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It's the time discover the cause: PATM

Hello everyone.
There's no point on writing pages of post. I could write a book on this but what we need is solution not story.

There isn't clear evidence about what causes PATM. But now is the time to know what actually cause it so we can start working on solutions. Or at least we know how not to waste time on.

I'll start with my symptoms:
(Duration: 2 years.)
----||| Sneezing, coughing, rubbing nose, clearing throat, watery eyes, sleepiness, headache, feeling hungry, warm sensation in body, fatigue.
(This are symptoms of me as well as people who is exposed to me)

How it started??
--- Prolonged stress and anxiety along with bad food and bad sleep triggered it.
Before that I didn't had any symptoms at all.

My theory:
-- Long period of stress and anxiety triggered it. It may be some kind of natural mechanism of body to cope stress. Body is releasing some kind of irritant gases may to be repell our potential enemy. I mean in the evolution point of view.

This is the theory my calculations fit on. Other than that there is no reason we can have this.
Because: digestion is Ok, no vitamin deficiencies, no health issues, nothing at all.

My experience:
I highly believe that stress causes release of the irritant gases release more and more. Actually body is feeling dager and doing its coping mechanism.

Possible Treatment:
--May be Hypnosis which may change our perception of danger, reduce stress, and ultimately end PATM.
-Meditation, stress relief, physical workout, eating clean, being happy.
--- May be antidepressants or anxiety medication.

I am eager to learn your responses.


-A nice guy.
4 Responses
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Hey so has the lime been working at all? If not then what has worked for you in your experience?
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I read you in some answers below, where you talk about mucus in the throat, which is a symptom that I suffer in the same way. Over the years I have been trying different things, like many of the group. On YouTube there is a man named Frank Suarez, the channel in Spanish is called "Metabolismotv", he talks about the two types of nervous systems that the human body has, sympathetic and parasympathetic, which he calls excited and passive. He gives many recommendations on foods that excite and calm each system. Magnesium, Potassium, etc. But in one of the many videos I saw what he recommended for acidity was water, because water helps to generate more Sodium Bicarbonate. In addition to the mucus, on some occasions when I get up in the morning my throat hurts and the point I think is also due to that extra gas that has been produced in all these years, which in addition to causing discomfort in my throat, mucus, it reaches my nose and even irritates my nose and I lose some sense of smell. There can be two conclusions from this.

1. It may be that so much hydrochloric acid is produced due to stress and nervous system problems, that it began to destroy the stomach and part of the intestine, generating the famous "Leaky gut". Therefore, supporting this theory, I have started taking sodium bicarbonate capsules two hours after eating, to digest the food and at night too, to decrease the acid and hope for improvements in the throat, recovery of the stomach and intestine. .

2.- The esophageal sphincter does not close properly and that allows the gases that are working on the destruction of the food to rise to the throat and the PATM problem occurs, but even so there are people who also have heartburn and do not have PATM, which reinforces the theory that there is an excessive generation of acid, produced in turn by stress and the nervous system.

For this point, I have been reading different solutions such as Nissen fundoplication, another that I saw on the internet where they put a kind of elastic chain and another where they give some radiofrequency shocks to help the sphincter close.

If we add as in my house that I took antibiotics in excess + Stress + Acid = The Stomach and the Intestine have not been able to repair themselves, in all these years. Everything that burns in the stomach and enters the circulatory system, the respiratory system and the body is saturated, regardless of what we eat, obviously there are things more harmful than others.
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I have the same symptoms that you have the mucus is very smelly the only way to get relief is breathing in hot steam through my mouth and allowing it to hit the back of my throat. I put a bit towel over my head after boiling some water. I start to cough as soon as the steam hits my throat. I cough it up and spitting in the commode. It looks very weird and you can see strings of mucus hanging down to the floor of the toilet. But the soreness and mucus comes right back.
I forgot to add this. I noticed that when I have thick mucus lodged in my throat it is hard for me to belch. But once it is cleared it is much easier.
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    There are other diseases that show up later in life like Crohn's disease which starts when you are 20-30 years old so i feel like this is a similar situation but from what i have seen, people can see signs of patm from 9-30.

    I meant to say that the more siblings a patmer has, the more likely it is that patm is a genetic mutation specific to the individual. If patm isnt a genetic mutation then its a recessive gene so its a 25% of happening. Imagine there is a patmer with 7 siblings, if none of their siblings have patm then that means that patm is a genetic mutation because its statistically improbable that no other sibling would have patm, almost exactly 10%.

     I am sort of hesitant to say that stress is partly responsible for awakening patm because stress is really common and its easy to associate it with any other health problem but i do think that its almost definitely something that greatly affects patm because stress can affect mood, sleep, immune system which can also affect patm.

    I have the same thing as you, occasionally i could smell something similar to ammonia or onion or something else and that would make everyone around me react very badly and it was almost instant but i got rid of that like 2 weeks ago. When i woke up i had a bad taste in my mouth and it made my spit and tongue look whiter than normal but that would usually go away when i ate and brushed my teeth. I still have the bad taste when i wake up but i brush my teeth and gargle lime juice and the smell went away after 2 days. Also my pee and poop smell bad too, and it also causes more reactions. I dont think patm originates in the gut though, i think that patm evaporates into gas then dissolves into your saliva that you ingest when you eat which is how it gets in your gut.

    I think that patm might be spread out into 2 or more separate gasses, one for sneezing and runny nose another one for coughing and irritated throat and maybe other ones for headache, hunger, stomach pain and more. I have also had periods of time where people would only sneeze and have a runny nose, and another time it was only throat irritation and coughing which is the first time i had the idea of patm being 2 gasses. Also i noticed that people would only have certain reactions at different distances for example today i was with my family and noticed that the people farther away would clear their throats and the people close to me would rub their eyes and no one sneezed but i think its because i only have patm on my hair and i was wearing a hoodie so that gas might have been stopped by the hoodie? im not sure but have noticed a connection between distance and type of reaction.
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Patm stands for people allergic to me. This is not an actual disease.
But I have the same symptoms as you do. I believe it is mucus. The only way I got the coat off my tongue. I had to put ice packs on my face where my sinuses are. I think because of the swelling in the sinuses it holds on to mucus. Then it slowly drips into the throat due to the thickness. As we chew food it mixes with the saliva and sticks to our tongue. Whenever I apply the ice packs I make sure I am lying flat and eventually I can feel the mucus start to drain into my throat. I continue to spit it out. You do it as long as you can. Then repeat as often as you want to. My tongue is now the color it should be even after eating. I told my otolaryngologist about this once he said it was smart because the ice does the same thing as the Flonase. But the Flonase never reduced the swelling. I believe the issue is from the mucus getting into the gut over the years and it has poisoned our system. The same smell from this mucus is also present in my poop. Apply heat as well. This is the only thing that stops the drainage. I got this from the otolaryngologist. He said to apply heat to get the blood flowing. I wonder if it could be a circulatory problem because my nose is always cold.
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I love that your taking initiative. I think that patm is a mutation in our dna or something that we inherited genetically. To test this we would have to find a patmer with sibilings that came from the same mom and dad, so the more siblings they have, the more likely it is that patm is a genetic mutation/defect. Im not sold on the idea that its an evolutionary trait because that would mean that patm must have at one point been favorable, it needed to be effective, and it needed to affect the entire group of people that lived with a patmer or else the patmer wouldnt have been able to reproduce enough for his genetic mutation to be passed on to their kids. If you are still not convinced just ask me and ill provide a stronger argument. We both have the same symptoms but i usually see runny nose and touching their nose the most. I think that patm is very closely related to sebum, i think this because when i first got patm my skin and scalp got really oily. I also tested this by making my skin really oily and then comparing my usual reactions to the new ones and i noticed that my reactions were unusually more intense and did take into account my own bias but it was such a significant difference that not even the most biased opinion would be able to skew the results, im talking about going from affecting people very close to me, to affecting the entire room. We can test if patm is linked to sebum but you have to be the one who tests it. I want you to spend two days really focusing on other peoples reactions but take into account yourself too, what i mean by this is that you should note how far away people are reacting, how badly they are reacting, and your current mood. You should also try to eliminate any variables like diet, masturbation, self confidence(maybe you dont like your outfit but the next day you love it), amount of layers i.e. are you wearing a sweater one day and a short sleeve shirt the next. Once you have all that then you should use dawn dish soap as a shampoo and body wash for 2 days and compare the results . From all my testing, using dawn dish soap is the most influential on patm reactions. It made my reactions terrible because it increased the oil on my skin but i heard a lot of other people say that it made their skin drier so it could be either result for you. If you notice that people are reacting more or less than usual then that means that the dawn dish soap did have an affect and most likely it means that patm is related to sebum.
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Firstly, my symptoms started when I turned 20. So if it was genetic mutation why was it waiting to appear for that long.

If I am not wrong you said that your sibling and you have same symptoms right?
If yes, that's means either it is genetic or you both are equally capable of triggering such response.

But In my case my siblings don't have it. Also, my symptoms started when my gut health was bad, had sleep deprivation, and had chronic stress. So I believe it to be some mechanism induced after chronic stress. And it can be better if we stress less. As you can see almost 95% people here say their symptoms get worse when they stress or become anxious. So anxiety may be trigger for the irritant gas release.

And another thing, do you have constant sour/bitter taste in mouth. I have it. No matter how many times I brush my teeth.
Also my Fart gas is also irritant gas like my breath.  So I believe the gas should be being produced in the gut 24/7 and releases more when we are anxious. People next to me cough when I poop, which means I have same irritant gas in poop. Which means the gas originates in gut. The mucus in throat is because of the irritant gas is irritating throat and body is producing more and more mucus 24/7.(also called post nasal drip)
How could this happen if the gas originates from skin?
Let me know if you have these symptoms or not.

Again, it may be different issue for different people. Or combinations.
I'll test showering with drying soap and see the results. I also heard sun bath also helps. I heard black seeds also help.

The thing I am still confused about skin gases is: there is japanese researcher who found that  irritant gases release from skin. Was that conclusion 100% accurate? Was that gas potent enough to cause irritation?

There are other diseases that show up later in life like Crohn's disease which starts when you are 20-30 years old so i feel like this is a similar situation but from what i have seen, people can see signs of patm from 9-30.

    I meant to say that the more siblings a patmer has, the more likely it is that patm is a genetic mutation specific to the individual. If patm isnt a genetic mutation then its a recessive gene so its a 25% of happening. Imagine there is a patmer with 7 siblings, if none of their siblings have patm then that means that patm is a genetic mutation because its statistically improbable that no other sibling would have patm, almost exactly 10%.

     I am sort of hesitant to say that stress is partly responsible for awakening patm because stress is really common and its easy to associate it with any other health problem but i do think that its almost definitely something that greatly affects patm because stress can affect mood, sleep, immune system which can also affect patm.

    I have the same thing as you, occasionally i could smell something similar to ammonia or onion or something else and that would make everyone around me react very badly and it was almost instant but i got rid of that like 2 weeks ago. When i woke up i had a bad taste in my mouth and it made my spit and tongue look whiter than normal but that would usually go away when i ate and brushed my teeth. I still have the bad taste when i wake up but i brush my teeth and gargle lime juice and the smell went away after 2 days. Also my pee and poop smell bad too, and it also causes more reactions. I dont think patm originates in the gut though, i think that patm evaporates into gas then dissolves into your saliva that you ingest when you eat which is how it gets in your gut.

    I think that patm might be spread out into 2 or more separate gasses, one for sneezing and runny nose another one for coughing and irritated throat and maybe other ones for headache, hunger, stomach pain and more. I have also had periods of time where people would only sneeze and have a runny nose, and another time it was only throat irritation and coughing which is the first time i had the idea of patm being 2 gasses. Also i noticed that people would only have certain reactions at different distances for example today i was with my family and noticed that the people farther away would clear their throats and the people close to me would rub their eyes and no one sneezed but i think its because i only have patm on my hair and i was wearing a hoodie so that gas might have been stopped by the hoodie? im not sure but have noticed a connection between distance and type of reaction.

oops i accidentally posted it as a question not a reply.
Okay it might be possible to be genetic and appeares at some age depends on individual. Fair enough.
But why most people complain it started when they was expecting huge stress, were on antibiotics, food poisoning,etc.
And how does it shows of out of nowhere. Shouldn't it be gradual? At least a person should show some symptoms when they were child. For me I was 100% fine until it started. I had a lot mental stress though.
TMAU people have the starting from birth. Crone's disease can be caused by family history but it's not a genetic mutation. It is more like developing heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, from family history. And that is very common thing. This makes me think it isn't related to genes. (Or could be who knows)
How about you? Did you had mental stress that time when it started? did you notice anything unsual before it started?

Now, another thing you believe is the gas emits from the skin and mixes with saliva. Then what about fart and poop? It also causes irritation. Do you think it goes down with saliva? Should the irritant gas be destroyed in the stomach acid? And everybody living with you should have equally bad taste in mouth as you. If gas was from skin everyone should inhale pretty much equal amount of it right?

I have tested it if it comes from skin. For the experiment I showered well wore fresh clothes, brushed my teeth and went for walk. If our skin was releasing the gas than we should not have mucus in mouth and bitter taste. Because when we are walking we are always inhaling fresh air.
I had pretty much same: bad taste and mucus.
To be sure one can check by inhaling pure oxygen by pipe for some time and observe if they have bad taste in mouth. If it comes from gut they should have it.

Some people say its parasite on the skin. I don't believe that because if it was parasite, everyone I thouch should be affected by it.  Why parasite likes your skin only?? Also parasite should be killed easily with soap.

Have you done anything that proves it is from skin?
Ones we know where it actually originates it would be alot help.

I feel like you can partially attribute patm to stress but not a significant amount, because a lot of people have stress so its hard to pinpoint stress as a cause when its so common. Its kinda like saying patm happened when you had a headache, its hard to say its because of a headache since headaches are common. I honestly have never thought of why patm started to suddenly, i have 0 explanation for this but i will by tommorow. The only thing i noticed when i first got patm was 1. That my skin was oily for the first time ever 2. I had just gotten back from a vacation which had me stressed out because it was unfamiliar but i had gotten back and i was normal until a few days later. I think that patm can get to your gut without breaking down just like corn can get to your gut. I think that patm diffuses into the air so its less strong in other areas of the house and my house is well ventilated so patm doesnt get trapped in my house. Ok well the soap thing didnt work because im dumb, i forgot that your BB is stronger than the patm on your skin so of course it wouldnt make a difference. You should try this to get rid of BB: gargle a highly acidic fruit(lime, lemon, etc) as soon as you wake up and spit it out, it’s important that you dont swallow your saliva when you wake up so what i do is I wake up and gargle lime and then spit it out into an empty water bottle then before eating breakfast brush your teeth and rinse your mouth well. Im pretty sure this will work the same day you try it but you have to gargle and swish a decent amount, like 0.5 - 0.75 tablespoons, and just remember that its very important to immediately swish and gargle the acidic juice when you wake up, spit out the acidic juice, drink some of it before and after breakfast, brush your teeth before breakfast, and lastly to rinse out your mouth thoroughly. I hope it works for you and thanks for not just saying yes to everything i say, you are the first person to make me second guess my thoughts on patm.
Not sure but this is the theory. Your oily skin is related to poor diet. Your poor diet then allowed the proliferation of the fungus and now you trying to fight it off.

There is a lot of fungus and inflammatory foods like seed oils in nearly everything

This is what I read about digestion,

You stomach acid plays a major role in killing fungus and bacteria on foods. If it is too low, those fungi and bacteria can survive the stomach and reach to the small intestine where it will be absorbed and enter the blood stream. Lot of foods like corn, peanuts, seed oils are high in fungus. Low sodium chloride in the diet lowers stomach acid if sodium is not derived from anywhere else. Sugar feeds fungus.  Also citric acid used in everything as a preservative is from black mold.  We are not balanced.  Also digestion starts with the mouth, and if that fungus is in the mouth and we have poor stomach acid levels then every time we swallow it will just keep passing the stomach and into the small intestine and into our blood then on our skin, where is it fed from the oily skin we produce from a terrible diet.

Think about dandruff, how hard it is for people to get rid of it, they are stuck using something like head and shoulders to remedy it instead of curing it.

Antifungals should be considered, imo, such as, Thyme essential oil and oil of oregano, cinnamon and clove.

Not saying it is a fungus from a food, but it could be an uncommon fungus and antifungals are needed if that is the case.

Also, different antifungals work for different fungi. So not every antifungal is going to show the same results. We have to know which one we are dealing with.

This may or may not help. But I thought I should post it.
My mother had a smell that doctors couldn’t figure out. I am the youngest of 8 but my mother also has respiratory problems. She would be short of breath. My dad had to give her breathing exercises to break I the mucus in her lungs. She was diagnosed with bronchiecstssis. I have relayed this information to my doctors. I have had a pulmonary function test twice with two different doctors. One doctor said my lungs are fine. He ordered an X-ray from my head down to my neck immediately after the test. He said my problem is post nasal drip. He showed me where the mucus was settling right underneath my chin bone on the sides oh my throat. Yet ent doctors says they can’t find anything. The other doctor who performed the PFT said it was fantastic. We believe my mother actually died from second hand smoke. This was in the 70,s . Doctors was not aware how secondhand smoke affected other people. My dad was a smoker. If I remember correctly the doctors didn’t really know what was wrong with my mother. But they had to put a cause of death on the certificate.
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