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is this possible?

can a 17 almost 18 yr old girl get pregnant from having sex with a 12 almost 13 year old boy?
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thats wat i was told by all ym closest friends but i still feel in someway it was my fault. watever i did to make him mad i shouldnt have did u kno? i dunno,. my gurl says i got battered wife syndrome, cuz i dont realli stop dudes wen they disrespect me i always feel ive done something to desrve it
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327383 tn?1203977728
I wouldn't be too concerned about getting his dad involved. Maybe a good *** whoopin by his old man is what he needs to learn how to respect a female. But make sure he knows that it truly bothers you when he gets touchy, and that you want him to stop. He may think you're just playing hard to get. Otherwise, let his daddy take care of him. It sounds like he's afraid of his dad so maybe that's all he needs. && that would be less severe that getting the law involved.

(& also, what you said about you being raped...That is no way your fault. NO means NO! Regardless of the situation. I would still consider reporting the kid. I was raped when I was 14. But I was out of town, and all I know about him is his name was Ray and he was 23. It still kills me knowing I couldn't get help and press charges against him cus They'd have no way of finding him. It makes me sick knowing he could be doing this to other girls. If you did not willingly have sex with him, You are not to blame.)
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362249 tn?1441315018
i agree w/most of the girls im not gonna pass judgement though but i dont know it just depends of whether or not hes ejaculating yet or not my hd told he was 15 b4 that happened but if he is then its definetly a possibilty.
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yeah your right,if he doesnt take us seriously then hes just gonna have 2 get in trouble then
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287246 tn?1318570063
Well, maybe you could just warn him.  Maybe you could tell him that if it continues, you will tell his/your parents and get them involved.  This way you are giving him fair warning.  If it doesn't stop, then maybe you can involve an adult at that time.  I think that is more than fair.
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Well, see his dad drives my school van that comes 2 get me in the mornings.......i would hate to involve him. and thats a great idea, i could go to my guidance counselor and ask her advice.  I think he is afriad of his father catching him though. The one time he was tryna walk with me and he kept touching me and right when i was pushing him away his father rode up and told him to get in the car. His father didnt know he had been walking with me because i was smart enough not to turn around or stop or anything. and the one time he came to my house right b4 i got home his dad drove up to let me off and he had already been walking away from the house. later on my mom said once he saw the van coming he had been anxious to get away and she tried to hold him there. I told her who he was and whose child he was and she knows his family well and she said she mite have to call his father or something but id like for this 2 be solved without this boy getting his rearend knocked inside out.
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287246 tn?1318570063
The child abuse thing is the words the CPS people would use.  I know what you are saying that he is coming onto you but I believe they use the word abuse because he is the younger of the two ( him and your friend).  So they would consider the abuse being done to him for that reason (even if he is the one starting it).  I hope he grows out of it also but I watch a lot of forensic shows.  I am really interested in that kind of thing and want to persue a career in it someday.  Anyway, I have seen many many shows about serial rapists/killers and often times it starts when they are about his age; sometimes younger.  I fear that someday, he will go too far and may actually rape someone.  It's just something to consider.

I do strongly recommend involving an adult.  If your family knows his family very well, and he is still doing these thing, it doesn't sound like he is too afraid of getting caught.  It sounds to me like he may not stop this unless an adult is involved.  Maybe a counselor at school would be someone you could talk to about this??
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I apologized several times so can we please drop that? i didnt say anything horrible like i hope its stillborn or anything god ppl. like i said u treat me good and i treat u better. you treat me bad and i treat you WORSE! all my life ive been picked on and messed with so i know what to say 2 ppl who wanna b ignorant, dont test me, and if it wasnt good enoough b4 i will say it again, I am sorry for everything i have said to offend everyone okay? and i dont see where she apologzied to respond 2 that. but please drop it.

I really hope he grows outta this cuz this behavior aint good to have as an older boy cuz he could really hurt someone.  I dotn know about the law here in PA, i just hope if adults to get invovlced and it does get that bad that the courts wont drop it all cuz hes 12 (well 13 this month) and we're 17. Cuz stalking and harassing is stalking and harassing no matter how old or young you are its still scary and it still bothersome. But I dont understand how it is child abuse though if they boy is coming at us? I havent touched him except to guide him towards his house or a friendly hug ( i always made sure his hands stayed above the waist )
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I apologized several times so can we please drop that? i didnt say anything horrible like i hope its stillborn or anything god ppl. like i said u treat me good and i treat u better. you treat me bad and i treat you WORSE! all my life ive been picked on and messed with so i know what to say 2 ppl who wanna b ignorant, dont test me, and if it wasnt good enoough b4 i will say it again, I am sorry for everything i have said to offend everyone okay? and i dont see where she apologzied to respond 2 that. but please drop it.

I really hope he grows outta this cuz this behavior aint good to have as an older boy cuz he could really hurt someone.  I dotn know about the law here in PA, i just hope if adults to get invovlced and it does get that bad that the courts wont drop it all cuz hes 12 (well 13 this month) and we're 17. Cuz stalking and harassing is stalking and harassing no matter how old or young you are its still scary and it still bothersome. But I dont understand how it is child abuse though if they boy is coming at us? I havent touched him except to guide him towards his house or a friendly hug ( i always made sure his hands stayed above the waist )
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287246 tn?1318570063
I agree with everyone else's comments about this being wrong and illegal, so I won't get into all of that.  But I would be concerned that if this boy is acting like this now, he could turn into much worse as an adult.  He could turn into a rapist.  Often times, this is how it starts.  If this were reported, CPS would most likely get involved.  If there is a certain age difference (and it varies from state to state), it is considered child abuse and they could both get into a lot of trouble.

Heather did apologize.  How could you speak about an unborn child?  How very sad.

If you and your friend have made all of these attempts and it still is continuing, I believe it will continue until an adult is involved.
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I am very grateful for those of you who actually have tried to help. but the suggestion of going to the police will not work. simply becuase around here, black people do not just go to the police on each other unless it is life or death. This boy has sisters who will surely come after me and my friend if they find out the situation, which is unfair beacuse the should know how their own brother is. You are all misjudging this boy. Do not let his age fool you ladies. He is worse than most of the guys my own age that i have had the misfortune to deal with. I have been in a situation when I was 16 dating a 19 yr old and I refused him sex so he raped me when we went to bed. Now i kno that situation was one i couldnt go to authorites with simply because i had no business going to bed with him in the 1st place. I kno that. I deserved what happened to me. I was even able to fight him off towards the end. But see with this boy he never stops until he gets what he wants. So far I have been able to keep him away from me, by just acting older than what i really am. I would talk down to him like he was a child i was teaching in daycare, and i would smooth his cheeks and say softly you should go home sweetie its getting late and u shouldnt be outside on a school nite. That would turn him off sometimes. But other times when he was msot determined he would shout me down and id end up backed into a corner having to rely on a car just happening to go past to distract him. This is not a joke, this is a real situation. and its getting more serious. My friend could possibly be pregnant by this young boy, and if she is she is in deep ****! And im also sort of worried for myself. Cuz lately he has taken to catching me by myself at nite. Please anyone with any suggestion BESIDES going to the police and invovling parents please post it. I am serious, I dont want him in trouble cause I dont really think  he even knows his own strenghth and his dad will lite into him. And the police wont take kindly to this situation and neither will his sisters......How can we deal with him to keep him away from the both of us without her giving in again? I mean this kid has brohters and he knows his stuff. Enough to make a girl actually want him! Its crazy I know but true, and in order to come up with an awnser you have to take that part into consideration...again im really sorry for the way ive been treating some of you. just please this time when u awsner please keep personal feelings out cuz its bad enuff that shes calling me crying about it, i do not need u ladies telling me what a bad person she is for allowing it to happen.
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I am very grateful for those of you who actually have tried to help. but the suggestion of going to the police will not work. simply becuase around here, black people do not just go to the police on each other unless it is life or death. This boy has sisters who will surely come after me and my friend if they find out the situation, which is unfair beacuse the should know how their own brother is. You are all misjudging this boy. Do not let his age fool you ladies. He is worse than most of the guys my own age that i have had the misfortune to deal with. I have been in a situation when I was 16 dating a 19 yr old and I refused him sex so he raped me when we went to bed. Now i kno that situation was one i couldnt go to authorites with simply because i had no business going to bed with him in the 1st place. I kno that. I deserved what happened to me. I was even able to fight him off towards the end. But see with this boy he never stops until he gets what he wants. So far I have been able to keep him away from me, by just acting older than what i really am. I would talk down to him like he was a child i was teaching in daycare, and i would smooth his cheeks and say softly you should go home sweetie its getting late and u shouldnt be outside on a school nite. That would turn him off sometimes. But other times when he was msot determined he would shout me down and id end up backed into a corner having to rely on a car just happening to go past to distract him. This is not a joke, this is a real situation. and its getting more serious. My friend could possibly be pregnant by this young boy, and if she is she is in deep ****! And im also sort of worried for myself. Cuz lately he has taken to catching me by myself at nite. Please anyone with any suggestion BESIDES going to the police and invovling parents please post it. I am serious, I dont want him in trouble cause I dont really think  he even knows his own strenghth and his dad will lite into him. And the police wont take kindly to this situation and neither will his sisters......How can we deal with him to keep him away from the both of us without her giving in again? I mean this kid has brohters and he knows his stuff. Enough to make a girl actually want him! Its crazy I know but true, and in order to come up with an awnser you have to take that part into consideration...again im really sorry for the way ive been treating some of you. just please this time when u awsner please keep personal feelings out cuz its bad enuff that shes calling me crying about it, i do not need u ladies telling me what a bad person she is for allowing it to happen.
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Look, this is why i dont get along with most women now. You walk around tryna make it seem cuz you went thru stuff or watever that u can talk down to me. and I how i talk is my business and she did not apologize but watever im done with that matter. and i dont speak bad to all adults. just ones who wanna act better than me, or wanna act like they can do and say watever they want to me cuz they are adults. I HATE adults like that yo cuz  we are younger dont mean u can talk down. and ive already said NO she shouldnt have done that but give her a break jeez. i mean the boy is our height and bigger than us. he pushes us up against walls attatches himself onto our bodies the minute we try and leave or run away! i mean this is very depressing to see that so many of u  women wanna blame us wen it was him that came to US! so far ive been able to get him away from me, but shes alot weaker and alot smaller than me! u dont kno how agressive this kid is! and yes it is very unfortunate. but as  i said no one in this room is GOD so therefore u aint got the right to pass judgement after i was only asking for help; and i only give respect to those who earn it and so far only a few women here have earned it. and i said nothing but the truth to that girl. if she goes arond judging other children than she needs 2 quit b4 her child turns out worse than those shes talking about! thats somthing everyone says around here 2 stop pregnant women from passing judgement about others. And if ur not over the age of 25 u have no right calling me sweetheart like im 5. and i dont care how young or immature i may sound! i am smart. i gets the honor roll AND ive been in the paper many times for winning SPEECH contests! and martin luther king oratorical contests, so say wat u want cuz i kno im smart, prolly smarter than most of the adults that wanna  keep their noses in the air. but if u think im insulting than im sorry and i will stop or ill try 2 b nicer if you do. as u can tell i do not respond well to those who wanna say rude comments or pass judgement on morals wen half of the pregnant women here aint even married yet! i mean that aint m business but think abo that b4 u wanna school teenagers in on a moral lesson......so for th way ive been talking i do apologize to the older women who have been reading this and responding, cuz it was not my intention to respond like this. but il b damned if anyone will talk or judge my best freind like that. i will take a bullet for her, ill kick *** for her, and standin up to someone who got their nose in the air is nothin. but im done insultin all i ask is that u keep u personal comments to ur self and we aint got no problems. cuz after all i never asked for personal opnions i asked for help not judgement. and as for u talking about ur 10 yr old son, no he cant talk 2 adults like i can cuz hes too young to realize wen theire treatin him wrong all cuz hes young. i use 2 b the same way until i grew up and watched how hypocritacal 90 percent of adults are! and i despise those who are no more than 5 yrs older than me and u wanna act like your just sooo good and u kno soo much. but im thru with that and i again i do apologize to those i have hurt cuz it was not my intention.
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320773 tn?1202772488
Good Lord, such language. I am not getting into this at all with what I think except that for being a 17yr old, having that kind of mouth and speaking to others about their unborn child makes you look and act younger than a 12 year old. My son just turned 10 and if he ever spoke that way to me, well, let me just say he would never speak to me like that, he knows better. This whole thing is just unfortunately very very very very very disgusting and wrong. If he is pushing her against walls and backing her into a corner, she should be mature enough to not only say no, but to also go and report it if he is forcing her. I hope that she isn't pregnant and I really hope that everyone involved can just not have anything to do with one another anymore.
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I agree with you wholely that she should not have given in.  Doing so only worsens the situation and gives the boy something to work off of.  So yes, I agree that they should put their foot down and exercise aggression in this case.

But what rnh3290 has been implying is that the boy's appearance is recurring and despite attempts, he has not backed off. Which is why I suggested talking to an authority figure to put their foot down, in case their attempts are not strong enough.

((I've already said things about her rnh's conduct in response to your last point.))
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327383 tn?1203977728
This was not a rape though. Believe me, I know from personal experiance that you can't "just say no" while being raped. But if a 12 year old boy is getting too fresh with you, that doesn't mean you have to have give in and have sex with him. If she felt threatened than she should say something to someone. But this young lady said she simply gave in. Not that she was raped. That would be a whole nother story.
And just because a young boy follows girls home from school doesn't mean they are being "stalked" Teenage boys can be pushy, it's not right, but maybe when girls like her friend "give in" and have sex with him, it probably makes him think if he keeps being pushy and forward, eventually other girls will give in too.

&& mh3290........How dare you say such awful things about someones unborn child. You may be young, but you still need to grow up a little because there is no excuse to be so cold and so stupid if you're in highschool. I learned common decency and simple respect when I was 5. Quit trying to have a battle of wits with these people. You are simply making yourself look horrible. Class.....It's something young woman should try to have.
Make it clear to this kid that you are not interested and to leave you alone or get someone to help you.
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327383 tn?1203977728
And sweetheart, you say you aren't a child and you are smart....but the way you talk makes you sound ignorant, and VERY much like a child. A severely disrespectful one at that. I am not much older than you, but I know how to carry myself with some intelligence and class. You are speaking to people much older and wiser than you. People who have dealt with much bigger issues then the ones you face at school. Show some respect.
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327383 tn?1203977728
And sweetheart, you say you aren't a child and you are smart....but the way you talk makes you sound ignorant, and VERY much like a child. A severely disrespectful one at that. I am not much older than you, but I know how to carry myself with some intelligence and class. You are speaking to people much older and wiser than you. People who have dealt with much bigger issues then the ones you face at school. Show some respect.
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I greatly disagree with your response, daisy444.  What she has described already hinted at it being consensual.  Saying rape victims could've escaped their rape because they could "just say no" is stupid.  True, she didn't have to give in.  She probably shouldn't have.

Regardless, what he is doing is illegal.  Being stalked at any age by any person is terrifying.

How one is mature during pregnancy varies from person to person.  She may be 17 and be fully dedicated economic and health wise to her child (albeit, at the sacrifice of other things), or 35 and very irresponsible.
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327383 tn?1203977728
Gender doesn't matter. If you are 18 you should know not to mess with a little kid. and that's what he is. If he's pushing her up against walls and touching her, she should slap him......not just have sex with him so he'll leave her alone. && I resent what you said about young people and how you're not mature until you're 21 and young people kill their babies and whatever. I just turned 19. && I know I still have alot to learn, But maturity isn't about age. I've been living on my own and paying bills since the day I turned 18 and I'm going to be a mother in a few months and even though It's stressful, there is NO WAY I would "kill my baby" or anything. I am young but I am mature enough to except responsibility and do what I have to do to bring my child into a good life.
Don't act like you and your friend are victims to a 12 year old boy. You both have jsut a few more years than him of knowledge and experience and there is no reason for someone to mess around with someone so young. JUST SAY  NO. I'm sure there will be many more guys who try to pressure her into doing stuff, and if she can't even say no to a little boy than what is she going to do? Just give in to everyone? She is about to become a young woman VERY quickly and she needs to learn to be a strong, respectable lady or boys and the rest of the world is going to eat her alive. What if she does end up getting into trouble and getting pregnant. She seems to be no way mature enough or ready to bring a baby into this world. SEX HAS CONSEQUENCES!!!!! And the reason why "young people" often make bad parents is because immature teenagers are running around having sex with people for stupid reasons and they are often the ones who get pregnant and are not ready to face their decisions. Sex is special and beautiful when there is actually meaning behind it. && I find it so disturbing how easily girls will just give their bodies up these days. RESPECT YOURSELVES LADIES!!!!! Otherwise no one else will.
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After seeing this I instantly thought it may be a fake.  In the event that it is not...... this is a serious issue that is criminal.  If a 17 year old and a 12 year old are having sex charges could and should be brought before the courts.  This is stagatory rape and the 17 year old should know better and for that matter be made to take the conciquences for her actions.  If the tables were turned and the male was 17 and the 12 y old was female I bet the 17 year old would have allready been arrested and charged with rape.  As a woman Im going to tell you this 17 year old.........Get your head out of your a** and find a boyfriend your own age leave this child alone.  You are fortunate this 12 year old is not my son because we would not need any courts for you to learn that 17 year olds do not have sex with 12 year old children!!
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385161 tn?1270081218
Wow that boy seems to have some issues of his own too. I know you feel for him cuz he is kinda young but I would def. get his parents involved.You don't even have to mention he did anything to you or your friend, maybe just have your mom call and say something like "I am a little concerned about your son, he seems agressive and angry lately and not himself" start off that way and see if his parents show concern and do something about it. Maybe they can get him into some counceling for depression or anger or something and then from there he will get help on his own when they find out by asking him questions in councelling about the other issues as well. I feel a bit bad for him too, but his behavior is not healthy. Him grinding up against you like that is embarassing and humiliating and lol it would have been great if his father caught him! But since his dad didn't catch him you can try to get him caught intentionally let him hit on you hard core right around the family members or you can tell someone. That would be option 2. I don't know what else to tell you. I am sure you have tried reasoning with him, explaing you don't feel for him the way he feels for you etc. and that has not shown positive results. So the only other way is to get outside help....get him caught in the act, or go the concern parent route. Oh one more idea, tell a councelor at school your concerned and have heard rumors that he touches girls. You don't have to say it happened to you, you don't even have to give any names. Just say you heard it and have read it in notes being passed around and your worried because he is a friend of yours or an aquaintence and your concerned for him and don't want him to get hurt, but you have noticed he is acting "a bit odd lately. kind of depressed, sometimes angry and sad" Sure enough that will get some attention on that boy and then he can get the help he needs without getting into major trouble or getting his butt beat.
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In response to your other post, it looks like he has been harassing the two of you for a while.  That kind of behavior is just illegal, regardless of age or gender.

You told him off, it doesn't work.  You try to avoid him, it doesn't work.  It seems the only way to assure that he is out of your hair is to contact an authority figure, yes, an adult.  Once they know about the situation, they will save the lectures and get this fixed.
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Please, she apologized.  If we can just let this little internet argument die, and address the information at hand.  I may not be a regular on this forum, but I can spot internet discourtesy.

She said sorry.  Ok.  Great.  No more personal attacks.
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