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The Reishi doesn't work for me patm

And bought the pills that someone recommended that are of reishi took a month and not worked for me it is very sad now i think buy rice protein and antioxidant juices if this works I will tell them I hope that if
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Actually what you don't understand is that PATM is not the same thing for all the people who have it.There are about 5 types -undemethylation,overmethylation,pyrrole disorder,copper overload,heavy metal toxins overload.Treatment is individual.That is why one thing works for some people but for others don't.Learn more about methylation cycle.Balanced methylation is what we need for good health.
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Mindspace you are correct on that.  I have spent many hours studying the methalatyon process and epigenetics. very eye opening for sure. Too much niacin,cteatine,and fortified things in processed food for sure are causing problems not just with patm.  what I'm amazed at is how this can still travel so far instantly. I've ran many tests and believe it has to ride out on frequency or light period.  Any gas or smell alone can not travel like this.  I know we have discussed positive ions as a possibility but if that is so I should be able to build a receiver to attract them in a room wich I have not been able to.  If methalatyon is correct it has to be nero transmitters not being properly disposes of or reaching the correct place.   My patm does come from my breath and stomach but also when wearing a military style breathing  mask it can also be directed by my eyes.  I know it's crazy but true.   black mold/parasites plays a part in mine but there has to be something else sending the signals out.  I'm currently in the best place possible for my research.  out away from most people.  I may not find the answer but I'm not giving up.  My 8yr Son has this problem now also. not patm  but somehow we are connected. I can still make him have his tics from far away.  no one else only me.   I also can still control the reactions from other people. so strange indeed.  But it's ok everyone already thinks I'm crazy so it gives me time to read and observe. when I go to the city I practice on the expressway.  when I look at others in cars around me they distinctly react.  well I  hope you are doing well enough.  I'm still holding out hope
Methylation problems are related to electric signals in the brain and with elevated or lowered levels of serotonine,dopamine(neurotransmitters).That is how it travels.In my case definitely have a smell problem and I suggest that I have pyrrole disorder.
Happy Wellness Wednesday everyone!

What are you doing to tackle the methylation issue ?
It's complicated because I oversupplementing for about 2 years.But I'm better.Now I have to lower b12,b9 levels because I suspect that are high.Low protein diet plays the role but also low folate diet.It's not easy but I'm on the right way.
I think we constantly emit the gas from the skin.So we create an aura of toluene around us because constant excrettion.Its very irritative so people might be affected very fast.We even create an aura of air becaause of body exchange in home too.While being in 1 place for too long this will happen.Outside the wind will move the air we warm by exchange and new air after the wind blow will take over,but while in house for example we create this aura of warm air.I think the same is happening for patm and the gasses we emmit.
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Any updates?I think patm is because of liver.A analysed all data and conducted tests mysel.A new study 2023 by Sekine From Japan says that a typical phenomen in PATM patients is toluene accumulation.This is because lack of metilation.Toluene is absorbed and coverted into phenol in the liver by p450 citocromes.Then it is converted 2 more times before going to kidneys to be aliminated.As it seems,the liver is not transforming the toluene into phenol to be eliminated so the metilation is not working.I tested with OAT and my metilation is very low 0.25  range being 1.5-4.I also had mitocondria and fatty acid oxidation problems and some detox acid being very low.Also another acid glucaric i think showing the p450 activity was low.I think all these shows its a liver problem.I dont know if its because of mold exposure or sibo sifo leaky gut.Do you have any updates?
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