Fumigatus,  some how try and use that topically, idk.

What I found is that aspergillus Fumigatus is extremely hard to kill, since typical anti fungal treatments tend to feed it. Copper feeds it, Zinc feeds it, and phenols (like what is found in tea tree oil).

The most important thing is to stay away from what is causing leaky gut so we can heal inside and out. Please refer to the study. The FDA never studied citric acid but went ahead and approved this toxic black mold substance.
You can do what you like with your body, I simply suggest and strongly suggest that you do not exaggerately self-medicate, it already happened here that they self-medicated and ended up with real candidiasis, read the previous chats from 2014 or so, the theories they suggest have already been mentioned previously.
At least in the country I live in, they make treatment suggestions as long as the studies show such data that affects the body. Many here published studies of PH pylori, candidasis, kidney studies, etcs. On the other hand, until now no magnetic resonance studies have been shown, however in many health centers they do not refer to it when it is not necessary unless you hire a private health center and at a high cost, unfortunately it is the most expensive, it is still wide and Difficult to hit the problem unless someone is studying your body part by part with the aim of finding the problem and that unfortunately translates into thousands of dollars. Natural antibiotics are deadly if you abuse it, for example oregano oil, it is capable of killing your "healthy" mite bacteria and giving way to strange mite bacteria, that is why there is the appropriate treatment for each type of mold mite bacteria where you are prescribed x antibiotic at the same time in extreme cases probiotics etcs for when you kill that x bacteria the dying good bacteria feed on the prebiotics. For example; Our body on the skin we have mites that help us protect ourselves from invasive infectious mites, however if we pour a very strong detergent soap we can kill them and give way to those bad harmful mites. On the other hand, not all of us have the same body, some may be more tolerant and others more susceptible. For all these reasons I recommend that you have the guidance of a referral on the subject or at least seek clearer information on all these cases...... My goal is not necessarily to change your opinion, I just suggest that you be careful.
Thank you for your suggestion.

What I suggested isn’t extreme . I suggested stay away from a certain food additive called “citric acid”, that is likely the cause for leaky gut in the first place. I suggested used cedarwood oil. There are body soaps out there people use that contain that essential oil on a regular basis. For example if I suggest use dr. Bronners peppermint soap, it contains peppermint oil, that is not extreme since people have been using this on a daily basis. I said take antifungals, that is no different to eating/cooking with garlic or cooking with wild oregano more. My suggestions are not extreme.  At the end of the day it is my suggestion, they can do what they want. I was just presenting information about a particular mold that we could be dealing with that is hard to kill and typical antifungals cannot help us. This information is crucial. Not everyone is doing their due diligence to study in depth about it, they make surface level assumptions about it. I could have easily written off that patm is not a mold because we have tried antifungals in the past. Only to now find out most things we use as antifungals only feed it for example, zinc shampoo, copper, tea tree oil.

I am just narrowing down my search.

Can you please speak in Joel’s blood test? He isn’t getting the help he needs from doctors, what would you do in his situation with the information from the blood test?
Not Joel's studies, because I don't have the ability to interpret a study. For the same reason I suggest that you go to a health center.
The only two people I know of to cure their PATM are Ray and Joel.

Ray confirmed he had thrush at a certain point and also confirmed he fixed his problem with diet and it was dysbiosis.

Joel fixed his problem using FMT. Leading to the belief it is dysbiosis.

I strongly believe it is SIFO fungal overgrowth and for whatever reason our genetic makeup can’t detox the mold/fungus.

I do believe whatever mold or fungus it is feeds off of sugar, heavy metal, and certain minerals, sebum and creates VOCs.  It does have a genetic component to it but not entirely sure you are born with it.

That’s my two cents.
I also believe this too. I recently posted that I think we cannot remove the fungus fast enough. I listed out a bunch of foods that contain yeast to avoid.

I seen my oral thrush go away and dandruff from just removing manufactured citric acid from my food. My symptoms went away when I had done a herbal cleanse but then I drank ginger beer (really fermented drink) and I had a flare up.

Foods to avoid:
Fermented foods
Unpasteurized vinegar
Soy sauce
Manufactured citric acid

Fungus inducing foods:

Sugar cane
Vegetable seed oils
4 Responses
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These are blogs or research papers written in  Japanese.
These days, thanks to translation technology like google, we can quickly translate and read them in English.

There are so many researchers in Japan.
Patients are also enthusiastic about research.
There is a wealth of information.
Please visit the Japanese site.

A major theory in Japan is that there is a fungus on skin or blood.

there are several hospitals in Japan that specialize in patm, but they are losing credibility because of incorrect treatment.




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I still suspect it is a fungus,I was avoiding citric acid which helped a lot, almost felt normal. I noticed that when I drank a yeasty food, it flared up. I think we have to eliminate all mold/yeast foods. We are not filtering it out properly .

And apple cider vinegar
And bread baked with yeast isn’t helping me, actually it makes things worse.

Overall I would say stay away from yeast if you can avoid it.
Agreed with this
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I have a small intestinal resection surgery and closing a fistula. When they remove the small intestine I’m asking them to aspirate it to see if a fungal infection is present. So we will know a lot more by next week. I’ll keep you guys updated. All signs point to fungal infection as I’ve been on many many antibiotics and immuno depressant drugs from intestinal inflammation.

I’m do also believe that citric acid, glyphosate, gluten, and sugar as major causes for inflammation in the small intestine.
Helpful - 4

Read the scary report about citric acid
11174952 tn?1461874487
If anyone want to approach it by reducing pathogens to the gut please hear me. I nearly did cure this, but one thing nearly ruined me.

When I took antiparticle herbs, nearly all my symptoms went away, skin cleared up, skin crawling reduced, all I was eating was squash bisque.  

However I changed my regular sea salt to Himalayan and Celtic and Dead Sea cooking salt. This dropped my chloride level. And caused by gut many issues, it is until a recently I figured out it was the salt and stopped it, that I am not slowly healing. Please these trendy salts do not have the right chloride levels which is helping people keep their stomach acid level in check.

Also many meat like beef chicken and pork are “washed in citric acid (antibiotic), which is different from injecting it with antibiotic.

Technically no meat, maybe aside from fish and eggs, is “organic” . if they are not injected their carcass is washed in it .

The gut takes about week to heal if there are holes, I am not sure how long it takes to encourage good bacteria, maybe eat more cultured yogurt . But make sure you are not eating man made foods, keep it simple. All inflammatory foods will stop you from healing your gut . This is just a fact. All packaged foods has citric acid, read the label. Stay away from sugar aside from honey. Honey can break down into hydrogen peroxide which kills fungi. Bread and all contains citric acid these day… please update me if anyone has successfully seen a positive difference and maybe take oil of oregano and some bitter herbs .
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Anti parasitic *
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