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Phone conversation

Is there anyone willing to speak to me over the phone and honestly tell me if they can smell this through the phone and if so what it smells like or if is it just irritating. Serious inquires only. This could be a big help with our condition.
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Hey trust me there is no smell. I know that sometimes things just dont add up and in the process we try to make sense of something that seems so ridiculous like patm but take a step back, is it logical that a smell could travel through phone calls? No. If you are 99.999% sure but you want to be 100% sure then call me
Helpful - 4
Yes it is logical that Patm can travel through the phone.  Your voice does.   I looked through all your posts helper.  Not doing much help.  When you have something please let us know. Until then your daily guesses are not helping the cause.  Just slow down bro.  Patm causes reactions through the phone as much as you can’t wrap your mind around it.  If you studied you would see it’s not only logical but been possible for years.  
Alright chill out im not trying to disrespect or anything im just saying that its not logical to say that smell travels through phones.

I have offered my help, ive said that if anyone needs emotional support im here but no one has reached out and on top of that im providing explanations to the questions we have about patm which no more than 1 person has challenged my theories. About my daily guesses, i think yea youre right i should tone it down a bit, but im just getting increasingly frustrated at the fact no one wants to help me figure **** out but its ok i understand that people have had patm more time than ive been alive so I understand why people have lost hope.

Wdym i cant wrap my mind around it? Ive already provided an explanation as to why people might think that patm travels through phones when in reality it doesnt. It doesnt take a genius to realize that smell(physical particles) cant travel 1000s of miles in seconds. Lastly what do you mean by “studied”, does that mean a formal education? An understanding of data? An understanding of smell?? Alright since you think my theories are bs but never had the courage to challenge them then how about you provide an explanation to this phenomenon? And ill tell you why you are wrong.
Ok so i saw your previous posts and your only explanation is that mold and fungus grow 600x faster in microwaves but i already debunked that because if it were true then since the whole world is being constantly bombarded by microwaves then reactions would happen instantaneously regardless of distance.

You had also said that "You must be from USA public schools. Brainwashed man o man. Goodluck" and i just want to understand your thought process because what makes you think that USA public schools immediately makes you brainwashed? Also how do you define brainwashed?

Look i have nothing against you i just want to make that clear, i only disagree with you. The way that things send and receive data is by interpreting information as bytes A.K.A 1 and 0's. Even if somehow patm was emitting some sort of radio signal then the phone would not pick it up because phones dont work like that, if they did they you wouldnt be able to have a phone call because of the interfering signals going back and fourth making phone calls impossible. Lets say that patm did get turned into 1 and 0's, the phone would interpret it as audio and/or video because the only thing that the phone is listening for is audio and video information not a game file for example. Even if everything miraculously happened and the person on the receiving end of the phone call was able to have patm interpreted into bytes sent by you then their phone has absolutely no instrument that can interpret or produce patm.

I think there is a huge confusion about how cell phones work and from that confusion there stems theories based on not knowing how it works but its ok i dont expect anyone to be so invested into technology that they go out of their way to learn how it works.

I believe you when you say that every time you are on a phone the person on the opposite end has reactions, but in reality its not what is actually happening, there are 2 explanations as to why.

1. the person knows you in person so they associate you with patm and when they hear your voice, see you, see anything that reminds them of you then their body instinctively has a reaction because a reaction to patm is when a persons body tries to protect against allergens so their body produces mucus in response, so their body produces mucus in anticipation of allergens. This phenomenon is actually common, for example i was told a story about how a woman and her coworker always said bye to each other at closing time for 11 years straight. One day the coworker went home early and the woman didnt know that and at closing time she said bye like she always had and although the coworker was gone she still heard him say bye back!! Her mind filled in the empty silence because her mind expected it and so that same thing applies here, since the person on the receiving end expects a reaction then their body produces mucus or phlegm or whatever in anticipation.

2. Confirmation bias, this is also a common phenomenon in which people tend to pay attention to the details that confirm their preconceived notions about a situation. If you wanted to remove confirmation bias then instead of making a mental note of when people react have a physical note that shows how many times people react and how many people dont react(only over phone lines and tv's or whatever), if you think that patm spreads though tv's then make sure to note each time you watch tv or if you think it travels through youtube videos too then also note each time someone did and didnt react, this way you can eliminate confirmation bias significantly. Also a big part of patm is to not associate everything related to allergies to patm because allergies are common and not only can this give you a false idea of how far your patm affects people, it also gives you the impression that patm is much more worse than it actually is. People who smoke, vape, live in an apartment without good ventilation, live with someone who smoke or vapes, have seasonal allergies,  have been with a group of people in a confined space without ventilation are all people who you might conflate patm with normal allergies so beware of that. I have gone back to media i used to watch before i had patm and now that i have it i notice a lot more nose touching, clearing throats, sniffling than ever before and even at parts where i vividly remember the dialogue, somehow those little things were ignored when i didnt have patm.

I hope you find any value in this reply, i seriously just want to help out anyway i can and the best way i feel like i can help is by providing explanations to otherwise unanswered questions. If we disagree then i dont care because at the end of the day its a disagreement and it doesnt matter, we are both suffering to the same thing and we both just want this to go away so we can get our lives back. Ive only had patm for about a year and 3 months but in that time i have gained an understanding of how patm works and how to get rid of it, i hope i can find something that will clear my toxic spit out but i havent found anything yet, once i find out the answer to that then i think it will be ground breaking, if you read my post about the 2 types of patm it would essentially cure the 2nd form of patm.  
PH you r insightful
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I had the most agonizing phone call today
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Basically I the person I was talking to sounded so lethargic, just trying to arrange a transportation for someone they couldn't stop coughing and it felt like they were torturing me because every step of the process was being dragged out with silence and just nasty coughs not only am I on the phone with someone coughing but then my officemates are coughing. IT WAS HELL.
I know how you feel I get the same reactions over the phone and through electronic screens
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