17551709 tn?1457744886

The answer might be in gas chromatography?

If we can get tested for the chemicals in our breath, we might be able to figure out what toxins we are emitting compared to a regular human being. I saw this on a blog where the person who suggested it, is going through medical school because no one else is trying to solve PATM or TMAU. My smell comes from my breath and nose, so I'm clearly emitting something from my internal organs. Has anyone else done this test, or does anyone know where to get tested?
14 Responses
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Hello Interpol89,
I might be able to help you depending on your symptoms.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Hi Interpol89, i agree w you.  When i start giving off a weird odor, some days are worse than others, it seems like it comes from both my nose and mouth just like u said.  I dont believe it is just bad breath because breath wouldn't travel THAT fast through rooms.  On bad days, i see ppl reacting instantly up to 40-50 ft away.  BUT, i DO notice that that smell, and like u said, if we can figure out what that odor consists of, maybe we can find out more about what and where its coming from.
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DJ_Choppa, I recently started taking probiotics, bought liquid chlorophyll and started a detox of only consuming water and fruit for a week. I will keep you guys updated.
17489628 tn?1458796338
Ok sounds good..ive been on a number of probiotics, supplements, and have detoxed my liver, gallbladder, and colon within the past month.  Although i notice other things goin away, like muscle twitches, rashes on my upper arms etc, my patm is still here.  I think between all of us w patm, we are infected all by the same thing, but i feel like everybodys body reacts differently to all these remedies we are taking.  So keep me posted.  Someone on here tried a dewormer for goats ( ba a a a a) and said it worked, and we haven't heard from her since.  Maybe it did work, maybe it didnt, but that person was on this forum for a while trying all kinds of things.  So i think im gonna try it also.  Only thing is u have to make sure u take the right amount.  Too little can cause the parasite to become immune, if this is a parasite that is affecting us.  So i read that its better to take more to b sure. Ill let ya know if i try it.

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17489628 tn?1458796338
I was moving up at work, making lots of money, and i was celebrating ALOT drinking tons of alcohol.  I was finishing like an average of at least 3-4 bottles of liquor or vodka a week.  Im only saying this cuz it seems like the patm got worse after this timeframe.  There was a lot of sugar in the liquor i drank.  
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I stopped eating fruits and instead I will do the candida diet for a while to see if it makes a difference. Have you tried using a hepa air purifier in your room? I may try it because it supposedly helps to remove allergens and dust mold in the air.
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Ah dj choppa where you drinking a lot of liquor and beer before this all came up cause that's when it showed up for me
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17551709 tn?1457744886
Today I was browsing the MEBO research page and I saw they were doing a study with the mensanna breath test. It turns out that they measure the compounds in our breath, similar to what I was looking for. I will try to get tested. Here's the link for the test centers:

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17489628 tn?1458796338
Ya i was drinkin a lot...i didnt start drinkin till i met my ex, which was about 6 yrs ago, and i was w her for 5 yrs.  She got me into drinkin, ALOT, she w have shots lined up for me when i got home from work lol..anyways u get the point..ive barely realized ive been makin ppl react to me, but when i think back, there were other times when ppl who sat by me at work would sbeeze alot.  It was only a couple ppl, so it was nothin i noticed.  A couple months b4 i finally realized patm, this girl could not stop sneezing soon as she got in my car.  There were scenarios like this for the past yr. It just makes me wonder, did i mess up my body w all the liquor and beer, spice foods, late night eating etc and is that what caused me to have these patm symptoms?  Idk, but im leanin towards it, unless i picked up some kind of parasite along the way.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
First i thought i just had funky breathe, which i call funk mouth, and that was the only problem i thought i had.  Ive always had good teeth n gums and never had hygiene problems.  So thats what threw me off cuz i was brushin the heck out of my teeth.  I feel like wutever smell i was giving off, and still am to this day, is whats making ppl react.  Idk if its bacteria overgrowth from all the alcohol cuz i was drinking tons of flavored liquor, which has tons of sugar.  And we all know bad bacteria feed off sugar, and fungus like candida.  I started to notice i have a thicker white coat on my tongue, which is dead cells, food particles and bacteria.  Bacteria give off a sulphur kind of smell.  So i was thinkin this is probably a bacteria overgrowth problem cuz i have other symptoms that are caused by it.  I used hydrogen peroxide to gargle, which i didnt even know u could do, and it staryed bubbling alot very quickly.  This told me i definitely have alot of bacteria in my mouth...so w all that being said, i thought my patm symptoms were being caused by odor being produced from bacteria and maybe parasites, but others say they have tried remedies for that and did not see results.  Im still cleansing so i cant really say just yet.  Srry for all the info, i just wanna make sure yall know how i got to this point.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Thanks , i will look into this.  I have been noticing that it seems like the odor im givin off is comin from my nose when i breath out.  But im thinkin these breath tests can pick up on stuff regardless if we think its from our nose or mouth
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I think this is a good idea, did anyone get tested? If you are close by one of these breath testing centers give it a shot if it is affordable. You can then easily find out if something abnormal or out of range pops out in the results...
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there are no breath testing centers for a..."modern" medicine is waaaaay behind on using breath compound analysis to assist in diagnosing disease (i'd buy stock in a company that did this for the general population, but sadly none exists).   yes, the machines exist, but they are only being used for research.  there are some centers where people can get referred by specialists such as oncologists (cancer specialists).  for instance, at stanford university in california, there is a study:

Breath Analysis for Evaluation of Radiation Exposure in Lung Cancer Patients Treated With Radiation: A Feasibility Study
Patients treated with radiation therapy for lung tumors can experience inflammation after treatment. This study hopes to evaluate the use of breath analysis to evaluate changes in the composition of exhaled breath in patients undergoing radiotherapy. If changes can be detected, this may ultimately serve as biomarkers for identifying patients at highest risk for radiation-induced lung injury (radiation pneumonitis).

this is only one example, there are several other studies along the same lines.  so, only gravely ill people are having their breath studied, not seemingly "healthy" people such as us patmers.  "modern" medicine does not realize that breath analysis should be used as a top-down approach to avoiding disease in the first place and has placed no importance on it the treasure-trove of information that it would give about the state of any individual's health
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Has anyone tried to contact the meNissan a research center about evaluating our breath? Let's everybody try to let them know about our illness, and hopefully they will start some research on it. I just emailed them about it, but it's probably going to take all of us to get it started. I'm ready to find out what this is!!!!!
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Sorry meant menssana research center.
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I will be looking into and then contacting an old business acquaintance that owns a gas chromatography machine.   They originally used it for testing thc/mold/pesticides in cannibus.  I believe they no longer have the business due to new laws and regulations.  Maybe they will be interested who knows.   I’m also not sure if it’s the exact machine we need or can be updated for our cause.   Good people that are old hippy couple.  If it can be done I will update in a few days.  
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