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Patm what do you do to reduce symptoms ?

Everyone here has their own way to somewhat reduce symptoms. I'd wondering what they all are? Everyone here has their own way share your way. I wouldn't be surprised if nobody shares I never get comments or answers unless my topic says PATM CURE lol its true
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1. I don't eat any gluten or dairy. If I do eat dairy, I take a lactose enzyme pill which reduces my reactions significantly. This is by far the most important thing for me.

2. Exercise: I run about 15 miles a week on average. Sweating helps remove toxins and also reduces my symptoms.

3. Tea Tree Oil shampoo - helps keep my hair from getting dry, effects my my PATM positively for some reason.

4. Meditation and relaxing music. When I get nervous, my PATM worsens; I don't know why - this can help.

Today I purchased a Purple Carrot + Vitamin C cream to put on my skin. I plan to add this to a NAC supplement I also picked up - I will keep you updated on how it works. I take a vitamin, but I really try to stay away from taking too many things at once. Good luck.
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Also, try to avoid refined sugars. I'm terrible at this one - but if have time, I make fruit smoothies with flax seed and dried berry powders mixed in. There's a 24/hr convenience store literally in my building so I do eat sweet junk more than I should.
Thank you very much for the reply I really do appreciate it. I will be trying your whole process see it how much it helps me
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Daily: Take a Candida Forte and Desiccated Beef Liver capsule. Drink a bottle of water with brown rice powder mixed in.  Chew and swallow a spoon full of Organic Raw Black Cumin Seeds (Nigella Sativa).  The Black Cumin seeds I recently picked up from a thread here and seems to have helped me the most.  

I think this is something to do with our intestines, related to Candida, these home remedies seem to slowly be healing my gut.  For 2 months I tried changing my diet, cut down on alcohol but wasn't noticing improvements so I went back to living MY life but with the above additions.
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In am
Start with 1 full bottle water
Then 1 magnesium 1 zinc
(2x week I take a vegan rainbow multivitamin )
Then I have protein to counter the sugar only 5g per day so I have 1 or 2 sunny side up vegan feed eggs and 1 Luna bar and 1 Americano non gmo coffee but coffee is a trigger if u quit caffeine it's even better less reactions.
Lunch I have lemon water and huge plain green salads no dressing unless olive oil only no cheese nothing just romaine and green peppers

I have vitamin d3 around 4pm
At 7 pm I have a huge chobani plain yogurt under 5 g sugar is PLAIN ONE--- with flax seed and chia seeds and 1 handful walnuts in it and sometimes organic blueberries in it

8 pm bedtime I have 1/2 bottle water and 1 Nordic fish oil
No internet no tv after 3pm
Go to bed

I use whole foods organic mint shampoo and conditioner this stopped what I had previously itchy scalp

I use coconut oil on skin at bedtime

Not face though
Gym weights and walk 3x week
I'm female 5 feet 110 pound never been out shape my whole life
I did get bit by bed bugs in NYC before this started but I also was exposed to mold
Either way immune system first to clear blood
Then rest will follow
No carbs
No sugar
It's hard but it works

I cheat of course and that's why I'm still here

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Lots water all day long
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