17489628 tn?1458796338

What Remedies Have You Tried, And What Were The Outcomes?

I am new to the world of PATM.  I have been noticing ppls reactions when they are near me for the past yr, but as of 4 weeks ago i noticed that the reactions were happening more frequently and seemed to be more severe.

I finally am reaching out to ppl like yall, to try and beat this unique problem that nobody seems to believe,  except for those who actually suffer from it, US.  My life was perfect until now.  It has changed for the worse.  I see that there is a lot of good information and observations u guys have previously shared through numerous feeds on here.  Theres good info, but its all scattered.  I would like to use my feed for us to share all that we have tried, researched, and the outcomes of our trials so we can truly narrow things down all on 1 feed.  It will be more convenient than scavenging through over 10k different comments.  I have done my own research and am currently in my own trials that i will be sharing w yall as i go.  I know that it is up to us to figure this out, as it is not a known condition.  This pretty much makes yall family.  I want to help yall as much-as i wanna help myself.  
8 Responses
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Cmon ppl, we need to figure this out, work is sooooo stressful for me now.  EVERYONE i walked by today coughed, some only cleared their throat and rubbed their nose, but mostly ppl were coughing.  It's not me being crazy when EVERYBODYS reacting, i could understand a few ppl, but this is everybody. I can feel and smell somekind of odor im giving off. Im sure this is the cause, i just dont know whats causing the odor
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Hi Dj.  I usually lurk on this forum to see if any strides / breakthroughs have been made, but do not generally post.  Your words compelled me to weigh in.  I have suffered from this disease for over a decade.  In that time, I've managed to find some tools that help to calm the reactions, but not eliminate them entirely.  I take the following daily:
*Saccharomyces Boulardii - 2 5B capsules (probiotic)
*Vitamin D 1000 IU
*CoQ10 - 200 mg
*1 Cod Liver Oil Softgel
To control the severity of the reactions at work, I've found that drinking tea instead of coffee, drinking lots of water, and only eating healthy snack food (like raw veggies or a piece of fruit) while at work helps.  I eat my big meals when I am in the privacy of my own home.
Also, at night I take an oralbiotic dissolvable tablet to help any breath odor issues.  I bathe using antibiotic soap (dial gold or infused with coconut oil is really good).  Excersise does help.  I believe sweat helps get rid of some of the toxins that our bodies emit daily.

I hope that you are able to find something that works for you, and get some much-needed relief from the stress of this mysterious illness.  On days where I feel down, I find a pair of headphones and a good music station help me out.  

Good luck and God bless!

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17489628 tn?1458796338

Pnut!!!! I appreciate your info and thanks for being the first person to respond lol.  Wow over a decade??  I have found out on this forum that some ppl are very tenured w this condition.  It is so horrible, and i agree w others that the first couple yrs will probably b the worse, but i am dedicated and will try every last option i have, all within this yr.  I already have packages coming in for targeting bacteria, candida overgrowth, supplements,probiotics, cutting out sugars, grains etc, dewormers, and supplements that target organs including glands within the endocrine system for possible hormonal imbalances.  

I never knew any of this stuff, but as of a few days ago, this is what ive learned. I have witnessed already that anxiety and nervousness seems to make conditions worse.  Im VERY observant and will do all i can to figure this out, wish me luck. # I do this for all fellow PATMERS

Im curious pnut, what has it been like these past 10 yrs for you with this condition???
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Im agree with you dj..i have the same observation...in times of nervous and anxiety the patm comes worst.. i already try the accai berry juice to strong my immune system but nothings changes with the patm..
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Ju, this is crazy...idk what religion u believe in, but for me, i have wondered did God do this to me for a reason cuz maybe he feels i can handle it? Or is this just something i caught somewhere along the way?  Ya this is truly a mystery and is a living hell, but i am slowly learning how to cope w it.  Im trying to get contacts from here as i have noticed that talking to ppl w this problem helps. Message me or whatever if ur ok w that.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Sooo it's definately looking like a bacteria overgrowth/ parasite infection.  The different things i noticed on my body, that i really couldn't explain, all led to either certain organs not working properly or parasite/bacteria overgrowth.  As of 6 weeks ago when I first realized patm, b4 even knowing other ppl were suffering from this, my own research led me to exactly what we are all thinkin the problem is.  Nothin against those who think this is a more spiritual thing, but there is def a scientific reason for this.  If breathing practices and other stuff is working 4 you, than great.  I feel like some of us are on the right track, and I will use all the resources I have to help us find either a cure, or a solution that will at least make these dumb symptoms a lot easier to live with.
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Maybe it really is the nasty stuff we call 'food' and intake to our bodies..
I seriously turn into a sensitive , open, hate able person with coffee and the reactions are, well.. worst to say the least.
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Makes me all 'ugh '' not able to around people... maybe that's it..
Add sugar, and everything else. .
It turns us into open hate able people and this does something to our bodies and what we transmit
Oh and i appreciate all ur input on this problem.  Seems like the more tenured ppl believe in a spiritual explanation.  I see how it could go both ways tho. I notice ppl a good distance away reacting, as well as those close.  I think it is fair to say most of us have witnessed the same.  Some have come to the conclusion that its some kind of odor we r giving off.  My question is how the heck does bad breath (funk mouth) or odor travel that fast in a room??  That is where I can understand how many believe it is our energy/vibe that others are picking up on, causing this "energy battle."  1 thing is clear to me, whatever we are emitting is traveling fast enough to effect others far away.   Some feel it is an unknown parasite that is converting radiation or wireless signals into an electromagntic wave, thus traveling at speeds faster than sound even.  Along w a yeast overgrowth. I myself know this odor i feel like i give off at certain times, is being propelled by SOMETHING.  If u want to call it an odor/signal/wave of some sort.  
17489628 tn?1458796338
Ya it's been pretty rough for me the past 8 weeks.  Im an outgoing ppl person, so i share ur pain in wanting to b around ppl more.  I definitely look at life differently now, and cherish certain things more, like not worrying about weird stuff like this, but theres nothing we can do but try our best to get through this tough time.  I want my life back so bad, I will do everything to beat this.  

Im glad i found this forum, feels good to have ppl come together and try to figure this ridiculous problem out.  I know alot of ppl have suffered for many yrs.  I can't imagine having to go that long w this, and i feel for those ppl.  I really believe that we are on the right track though,it's just gonna take a lil more time before we get a grasp of this.

A buddy on here mentioned a lab in 2 cities that are close to me.  I have been wanting to know the best place that would run tests for things i feel are exactly related to this.  Just gonna take a few more parties to dj at, but ill b scheduling an appointment in the near future.  Of course i will let yall know when that time comes.
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Dj'ing for the cure lol.  Ill make it happen.
Srry yall, just had a lot to say
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