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People are allergic to me too

I had read that someone had a similar problem to mine. Within a few minutes of entering a room, people begin coughing and/or sneezing.(By the way, it's always 2 coughs in a row.) I am not sick at all but everyone around me becomes sick upon meeting me. Doctors have told me that it's just allergy season, but this has been going on for a couple years! Besides the endless coughing and sneezing, other symptoms that people develop include: itching around the eyes and nose, acne (on face and neck), sores on the outer lips, and fatigue. I feel alone and am making myself an outcast from society.  This feels like an airborn virus but besides the dermatological aspect, I do not feel sick at all. I wish someone could help me. Any suggestions would help.
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This is happening to me I been tryng to treat SIBO and Candida. It seems to help a little, but it's not 100% gone. I also don't just smell I had other health problems like vertigo and constant UTIs/ cervicitus. Really bad stomach problems. I'm a biochemistry major at ASU. I'm going to find the cure for this thing. I'm a Born Again Believer in Christ and I'm not afraid of anything. No weapon formed against any of us is going to prosper because God's with us. And he's a thousand times more powerful than this condition. I go to university and deal with embarrasment and I'm like the rest of you know one understands, but they don't need to because God does. I'm going to really pray and seek him for a solution to this thing because I think I might have got this to help everyone else suffering with it. I was normal before and now this is happenging to me, but there's an answer and his name is JESUS!
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Hello did you get any relief. I see people posting years ago but nothing recently. Just curious if you've made progress. I'm really frustrated
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I too suffer from these madness for years, its energy and time consuming, I go thru mild soap and deodorants like crazy, I take from two to three showers a day, I totally changed my diet, I only eat a fruit in the morning with green tea, lunch time I get some salad with chicken breast, and night time clear veggie soup, (no garlic or onion), I use ginger and cilantro for flavor, i banned the pork, and red meat from the diet, I take s. boulardi probiotic everyday, and multivitamins and fish oil every other day, cause i' ve noticed fish oil exacerbate the Bo more, i am exercising three times a week for half and hour, i meditate in Gods word night time and mornings for five to ten min. before head out of the door.  This changes not only help me to shed ten pounds, i gain some confidence, the meditation help me to be more calm and at peace, im not saying its going to work for everyone, but at least take chances and make changes in your life and who knows it may work for you. God bless u
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I have this coughing problem for a long time, it started a year ago. What I've come to realize is people can cough for all sorts of reasons, "it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with us". People can cough if their throats are itchy, or if they have a cold, to break a silence, a natural habit, or simply coughing for the heck of it.

I think what we are experiencing is NOT that people have allergy reactions to us, but that they are so called "Fake Coughing" to hint at us or to the crowd that we are not behaving like the "norm" or properly. That our presences are making people feeling uneasy or uncomfortable for whatever we are doing, perhaps we are feeling nervous around people (which I am), projecting to others, looked at other people in a wrong way, etc. Fake Coughing is a form of "Passive Aggression" where people do not know how to or have no way to communicate their negative feelings about you to you. It is very much an immature or childish way of socializing.

There are many other reasons why someone will cough around us. One example would be the Smoker Cough, where either the smoker or people around the smoker coughs. Smoker can cough if they stopped their cigarets for a while. People who do not smoke can cough if they inhaled smoke, or simply telling the smoker he/she is at the wrong spot to smoke.

Another example would be if someone disagree with you while you are talking in a group, and they can cough to single you out.

I've done a lot of research on this issue, and the reason why I want to contribute to this discussion is because I know how it feels going through all these. It can be very frightening and scary, like the whole world is upon you. Its like a mind-rape going through life everyday like this, where you are constantly feeling on the edge or alert, tensed up, frightened and simply feeling very annoyed like ****.

Bottom line is PEOPLE ARE NOT ALLERGIC TO YOU GUYS at all! People can be coughing for many many reasons. Try not to take them personally, as life is way too short for that. "There is no scientific studies on this, nor is there an illness that is related to this issue." You can research all you want, but you won't find an illness that describe all this.

WAKE UP EVERYONE!!! Reality can be scary, but you got to keep moving forward and make changes along the way!
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2, 4, 5, 6 are my answers. I am experiencing the people allergic to me. Tried acidophilus, eating healthy and organic but nothing changed. My stuffy nose cleared up though.
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hie guyz did anyone find a solution
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I am 49 years old, I have always have sweaty underarms and occasional bad breath after a long time of not visiting dentist. However I was working from home for a long period of time and there was an undetected big hole in the wall where I sit that was covered by workstation cabinet left by previous owner. Over the long period of time, the dust emanating from the hole in the wall gave me dust allergy. Coupled with nasty stomach virus at the time and acid reflux episodes at one time, I started developing the issue of sinus that makes my breath worst and occasional sneeze from co-workers. These two conditions got worse when I am stressed. I am learning to control it by:
1) While, I am at work I think a happy thought. I tell myself "way to go buddy", "He lay me beside still water" anything to keep my stress level going up.
2) I take this cheap generic anti allergy from Walmart. It helps me control my allergy for about half a day and reduce my stomach acid influx. Latter is a huge relieve.
3) At interval, while I am at work I go in the bathroom and clean my armpit with anti-bacteria soap. I even clean my nostril. cleaning my armpit gives me HUGE clean feeling and reduce my stress level a lot.
4) Take daily vitamin in the morning.
5) Keep hand cleaning solution at desk at work and in the kitchen at home
6) ENJOY LIFE, keep telling myself this (allergy life) is not the live I want to live. I want  to enjoy life abundantly.
7) Lastly, I am writing this on a selfish note to make myself better.
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