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Theory - no limits on behavior in the psychic layer

You may have noticed this yourselves . There's this weird psychic layer in life that's on top of normal, simple life and normal communication. In this layer anything goes, behavior is odd and spontaneous. People are talking normally, and then suddenly behave erratically.  Coughing happens on this layer and so does other behavior like psychic attack or falling psychic victim and feeling entirely wounded.

So this psychic layer is new to us humans and unguarded territory. No one cares because it's not normal; the psychic layer in life isn't acknowledged. It is here people can pull energy from you or make you weak.

Here people have energy fights when you become spiritually and telepathically aware of what others are trying to do.

I mentioned not to get offended by their dominance or tricks or hypocrisy...

Also , open up to people as the last year's have welcomed spiritual advancement and unfortunately PATM (which only functions while we don't acknowledge psychic terrorism and our psychic intuition), and this is finally the year of truth and unblocked throat chakras various spiritual groups are discussing.
So open up to people at opportune moments. And let's hope people start coming to aid on this psychic layer and start to vibrate that coughing loudly and nervously at people is NOT tolerated.  
7 Responses
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Is this a real condition. or paranoia?
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What is the cause of this condition?
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I understand what u are saying. This is stll weird that people can have reactions to you even if you dont have an odor. Also it is strange that u get different reactions from different people. Everyone reacts different, to rubbing nose, and coughing.
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Not quite sure if I suffer from this patm or not. I want to see more reactions before i label this as a condition. I have noticed some people around me having different reactions for a few weeks now, and I am not sure what is causing these reactions.
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One thing I found about this patm it can put people in a bad mood or good and when thier in a bad mood it's like they wanna fight me or something I do believe some type energy is being carried away because people give me god mean looks
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People react different because people are different. . Maybe it's not us as much as we think
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Oh its us alright.  Theres just too many reactions happening at the same time, for it to be them, and not us.  I recently walked down an isle at work, as i was walking ppl started coughing and clearing their throats all the way down the isle.  It was freakin ridiculous.  I believe there is something physically goin on in our bodies.
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