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266539 tn?1281402152

One OT question and one not. Share your stories.

I thought it would be neat to read some stories.  When did you know you were in love, when was it the real deal?  When did you know you were with the person you were going to spend the rest of your life with?  My other question is how long were you married/in a relationship before you started having children?
11 Responses
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561451 tn?1257476350
I have known my dh my entire life!  He was actually at the hospital the day I was born!!!  But we grew up as best friends, and then in high school, he was dating lot's of girls, and I was dating this piece of cr ap!  Anyways, when I turned 18, he moved in with me and the piece of cr ap bf (i really only kept the bf around to help pay rent, oooops but i was paying for school) My dh knew I always like him, and I ended it with the bf and dh moved to Cali, and we stayed in touch.  Well, he moved back on his 20th birthday, and sent me a message and we both though the other was my ex lol  ....  Anyways, met up the next day and he proposed to me!

Took me out to deception pass, it's beautiful up there....And proposed.  We got married two months later, because we didn't want to wait!  And we really weren't trying for kids when it first happened, but here we are with now 3 =)
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435139 tn?1255460391
I tried to keep it short...Wow, sounds like a lot of us were with someone else when we realized dh was the one!  LOL  Life is funny!

I knew when I was 16 that dh was the ONE for me.  I was dating another guy and dh and him were friends.  One night, the boyfriend had me and dh with him and he had to run some errands...he was a dj and soooo into himself and his work.  Anyways, I kept asking the friend about his life...any girlfriend?  He was soooo cute, and sexy and sweet...I couldn't imagine him not having a gf.  He said no and in that moment I knew that my relationship wouldn't last and that someday I wanted to be with him!  A couple months later, the ex called and asked if I'd help him out with something so I went along and he had his friend with him!!!!!  I asked him out that very night...and the rest is history.  Ah to be young and in love!  I look back on those days soo fondly...although I still feel like a love-struck 16 year old girl while I am around dh and I am 27 next month!

BUT to answer your question, I got my bfp around our 3rd wedding anniversary.  We have enjoyed each other exclusively for the past 10 years and I wouldn't have done it differently.  At 18 moved in together at dh's family's inlaw apartment, 19 engaged, 20 moved into our own appartment, 23 married, 26 pregnant (will be 27 when I deliver). We got to be the babies and be pampered by each other and the lifestyle that being childless allows (sleeping in, indulging in what we wanted, eating out...) I feel very peaceful leaving behind the life of the two of us and embracing the life of the three of us etc.
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Met DH on a missions trip to Mardi Gras. I didn't really pay attention to him, though, because I thought he lived in Louisiana. When we got back home to Missouri I go to a friend's house and he's hanging out there. I was like, "What?!" Turns out he lived in KC!

So we started talking and joking around. We became really good friends and there were just sparks! At one point I had to go back to my brother's old house and get the rest of my junk from his basement. I found an old prayer journal of mine.

In an entry dated in February 2002 I was writing about how I felt like God was telling me that in two years something major was going to happen- I was going to find the one I was meant to be with. I GASPED!

I ran to a calendar and checked. I met Daniel on the SAME EXACT day as that journal entry--- 2 year later. By this point we were already talking marriage so it wasn't like I was seeking a man out on that specific day. I had forgotten about it. God also gave me 6 other prophetic words and confirmations that this was the man for me.

We got married 8 months after we met, on October 30th. I was 2 months pregnant with our daughter (yeah, we were Christians but we became very bitter with the church and said, "Screw it!" and had sex... a lot. But we've come back around and he's a pastor now.).

So that's our story. Our daughter was born before we even had a first anniversary. We've never been childless in our marriage. We got pregnant again when she was 8 months old but miscarried. Then got pregnant again and her little sister is 20 months old now.
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I was 14 at the time I met my husband and he was 16........ I am now 21 and he is 23.

I met my hubby through my best friend  when I was in 8th grade.... He is her brother! Normally I wouldn't do things like that but...

I was dating this guy who I liked for years and he finally broke things off with me to tell me he liked my best friend and she started to date him... So, when my hubby asked his sister at the time if I was still dating him she told him that he broke things off... I was so mad at my best friend for dating the guy who I liked and not only that but dumped me! So, when her brother started talking to me on istant messenger, I decided to flirt back and try date him to get back at her, but as soon as we started talking it was almost like to good to be true... like he is real prince charming!

So, after a few days of talking on the computer we finally decided to meet up and hang out for the first time. He came to my school to walk me home and as we were haning out we had our first kiss. A few days later I became his girlfriend. At the time I thought it was soo cool dating a guy who was a sophomore in highschool! I really did like him, it wasn't about me being mad at his sister anymore... and as soon as we started dating she hated me. It was so hard for me because everyone said I picked him over my friends... but he was so perfect he was my best friend...

We didnt break up a few times but it seemed like fate just brought us back together in the end. When we were planning our wedding I noticed a picture of my cousin in their family album when my cousin was really little like 3 yrs old. So, I asked his mom why she had a picture of him and here goes the story.................

Before we were even born... my hubby's great uncle dated my granny ( my dad's mom ) for the longest time and when my FIL was 16 he used to live with my granny and my granny was also best friends with his dads mom( his nanny )... So of course when I heard that I was like whoa! That is just too werid... But then my FIL and MIL was also best friends with my uncle and aunt and thats how that got the picture of my cousin... All I could think at this time was this can't get any stranger... But it does... when I was 11 I started cheering for one of the little league football teams and my coach who I have known ever since is now married to my husband's cousin... then in 7th grade I was best friends with this guy and comes to find out it was my husband's cousin... Then when I had a part time job in high school I worked for a doctor's office and my boss was his cousin too.......

I seems like everything in my life was connecting me to him... God def. had mine picked out! We have been together for 6yrs and 9mos and married for 2 yrs 3mos. We are more perfect then I ever dreamed of as a little girl... I thought my story was funny and interesting.
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675108 tn?1239741010
I met my hubby through our parents. My mother and his are best friends so we grew up together and were best friends. Until I moved away I didnt notice that I actually loved him. But since we were far apart I didnt persue a relationship. My best friend found him on myspace and I started talking to him again constantly. Never-the-less we got together even tho there was distance and finally he left it all behind and moved up to my house. April 27 2008 we got married and started our life together. We found out Oct 31st that we were expecting our first child in June 2009.
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581359 tn?1454006442
Well for me, I met DH when I was 19 and moved away from home.  My best friend and I decided to move out and instead of doing the normal thing and getting an apartment in out hometown, small town in Southern Cali.  Or even the next town we decided to move in with my brother, who is in the Navy and was stationed in Hawaii at the time.  We got our tickets about 2 months before we moved.  Well the navy was having it's yearly ball and my brother asked my best friend to go with him and said I could go with one of his friends.  So I had a date set up with my DH before I even met him or talked to him.

Well, on July 21, 2003 my best friend and I hopped on a plane and went to Hawaii for the first time to live.  On that Friday night we went to Dave and Buster's for dinner and to meet my brothers friends and my date to the Navy Day Ball.  We got there first and I was on the phone by the door at Dave and Busters because I couldn't hear in the game room where everyone was, and in walks DH.  I hadn't met him before or even seen a pic but I looked at him thinking it might be him because he was suppost to be there soon and he couldn't take his eyes off me...he faultered on the stairs a little bit looking at me.  He had no idea it was me either until I went back up and offically met him.  

For the first couple of weeks I knew I liked him, but there was a guy in Cali that I was dating before I left and I didn't really want to let go yet.  My DH was also 6 1/2 years older then I was and was 25 at the time.  He hadn't been in a relationship in 2 years because the girl he was with last really did a number on him.  He was a big women hater according to my brother.  Well one night we were in the hot tub drinking and my best friend got a little to drunk and when she does this she hangs all over guys, well she crawled on my DH's lap and was playing tumb wars and I didn't want him to like her over me, even though I didn't really want him at the time so I did the same thing, completley out of character for me!  Well that night when he left I made sure I gave him a big hug good bye, well little did I know at the time that was it for him, he was hooked.  We started haging out more and he would hold my hand and I would always ride with him anywhere we would go...

Well 3 months later we had our "first date" the Navy Day Ball, we had been on dates before this but this one was the first one we had planned.  That night was the night I realized he was the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with, and the next day we said we loved each other for the first time, he beat me to it, LOL.  A little less then a year later, July,12 2004 we got married.  And on Sept. 25, 2004 we had our wedding on the beach in Hawaii, he met my parents for the first time days before our wedding and I met his.  In Nov. we moved to Washington DC and met the rest of each others families on the way.  

We tried getting pregnant about 5 months after our wedding but it took us a year to actually get pregnant.  On Nov. 11, 2006 we had our beautiful little girl.  He is the best man I could ever hope for and an absolutley amazing father!  My brother said after we got together that I completley changed his friend, he went from being a women hater to whipped :)  I don't think he was but my brother does.  We are best friends, we only have each other and our daughter.  My family is all in California and Texas and his are in Michigan.  We just moved from DC back to Hawaii this year and are pregnant with our second little girl.  We like spending time with eachother more then anyone else and when we do fight, we know it's a fight not being together is never an option.  We got married for life so we better like each other, LOL!

I know long story but you asked...  Good luck you sound like you are on the right path with you guy!
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487124 tn?1256654549
i met my Dh in  strangest way .  I was at owrk  checking my email and i   noticed there was  friend request sent to my space it informs when people sned me msg's we.. anyway  i logged on to it  checked out who was sending me the email.  I wasnt in to the meeting people online thing but i hade no issue making friends there ( like here) and  just chatting with them .  it was a cute one lined msg  I still have it saved it say  "hi  name's Dan really like ur profile and  also like country  music."  
     I  checked out the pic though he was  cute and  figured what heck i was  bored at work anyway with nothing to do so i emailed him back and left the email address and y msg name.
  we talked almost the  remainder of my  shift and then  exchanged numbers. He called me on my way home  and that was it we have  been togehter  ever since . I will never forget our frist  date  i was walking down the stairs to meet him at the bottom  and  i fell down the stairs lol  on my butt
to this  day  he still jokes about  the fact that i  fell for him lol
He purposed to me on jan 6 2008 while i was  at work on a break in front of all my coworkers  it  wasgreat  caus ei wasnt expecting it at all  we set the date for Dec 6  but had  change of  plans when we found out about the prgenancy as  unplanned as it was and moved the  sate
we got married on Oct 18 2008 and  are expecting our little girl in Feb 2009
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558728 tn?1275442570
I met DH just 12 days after getting out of an 8 month dead end relationship. I was ready to move on because about month 5 I realized that the relationship was a dead end, but wasn't exactly ready to end it.

I met DH on a church based website for singles, and we just started talking. Next thing I knew it was 4000 minutes on the phone in a month 6000 texts later, I was flying to UT to meet him.

After spending the weekend with him I flew home and knew he was the guy I was going to marry. A month later he came here for Thanksgiving, and on December 8th I was back in Utah and he proposed that night after dinner at the Texas Roadhouse.

We were married on May 5, 2007. The time went really fast, but he is the guy for me. Strange as it is, we just clicked. I found a journal I wrote when I was 13 years old and in it I said: I know that I will not meet my husband in Arizona. I don't know why I feel that way but I just feel like he is somewhere else. I guess I better find a school out of state, or better yet out of planet to get away from my sister. . .. . . blah, blah, blah. .. . I laugh everytime I read that. We had it printed and used it as a decoration at our wedding. I knew at an early age he wasn't even the same state as me!
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550546 tn?1249410039
My story is pretty similar to honeybear's.  =D

While still married to another guy, I met my current hubby (who, like honeybear, is not yet my hubby till divorces are finalized, but we call each other hubby/wife) in an online game: World of Warcraft.  My relationship with my ex had already been taking turns for the worse (I had cheated on him earlier that year) and my hubby was someone who was willing to listen and give his honest opinions on my relationship.

Our feelings for each other grew and in Feb 07 I moved out of my ex's and into my parents' house.  This upset DH, but I wanted to make sure of my feelings and make sure I was making the right decision.  All this time, the only communications DH and I had were via the phone and internet (IMs and webcam).  In April 07, I flew up to Nebraska to meet him ... it was a horrible flight and I ended up getting stranded in Houston overnight!!  DH was so upset and worried!!  But I finally made it to Omaha the next morning and when I walked out of the terminal he was standing there, smiling.  I ran up to him and hugged him super tight ...then we kissed for the first time.  He was so much more wonderful in person!!!  =D  We locked hands and went to retrieve my bag (which ended up getting lost ... stupid airlines ... but DH was *amazing* at talking to the airline clerks and getting info on what happened ...it was *hot*!!)  We spent a wonderful 4 days together then I flew back to FL.

We continued our long distance relationship on the phone and internet until he flew to Florida to visit me in June.  It had been really rough between April and June tho because I'd been fighting with my ex and telling him that our relationship was over.  DH even called him and told him to leave me alone, because my ex would do nothing but bombard my cell phone when I didn't want anything more to do with him.  But, in June, DH visited FL (and hated the hot weather! lol), met my parents, and got to see the ocean for the first time in his life.

Three weeks later, I packed my bags and moved to NE for good.  I've been here, living so very happily, for almost a year and a half.  My parents came and visited last June and they were *very* pleased to see a big change in me emotionally.  They saw how much happier I am now with my DH than I was with my ex.  *And* we surprised them with the news that we were expecting!  

As for your question about how you know you're in love ... that he's "the one".  Well, the biggest difference I see between my relationship with DH and with my ex was that I am very unselfish when it comes to DH.  In my last relationship, it was all about ME ME ME (for both of us).  I never wanted to do what he wanted ... I had to have my way ... he would drown himself in video games for days and pretty much ignore me unless he was hungry (I even walked across the house *naked* in front of him and he just tried to look around me at the game he was playing).

With DH, we are constantly communicating ...if something is bothering one of us, we can sense it and we talk about it.  I am *always* sharing with DH (I hated sharing food with ex ...it was MINE! lol) ... we always try to do things together even if it's just watching TV (and I can cuddle up to him on the couch instead of, like with my ex, having to sit up uncomfortably and him lay out on the couch).  Yes, we still have rough patches ... but we have never had a huge blowout arguments because we never let things get that far.  The power of communication is a wonderful thing!!  We learned that the hardest way possible ... by being 1300 miles apart for nearly a year!

I had always grown up thinking that one day I'd find my prince ... like in all the fairy tales I watched.  When I was involved with my ex, I ended up settling ... and figured that that was "just the way it was".  But I would not change anything that happened over the years I was with him, because then I would not have met my TRUE PRINCE!  =D  He has shown me that dreams do come true!
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654038 tn?1326302599
I met my hubby (technically still my fiancee till his divorce is final) when i was still married to my first husband. But i left him for the one that i am with now. (My first husband was a mistake and i wish that i never married him but i would of never met my current hubby). I met my hubby online one day when i was bored, he was deployed in the Phillipines on a terroist tour and we talked for hours and hours and hours for weeks i think 3 to be exact. He fell in love with me in a heart beat it took me a little longer because i knew that it was wrong to fall in love when i was married, but i never truly loved the man that i was married too. We would talk inline for hours and then talk for hours on the phone. And then fainlly on May 25th 2007 he returned home from the Phillipines and i was the first person he saw that day. And that was the first day i said i love you to him, and i knew that i wanted to spend forever with him. He took me out on a date and we were both so nervous, but we hit it off and ever since that day we spent every single second together. Minus a week when he went to the field and 2 months when he went to training and now almost 12 months sicne he is deployed in Iraq right now. We have been together for almost 19 months. I knew i was in love with him when i went to bed i would think about him and wake up and go on the computer and wed talk to the wee hours of the night/morning. He made my heart beat fast and slow at the same time. There were times when we both had our doubts but we have made it this far. 12 months apart and only being together 19 is hard. But i love him and if i had to i would wait another 12 months for him to come home and marry me. We were together for almost a year and i found out 2 days before our 1 year that i was pregnant, and i am now 32 weeks 5 days and i have never in my life been happier. You know you are in love when you will wait around for 15 months for the man that makes you so happy, it ***** that i am doing this pregnancy alone but just to know that we created life means more to me then anything and he is so supportive even thought he is about 11,000 miles away from me. What we have is truly a once in a lifetime love and im NEVER letting it go. We have been thrgouh alot since we started dating so im pretty gosh darn sure that nothing is going to break us, cause we have been through more then i think alot of relationships go through. But i am HEAD over heels in love with this man. Hes my prince charming dressed in ACU's (army uniform). So thats my story.
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266539 tn?1281402152
I met my fiance in high school, he was a senior and I was a freshman.  He was good friends with my brother at the time and we were really good friends thought out high school and into his freshman year of collage.  We talked all the time and he was the only person I felt I could tell anything  and everything too.  We always put of dating because we were afraid of what it would do to our friendship.  So I got very sick and was hospitalized and had sent him a text that I was in the hospital and an hour later I got a phone call from him asking what room # I was in.  At this point I had just had a mean doctor come in and I was crying hystaricaly (sp?) and yelling at David (my fiance).  He was so sweet to deal with me being a cranky butt and came and sat with me in my hospital bed for hours and hours.  I slept most of it but he sat there with my family that he hardly even knew and missed class for the day, not to mention drove an hour in the snow for all of this.  That days was the best I had felt in weeks and when he left my heart just felt so empty.  I was getting ready to text him when I got a text asking if I would be his girlfriend.  I got the biggest smile on my face and told him yes and that night was also the friend we told each other I love you.  After years of being best friends I knew I loved him and that I couldn't let him slip away!  It couldn't have happened any better and it was at a time in my life where I needed him the most, he saved my life and we have been together for over 2 years.  I just knew he was the one for me from that moment on.  We had been together 5 months before we ended up pregnant (we used a condom and still got pregnant).  I misscarried 12 weeks later.
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