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Patm since 9 years trying priobiotics dig enzyme all options none helpful

Hi All,
I am also suffering from patm since 9 years with having very foul smell. ppl not able to bear it. I have a kid 3 yrs.he also get infected and gets sich with cold cough due to my patm. Please help me if anything can reduce it.
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Hi, most PATMers would say that they don't produce a smell at all. So the question here is if your PATM symptoms are just due to your described odor.

Are you a hundred percent sure that you're having a "very foul smell"? If yes, then it means simply trying to get rid of the odor. It should be easier than curing the classical PATM as there are some known diseases responsible for bad body odor.

I know how you feel, 9 years is a pretty long time. What did you try to get rid of the odor? Any medical tests?
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It is candida.  Take antifungals, flush your system out, eat a candida diet, and you will see improvements immediately.  I just starting oil pulling (coconut oil swished in mouth) and it has drastically reduced my systems.  Candida is everywhere in our bodies including our blood.  It is releasing toxins into our bloodstream when it dies so detox accordingly (saunas, lots of water, sweating) This all should help I promise .  Repopulate your gut and seap it will probiotics and max amino acids after you believe candida had been conquered!!  Trust me; you’ll get fewer reactions and they will soon go away if you stick to it.  You got this !! :)
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Amen !  What a blessing , you read and put into action well !

peace and joy always
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