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The PATM Cure is Here -- Part II

Hi guys -- hope your autumn/fall is going well, and you're ready for the holidays!

Some time ago I wrote a post called "The PATM Cure is Here."  In the post, I wrote about how I had been suffering from PATM for a few years, but at a certain point I stopped seeing reactions when I tried two main things:  saccharomyces boulardii (which helps fight candida) and brown rice protein powder (which heals leaky gut).  The post got a lot of responses, and in later years a few people gave testimonials about how brown rice protein powder greatly reduced their reactions.

Well, unfortunately, this past spring I started seeing some reactions again.  I think it might have been due to an antibiotic I took, which may have affected my gut lining (it doesn't surprise me, as I blame an antibiotic for my first battle with PATM).  Anyway, it really stressed me out, as I didn't want to have to through all this again.  I tried out several new supplements, and none of them really worked.  Then I tried out something else.  Reishi 415.

My friends -- I believe this is what we've been looking for.

A week after I started taking it, my reactions decreased again.  Another week later, and they were gone.  And a few months later, they haven't returned.  They are gone -- completely.  I don't like to use the word "cure," but I feel very strongly that this supplement may be it.  Here's why:

Reishi addresses the two main issues that I believe are responsible for our condition:  candida and leaky gut.  It does so by busting through the biofilms that surround candida and healing inflammation around the gut.  Because it tackles both of these problems, it is more powerful than just taking supplements for candida or leaky gut alone.

I know there may be concerns that it is a mushroom (and thus a fungi), but it is what you call a "medicinal mushroom."  Instead of feeding candida it competes with it for space, and also has anti-microbial properties.  So it's one of the safe ones.  The only thing you have to be careful of is if you are taking blood-thinning medications like warfarin (Coumadin and Jantoven) because it also has anti-coagulant properties.  You may have to avoid it in that case.  Also, a website says that if you are an organ transplant recipient or are on immunosuppressive therapy, you should consult your doctor first before taking it.

Now here's the important thing.  You can't just buy any reishi supplement.  Most of the ones on the market do not contain the actual mushroom -- instead, they contain a mushroom substitute called "mycelium."  Mycelium is not as strong as the real thing.  There is only one brand I've come across that I believe gets the job done.   It's called Reishi 415, and it is manufactured by a company called Real Mushrooms in Canada.  They import their mushrooms directly from China (where reishi has been used to heal a variety of conditions for centuries).  I cannot emphasize this enough:  IF YOU BUY ANY OTHER BRAND THIS MAY NOT WORK.

I've found three websites you can buy the product:

*The Real Mushrooms website
*A website for a company called Well Pet Dispensary, based in Colorado

Unfortunately, as of now the product is not sold in any physical retail stores.


*Buy the capsule version (90 capsules) and not the powder one.  The capsules absorb better.
*Take 2 capsules a day (at same time)
*Take the capsules on an empty stomach -- preferably when you first get up in the morning.  If you do eat food, try not to take it until 1 or 2 hours later, when your stomach is more free.
*It would be a good idea to take a Vitamin C tablet at the same time.  They help the reishi absorb better.  I take Vitamin C 1000 myself.  No one's forcing you to do it, but don't you want to give yourself the best shot?
*Avoid sugar as much as possible while taking it.  Again, don't you want to give yourself the best shot?

I am already anticipating some questions, so I'll answer a few upfront:

*While I was taking Reishi 415, I did not consume any sugar or added sugar products (cookies, cakes, etc.).  I basically followed the candida diet:  eggs/bread/tea (with stevia) in the morning; a sandwich for lunch (usually chicken or turkey); and chicken/turkey for dinner with rice (brown or white) and cucumbers/lettuce/tomatoes on the side.  I still largely follow that diet now as I think it is healthy, but I can eat sweet stuff occasionally and still have no problems.

*As for other supplements I took while I first started taking Reishi 415:  they included Calcium-Vitamin D, saccharomyces boulardii , and kombucha capsules.  They did not have anything to do with reducing my reactions, I just took them for general health/other stuff.  I still take them.   I haven't been taking the brown rice powder anymore.

*I still take the Reishi 415 as I know it can take a long time to fully heal leaky gut.  I don't know if I'll ever stop at any point, but I don't think my reactions would come back if I did, because I've been taking it for a few months.

If you want information discussing what I've said about reishi, Google the following articles (in quotes):

"Immune Boosters:  Red Reishi" (on The Candida Diet website)
"Is Reishi Mushroom Good for Candida" (on the Yeast Infection website)
"Reishi mushroom and Candida" (on the Fungi Health website)
"Reishi mushrooms fight yeast infections " (on the Nutrition Healing website)

I know people may be skeptical, but give it a try first.  At least two weeks.  I wouldn't have created this whole new post if I didn't feel confident about this.  Good luck!
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BTW -- if you don't notice any improvements the first week, it's safe to up the dosage.  The manufacturer I spoke to says it's okay to take up to 10 capsules total per day.  I would probably start with a lower increase, like 4 or 6 capsules in the morning instead of 2.
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Thank you hopeful12345, i think i can speak for all of us when i say that some hope is necessary with this Disease *cough*'curse' we all share, I will try it. Ordered the 90 capsule one :)
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No problem, PATMmm!  Good luck!
Ty, i hope it works ! i know everyone is different in some ways, I'll be back for results and tell you all if it worked out or not.
Okay, sure
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Could you describe your PATM. How do people react to you. Thanks for your response.
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Hey ray, I don't get reactions anymore, as I said.  When I used to, I would get people scratching and rubbing their noses and hair.
Hi hopeful12345,

About reactions, did you have people coughing their lungs out or getting sick around you?

I feel whatever I am emitting is really bad and I am not so sure if it even originates from the gut or is it something that lives in the nose or skin.

Thank you for your time and gonna order the pills as soon as I get it done anyway.
Hey PatmSucks92, when I first got PATM a few years ago people did cough a lot (and felt hot) around me, but after I took my initial supplement (oxy powder) it cleared out a lot of the toxins and the coughing stopped.  Afterwards there was just a bunch of itching and scratching of noses, but I took brown rice protein and sacc boul and it stopped.   The reactions were gone for a long time, then this year people started itching/scratching again (but no coughing).  

I think it would be a good idea for you to try oxy powder before/at the same time you take the reishi, because it clears out a lot of those initial toxins that cause coughing.  You can get a bottle of 20 capsules for just $10 at Amazon, and try it for around 7-10 days.

As for your theory.  I think that we have an overgrowth of candida, and when candida dies it produces a lot of toxins (like 79 different ones).  I think we also have a leaky gut, which makes it easier for those toxins to escape through the gut and get into our bloodstream.  Because there are so many toxins in our bloodstream, they cannot all leave our body through the bathroom (urine and dumping), so they leave through the skin, which is our body's largest organ.   Glad you are trying the reishi.  Good luck!
I think PATM is caused by mold spores. I have a very clean house, hardwood floors, white kitchen and granite but live near the beach and have a crawl space. There's mold either in my vents or somewhere. The Air Doctor Co. tested my air and the spore count was severe even though I do not smell or see any visible mold. I bought an air cleaner by Austn and I hope it helps with the sneezing.
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If brown rice protein powder worked for you the first time, why didn’t you try it again?

I’ve been taking a different brand of reishi for a couple of months, another product without mycelium. Still get reactions.
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Good question.  I actually did try it again while I was trying out new supplements, but wasn't noticing a significant change.  It was only when I tried reishi that things clicked.  That said -- I still think brown rice protein powder is useful, and I know it has helped some people on here.

I'm curious -- which brand of reishi have you been taking?
I take Nootropics Depot reishi capsules. They have no mycelium and are organic, and I do feel that they’re potent, but not cured yet.

Here’s the amazon link:

Hey pheed76, thanks for sharing.  I can't really say why your brand is not working for you.  There don't seem to be many differences from Reishi 415, but who knows what differences there may be.  I do notice that while Reishi 415 specifies that it has greater than 5% triterpenoids, your brand does not specify how much it has.

Of course, as I said earlier, different bodies react differently, so it could be that you are not responding to it (due to other health issues, other supplements you are taking, your diet, etc.).  I still think it can't hurt for others to give it a try.
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Hello Hopeful,

Can you tell how long you would suggest in taking this product?
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Hey ray, it's difficult to say.  As I mentioned, I stopped seeing reactions after two weeks.  But different bodies react to different supplements differently, so some people may need to try it longer to see a notable change.

I'm still taking it, because I know leaky gut can take awhile to fully heal.  I think that even if you stop seeing reactions, you should take it for a few months just to be safe.  But of course, it all depends on your budget, as it costs $35 a bottle.

You are reading content posted in the People Allergic to Me (PATM) Community

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