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945369 tn?1320829437

OT Does he really love me? Pregnant and sad :(

I can't believe that I am pregnant after years and years of trying and DH is being so mean to me... For the first time in my life, I am trying to be happy for the sake of my baby, but I end up crying everyday :(
I am confused if my husband even loves me anymore. For one thing, he told me 2 weeks ago, that he does not love me much and does not trust me at all.
I thought he is saying that because he is just angry on me. But I now feel its true.
To make it short, he and I are from different religions, they asked me to convert when we got married 5 years ago, but I politely refused. He was okay with it and we got married. I never force my religion on him, but he consistently does. About a month ago, he and his family wanted to go for a religious trip of theirs, I had just been allowed mild moving around after being on bed rest for 8 weeks.   So, the day before they had to go, DH's sister came to our home, and I ended up cleaning the house and working and waking up early. I was really tired and by evening my back completely broke, I could not bear standing or sitting. And I did not want to take a risk by going on travel. So I told them I am not feeling well enough to go with them this time ( I have accompanied them scores of times earlier in the past).
And DH assumes I am lying. He told me on my face that he does not believe and he thinks I am doing it on purpose. Since that day, 4 weeks ago, he has not shown any interest in me!!! I may be sitting with a hammering headache but he never bothers to even look my way. He believes that I am pretending and being over-smart.
I have back pain everyday, and he does not even care when I limp around. If I happen to tell him that my back is paining or that my stomach is cramping, his answer is "ahaan".  He picks on me for everything I do.

And to top it all, his office closed down for Christmas and year end for 10 days. And he told me he is going to visit his sister's family (about 6 hrs drive from our city). He did not even ask me if I was feeling okay, just left.
He knows I have a doctor's appointment scheduled tomorrow and I am not allowed to drive, and need someone to drive me.. but he does not care. Is it normal for a man to ignore his pregnant wife, for such a small reason as to refusing a trip? He is least bothered about me. The neighbors are also out of town, I have no family in this town. My friends are all out of town on vacations. I have no one to turn to if I run into a problem and he knows it!
I feel so deserted and lost :(

he never beats me or anything, but he does not talk to me either. If I try to talk to him, he does not communicate. He will not go to a marriage councilor. And the only people he cares about, are his mom and sister.

11 Responses
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1182418 tn?1292437001
I am so sorry for what you are going through. Your story saddens me and also makes me angry because of how your husband is treating you. No one deserves that kind of treatment. You deserve to be pampered and catered to like the average pregnant woman is! Not left alone to fend for yourself. I know its heartbreaking to think that the person you thought loved you so much has lost that love for you. You dont need to be stressed or sad...you are carrying a life who feels everything you feel...mama AND baby deserve to be happy. If you will be happier without him, then maybe you need to move on and away from him. It sounds like you have a great support system and parents who love you very much...its going to be tough trying to leave, BUT no one said it would be easy. God will never give you more than you can handle. I think this baby is a true blessing. You prayed and prayed to God to marry this man and now God has given you a chance to see what your husband is really like. I wish you all the best and i will pray for God to keep a close eye and you and baby...the baby is your main priority now. Tell your husband to SHOVE IT! =)
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945369 tn?1320829437
I never thought I would be so broken and alone. Life - so fragile and uncertain!
But I am moving on. This evening my father completely lost his cool when I told him my husband has again left on a trip to spend the new years!!
My father says, in 15 days time period, he has left you for the 3rd time! He says this is ridiculous and not acceptable. My parents are both standing by with every decision I take, but they also are urging me to think of a life without him. I am tired, have not slept in days, I may not sound clear in whatever I write as well, but the baseline is: I have to make up my mind to leave him.
My oldest friends who know him for years are telling me to move on... they say that he will never keep me happy!
For once I am tempted to listen to everyone, since I went against all of them and married him with only my own will and nobody else's.

Mom2ariana: thanks, you have made me think in so many practical ways. I hate to see that I hold no importance for him after so many years.
Ashelen: I cannot tell you how much your kind words and vibes helped me when I was alone that day!

WillowJen: Hope you are off your bed rest now? I am trying hard to come to a decision so I can finally stop thinking 100% percent of my time. It is giving me a lot of physical stress as well!

expectingfirst2011 : I am sorry to hear you are alone in the hospital? Did you have your baby already? Good Luck for everything.

SunWorshiper_26 : I agree with you. I never needed my husband so much as I did now and he was never there!! I did take him to the doctor's appointment but he came more our of curiosity and responsibility to drive me down than love.  
He knows that the doctor told him to take care of me, since my pregnancy is slightly complicated with fibroids. But he chooses to forget all that doctor said. I can't believe he has gone to the third out-station trip in the last couple of weeks and left me all alone!

Right now, I am well -cried and I have exhausted myself by not sleeping for 2 nights in a row, going to work, and talking non stop over the phone. I don't know how the decision to leave him will feel once I am relaxed and rested :(

I am praying that I can come out of this marriage and still be sane :(
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1330108 tn?1333677304
I am so very sorry that you do not have the love and support you need through your pregnancy. I know more than ever in my pregnancy I have needed my husband to be there for me even if to just listen to how I am feeling. I'm truly sorry your DH is not supporting you through this.

I also would suggest counseling as it can be very helpful for you to talk and get the unbias advice of a professional. At least maybe they can help you figure out how to tell your DH how you feel or your parents what's going on. When you talk to your parents tell them you do NOT want to hear I told you so, you need love and support right now more than ever before. Jan 4th isn't too far away though im sure it feels like forever away from now but your parents will be here soon and able to help.

I think it also would be important for your DH to be there at your dr appts so that he understands your limitations physically during pregnancy. Maybe hearing it from the dr and having that reminder will help encourage him to step up and care for you.

Some men are afraid while their wives are pregnant. I know my husband fears for me and our baby all the time. Men express fears, excitement, stress and worry in different ways than women so I'm not sure what he is feeling right now but it may be the opposite of what anyone thinks. Men are complicated creatures.

I wish you all the best and keep in touch with us MH ladies and know that we are all here on this forum to support and encourage and listen to each other.
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my story is Alot similar besides the fact i AM due any day. his parents came as always it's always a disaster. they left me for san diego i have been in hospital since fri. and he completely ignores me. good thing my family is here but seriously. help
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I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. I am crying for you now. I wish there was more I could do to help your situation. I hope that your dh's family realizes that this behavior is completely wrong and send him home early. But who knows what he told them.. I hope you know that the issues he is dealing with he has brought on himself. You two are married and he should be supportive and understanding that a lot of changes go on with pregnancy. I am having to explain A LOT to my bf about my pregnancy and he doesn't ask too much or try to help with the pregnancy but he is slowly coming around and at least making sure I know he loves me. He is gone on a 10 day volunteer vacation in the Philippines until 12/26 and I am home alone on bed rest.. Talk about going crazy with boredom and worry! So, for you having someone/people who you can talk to is important. As suggested by others, maybe a counselor would be the thing as they will be objective. If you don't feel comfortable with that counselor find another until you are.
I am sure your "I told you so" family (I have one myself) would be more supportive and hold off on the lectures and "I told you so's" until at least when you are at a better emotional place. Trust in family.
I also agree with someone else suggestion to talk to your dh in a manner that doesn't put him on the defense. Keep control of the conversation, if you feel him getting defensive reassure him of your live and marriage and let the conversation drop for that moment. Try to keep things casual. It sounds like he is distancing from all the changes you are experiencing, try to keep time with him as normal as possible until he starts to come around. If he doesn't after all your efforts then at least you know you tried.. And it's then time for a different strategy.
Best of luck and Happy Holidays.
Try to remain as positive as possible. Stress and depression aren't good for your little one. (I understand that is easier said than done). Keep your head up.. You have virtual friends who care and want the best for you and it sounds like good close friends that (sadly) are out of town but still letting you know they care.
All the best,
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945369 tn?1320829437
thanks soo much rachel and ivy! every word you say, touched my heart. I never had the courage to stand up against him.  I think I can now.
I am an army officer's daughter, brought up to be bold and brave. Every friend of mine tells me they are surprised I am being so low in my relationship! I just went to the doctor and came. The scan went great, but I am so emotional right now. The doctor who kind of remembered me from last scan asked me where my husband is, and I ended up telling him that he is on a vacation and left me alone. I feel horrible now.
The only good news is, the baby is measuring up to correct size and weight and  is moving about. I have only felt flutters uptil now, I am soooo waiting to feel the kicks!

Yes, I am alone for the holidays, my parents live 2000 miles away. They are already scheduled to be here on Jan 4th, the tickets are all booked for them. I am just waiting for them to come. My closest friends are all out of town :( They are calling me every few hours to check on me. So thats a relief.
And its sooooo very touching to have you girls on mh talk to me! you're such wonderful and strong women!

I am thinking of letting my dad n mom know that he left me alone n went off. Last night, I lied when they asked me on phone about dh. Please read dh=dreadful husband :)

My father is a heart patient, so I never wanted to trouble him. They had opposed our marriage right from the first day, they told me a thousand times that I will not be happy with him. My mother clearly told me that he would be the dominating one and that my life will be a huge compromise. They begged me, cried in front of me, blasted me, tried emotionally, physically everything they could, so that I do not marry him. But I was such a fool! I thought I could change everything and that my love for him would make him a happy person.
It made him such a selfish and insensitive person instead!
My friends had warned me for years and years, but I thought having a family with him will change him.  I am a bit scared to open up to my parents. I am afraid of listening to: we told you so! :(

But, before they come here, I think I should prepare them a little so they do not get shocked to see how things are at home!

And yes.. I don't think I can get his sister or mom to understand me. His sister should have told him not to leave me and come to her house. After he reached there, she should have sent him back right away, telling that he should be with me.
I know I would do that, if my brother had ever treated his wife like that , but he passed away before he was even married.
I am just praying to God to fix things they way they would be best. I do not even know what to pray for.
For years and years, I prayed to God to let me marry him, to let me be with him.
Maybe God had had different and better plans for me and I prayed so hard that he let me marry this moron!

I am just praying that my baby is safe and healthy and is born only at full term. I just pray that God puts some good sense into dh. I am only asking for everyone to be blessed right now.

Thanks soooooooooooooo much! No matter how many days we are on MH or how many days we live.. I can never forget your kind words and warmth you both sent me.
Have a happy Christmas, I will be in touch!
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1035252 tn?1427227833
Oh sweetheart your story breaks my heart...I wish I had seen this before I posted on your journal, but it mostly still applies anyway.

I think a counselor is a GREAT idea for you...and I really think you should reach out to family and friends. now that you're having a baby, you need as much support as possible and it sounds like your husband is NOT going to be offering it.

If you can't leave him (although I bet if your family/friends knew that he did all of this to you they would help you!) then I think counseling is the best thing you can do...or even talk to his mom/sister about what you're going through since he seems to listen to them. could you talk to a religious leader in his religion and get him to listen to THEM? very often, religious leaders are trained to work as counselors. I don't know what religion he is and I don't know how it works in India, but I would imagine that they have people come to them for counsel and advice a LOT...so you might want to start there?

Please msg me if you ever need to talk..I hate that you're alone right now I HATE it....I wish I could bring you to my house for cookies and presents tomorrow...know that my thoughts are with you. <3
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1222635 tn?1366396286
i posted on your journal.
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1222635 tn?1366396286
im so sorry. my heart goes out to you. are you alone for the holidays? where is your family? i dont recall what you said about that. is it possible for you to get up and go stay with friends/family over christmas?
i dont want to just call him names and say bad things about him, but oh my what a jerk for leaving you alone. :(
if you don't know how to talk to him all i know to suggest is to seek a counselor on your own. they can help you more than i can...
i hate to suggest he's having an affair. but i tend to think the worst of situations like this. i know thats not always the case, and you should hold onto hope that its not necessarily the case. but perhaps you should guard your heart a little, just in case.
the only other thing i could think of, if you are financially secure and you don't think hes concerned about his capabiliities as a father, would be that he resents the TTC period. how was your marriage before the TTC started? was it a little better, or a lot better? or was it the same?
seek a counselor. go go go. and don't get up hope. things can turn around with the help of a professional.
im here, if you need to talk. i don't do a whole lot so im online a good bit, normally just refreshing the page and responding to posts every now and then.
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945369 tn?1320829437
hi Rachel! Thanks for answering! I ve been like refreshing this page every 5 minutes, because I am soooo lonely! Cant stop crying. Its 1 in the night, I can't call any friends to talk and I cannot sleep. I have been thinking of going to a counselor on Monday. He would not be back home until wednesday.  He is not stressed financially or emotionally about the pregnancy, i am sure of it. I waited patiently for 3 years to get him to agree to TTC. I helped him buy one house and 2 peices of land ( all on bank loans) and now most of the loans are repaid. His only reasoning used to be, we need to be financially secure before having a baby, and so I did not go against him. But in these few years, he has become very money-minded. The other day, he refused my idea of buying the baby's crib and 2 weeks before that, he said NO when I told him I want to start collecting money in a fixed deposit for the baby. The problem is, he is not attracted to me anymore, so when we were TTC, yes it was more of business. For the last 4 months, ever since I got pregnant, he is avoiding sex. Not just avoiding sex, he is avoiding anything sexual. I almost feel like I am living with a room-mate.
I do not think he is having an affair, but I may be wrong. I asked him many times to spend the holidays with me, I told him we will have a great 10 days around the town, but he still chose to go on his own to his sister's home.
We are financially secure. Have enough land, salaries, two cars. I earn as much as he does. I do not know why he would be scared to be a father. He usually loves little children.  

I dont know how to start talking to him anymore.. being pregnant has taken away all my usual patience :( I dont know if I should even ask a person who clearly says he does not love me. How can make him feel that I am not lying when I am unwell. If I ask him what his problem is, the main problem is he thinks I am lying, pretending, cunning, trying to manipulate him, trying to compare him with my friends!

My story is a bit long and complicated. I just posted it on my journal entry :(
Sorry for the long long notes and thanks again for taking the time to read and respond to me!
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1222635 tn?1366396286
im so sorry you are going through this!! if your husband refuses to seek a marriage counselor then perhaps you should go see one by yourself.. it can't do anything but help! be up front and honest about it-- tell him that you are going, when you are going, where it will be, who its with, and that he is invited. that way he cannot accuse you of lying.
other than that the only thing i can suggest is that you sit down with him and show him you care about HIS feelings, and you'd like to know what is upsetting him. approach it in a loving, caring, concerned wife-fashion.. dont make the conversation about yourself--at all. ask him if hes stressed about something, whats on his mind, or whats got him upset. ask him what you can do to make it better.
it may be that he is just stressed about the pregnancy, scared of the prospect of being a father.
also, im not accusing you of doing this, but i am wondering how you went about TTC. was he on board? did you make sex just a business thing or was it still making love between the two of you? its very possible that he is resentful of the pregnancy now and feels like he was used during the TTC part. i am not sure, nor am i pointing fingers. just a though to consider.
and try praying!! pray often, that God will turn your marriage around!
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