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Kidney pain when laying down

Hey, I am a 19 year old female, and I have a question about some pain I've been having. Off and on for a long time I have had some dull, aching, but extremely uncomfortable pain in my lower right back and abdomen (but mostly feeling it in the back) that comes when I'm laying down, either on my back or side. The pain increases when I lay on my right side. I don't have any urination symptoms like burning or frequent peeing or blood, which is probably why I haven't seen the doctor about it yet. I was wondering if it's something serious, because the pain can be so bad sometimes. I know it has to be my kidney, and not like a pulled muscle or something, because I can tell the difference, and it's been happening to me for awhile (several months). Thanks for any help.
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I can think of may Reasons for your Pain Such a pain can be an Impact injury to the kidney area.. Think back as far as a YEAR .  Without Smelly Urine Low Volume low Flow rate  OR Rapid swings in Weight IE rise to I Kg per day then the pain subsides and you drop 3 to 5 Kg in super rapid period 2 days . Ive had the same PAIN its about 10 CM in diameter dead center of the Back just above the Belt centered between the Side and Spine . Its NOT spinal pain as you would have other signals I have a Very bad spinal issue .. SUCH a PAIN WITH THE LOW FLOW could be very serious and A signal of A spinal Injury called Caudia Equina compression of the Nerve Strands that Exit the L5 S1 Pathway's. Mine may be that serious thus First tests are an URGENT CT then AN MRI Ill bet in my case . THIS IS VERY RARE AND Not something You would get without having Some SUPER SERIOUS Damage to the disk that has had new fractures and a previously  had a Discectomy. Both persist in my case .
Things for you to watch
TESTING HEART WEIGHT . Accurate body weight Every morning NAKED  Before your shower AFTER you have VIOIDED all wastes . You then have a close to accurate picture on the FLUCTUATION not  how heavy you are .
I have a FIT BIT  Watch and track my Personal health on their APP its fun and has been informative I showed my DR today my tracking progress and He was Very pleased to have that DATA at least to view . I have a long list of RENAL tests to undertake.

Foir you without more detail its hard to say If its serious or not I hope I have Given you the points to watch for If you fit 3 of them GET to your doctor immediately but No matter what its your Kidney that's at Risk Be on the ALERT . EEVERY day . I had it on my left side for 3 weeks very Painful and I can handle lots of pain . It went away gradually now its on the RIGHT side like yours . MY doctor started writing on the LAB request forms Instantly and Was stressing urgency I reminded him of my Spinal issues and He put that on the CT as well as the Kidney Condition .  IF the Spine looks iffy Ill be in surgery within 24 hours of the MRI . That's how serious it can be . Please understand I want you to be cautious not concerned Its a Kidney Spinal Nerve blocking the kidney functions or you simply bumped a piece of furniture in that area and cant recall that . Good health And keep fit.  Best wishes  Peter    
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I know you wrote this 2 yrs ago.. hopefully you are doing fine. But your symptoms are mine exactly, and I'd really like to know what you found out.
And how you're doing..
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I'm also 19 years old and from what I can tell from experience it sounds like you either have a kidney infection or possibly a stone. I had kidney problems since the age of 16 it wasn't so much with going to the toilet it was just the pain in my lower right back and it was so painful to the point I would be screaming! I would go to my doctors and they would always test my wee and said I had blood cells in it and then told me I had a kidney infection but they would send me for an ultra sound to check if there was any stones this was when I was 16 long story short it came back I had no kidney stones. It has now been 3 years and I still had the awful kidney pain and it wasn't until one morning I couldn't take it no more my mum had to ring the ambulance for me and I was rushed into hospital I then had a CT scan witch showed I had a very large kidney stone called a staghorn calculus. The nurse was so shocked to see a person at my age with such a big stone but I told him I've been back and forth at the doctors and had a scan but nothing's came of it. Two weeks ago I had my stone surgically removed through keyhole surgery and it has been the worst pain I have ever suffered I now have a stent placed in my urethra witch I have to keep it for 3 months and I have troubles with this as I am still passing fragments of my stone witch was taken out but fragments of the stone could still pass. I know this was very long and I apologise haha but what I am trying to tell you is don't put it of! Go to your doctors because I would hate for you to end up like how I have been! I hope you feel better soon!x
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I also have this problem in my right side im 18 male and i sometimes dont fix my back posture alot when im on computers etc. But what i did find is that straightening the back helps and doing some regular 10 minute cardio a day. I do still get the pains alot tuough i just cope with it. I want answers i think i might have some hidden medical condition idk..I also find it hard after having pain to take deep breaths it seriously kills ky side.
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ive also got this pain on my kidneys, its an on an off thing like everyone else, but i cope with it by straightening the back more and doing some cardio excersises, i really hope someone can answer. Oh i also cant breathe too much air in so i take short breaths
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I used to have this same back pain and felt as lost as everyone else here but discovered that mine seems to be tied I artificial sugars, specifically sucralose (Splenda). I completely cut out artificial sweeteners (read labels because you would be surprised just how many things that you wouldn't expect have artificial sugars in them!) and I have not had any pain until very recently when I had some (non-diet) Seagram's ginger ale, which I didn't realize has sucralose in it. Now here I am in the same horrible pain! So if you're desperate, try reading the ingredient labels on everything and see if this helps you too! I hope it does because I have felt your pain!!
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Seems everyone here has same symptoms as I do but dont see any answers,  other than see a doctor... if I could afford a doctor I would have already gone !! The pain onky botgers me when I wake in the morning !! Guess ill just lelearn to deal with it !! Im sorry so many ppl are dealing with thus same thing... Ive tried the azo and cranberry to no avail !! God Bless you all !!
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I have had the same problem which was long term over a couple of months - from researching etc I have come to the conclusion it is a muscular problem acting on the kidney I suspect. The solution which has worked for me is working out with kettlebells - followed the kettleworx video for instruction and I also took up jogging. I also changed my diet to include more protein and started taking zinc/magnesium vitamins.The process was slow but over a few weeks the pain reduced and I can now sleep through the night without be woken up with pain.

Hope this helps someone else as this was a nightmare problem for me.
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this sounds about right. I too have been having these pains just recently and its very sharp. I do not eat enough raw veggies or fruit, I don't do caffeine but I do however like my morning coffee/cappuccino, just one.
I see a lot of people have the same symptoms and what you've come up with sounds about right. I'm going to try it and see if it helps. I take my vitamins every day and I drink LOTS of water.  thanks, yours is the first response that sounds good.
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Hi all,
I have been having severe pain in my right side and lower back (mostly on right side). It starts to hurt a bit when I sit for awhile. Doesn't hurt during the day when I'm active. BUT at night it is awful, shortly after I lie down and during the night. It doesn't matter how I lay, my right side hurts. This came on sudden and immediate, and does not have to do with my mattress, posture, or eating habits. It has lasted about 5 weeks now. the other issue going on is I seem to be producing less urine (bowel movements seem to be about the same, maybe some narrowing in general). I don't have any pain, burning or itching or more frequency with urinating.

I went to the doctor and she did a urine sample in the office and saw bacteria in the urine. She (understandably) presumed I had a bladder infection and prescribed antibiotics. she also sent me to the lab for further blood and urine tests, I looked at the results online and the only abnormality is the bacteria in urine and being low on iron.

I just finished a week of antibiotics and so should be better, but the pain in my side is as bad as ever, maybe even worse. Maybe the urine issues are separate from the side/back pain.

I have another appointment with my doctor in a couple of weeks and I'm sure she will be sending me for many tests - x-rays, ultrasounds, even colonoscopy she suggested. She is very thorough and doesn't hesitate to send me for tests, maybe it's because i have a good medical plan (Canadian) So I will let you know what my results are in case it helps someone else.

Years ago, I tested positive for the Anklosing Spondylitis gene and so I am concerned/scared that it has been activated - it is a brutal auto-immune spinal disorder, but don't worry it isn't very common. The other fear factor is a tumor in my abdomen/colon/kidneys that is causing blockage and pain. My mom has been diagnosed with colon cancer, the first one in our entire family history so I guess now that could be a factor too.

one kind of positive thing I can say is that about 5 or 6 years ago I had a similar thing happen and I had a bunch of tests done. Nothing was found after countless tests and after a few months it actually just subsided. During those months I had to sleep on the couch to keep myself in a certain position. I have no explanation about what it was then and why it went away and how horrific the pain was. Maybe it was some strange arthritic flare-up or the beginning of osteoporosis or fibromyalgia (none of which I have been diagnosed with).

good luck to you all in your search for pain-free sleep. I am dreading going to sleep tonight as I too know I will wake up a few times in great pain :(

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I have both the problem of pain in the kidney region when lying down...and have found a solution for me, maybe for some of you too. I noticed I have been getting cramp twinges in the right side of my back, just above the belt line, when sitting on the toilet. Then this pain started, when lying down, that is like I imagine a kidney stone, I could not sleep and had to get up for the pain to go.. I folded a soft hand towel to make a pad, and lay on it - putting it on the bed where the pain is located, so it also fits into the small of the back. The warmth and the slight elevation definitely help. Next comes the solution - for me. I do long-distance hikes and intensive gym workouts, and have a mineral mix (prescribed in Austria) that stops cramps within 5 minutes when they occur. I tried the mix for my lying-down back pain, and the pain went away almost immediately. The mineral mix is called Magnosolv, and is only available in Austria. Here are the ingredients so you can find something similar. Magnesium carbonate 670mg; Magnesium oxide 340mg; Potasium 500mg; Natrium 60mg (salt); citric acid 3700mg. All mixed in powder form to be dissolved and shaken in water. I am still amazed that the pain is from cramping - it really feels like you all describe your pains. I have a broken shoulder bone so maybe I am lying in a way that is causing the cramps. At least now I can get some sleep.     .
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I started having these symptoms a few days ago.  Started with pain on the right side of my back just below my rib cage.  The pain radiated to my side and the right side of my abdomen. Though the pain in my side and abdomen is more of a dull aching pain and the pain in my back is a sharper pain. I also feel the pain sometimes when I take a deep breath.  I don't feel the pain as much when sitting up or standing.  It is most relevant when I am laying down.  I've had to sleep in a partial upright position.  I have had a touch of nausea and overall feeling of just not feeling well.  But even with all those symptoms I am not having any of the typical urinary symptoms of a kidney infection.  So I am confused.  And really don't want to go to the doctor if I don't have to.  Please advise.
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Hello there I have the same symptoms you described. Did your pain go away? What was your diagnosis?
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I have been dealing with the same pain. I am 22 years old, healthy, non smoker, don't drink pop or caffine, all around, healthy. The first time I felt this was about 2 years ago. I thought it was the mattress, got a new mattress. Still in pain. It got so bad, I went to the hospital. They ran every test they had. I got stays, blood tests, urine tests and an MRI.... Nothing. Everything was fine, on paper it looked like I was perfect, yet the pain was so bad they had given me morphine 4 times to dull my pain. After being there all night, I left, with the same pain I had before... Awesome
So I went to my chiropractor. He told me I had a kidney infection and didn't understand how the doctors at the hospital didn't find it. He could tell right away. He gave me a product called albaplex by a company called standard process, 5 in the morning and 5 at night for 10 days. And he gave me cataplex AC, also by standard process, 5 in the morning 5 at night. He had me take probiotics as well because I do have digestion problems, and food intolorances, but I have that pretty much under control. He told me in 3 days, pain would be gone, and guess what??? It was. :) hallelujah!
I have gotten this infection twice since then. It is very painful and very hard to sleep, intact, its back right now. But I went back to see my chiropractor and he out me on the same stuff. 50 dollars in supplements and a 50 dollar fee to see him and he cures my pain. I got to the hospital, my insurance paid out 14000 dollars for that night with all the tests, and found nothing.
I'm astonished at what doctors can't seem to figure out these days and how much money the get from not even diagnosing anything. And literally, ny 100 dollar chiropractor made me better.
Hope this helps anyone with these same issues. These supplements are not prescriptions, they are vitamins, and can be bought online or certain suppliers that carry it. Standard process is a very old company and has been my savior. So honestly, what have you got to loose, 50 bucks in supplements. Try it. It really worked for me.

By the way, I tried herbal tea mixtures, didn't help, just tasted like ***.

Hope I helped someone out.
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Poor you lot!  The first in this discussion is 2008, love to know if that one was resolved.  My husband bless him is suffering in exactly the same manner as the rest of you, his is lower left side into back kidney area - totally painful lying down, moving and breathing when lying down.  Back and forth and back and forth from doctors; has had horrid post viral stuff, nasty cough with gastric reflux rearing it's nasty head again as has a history but so hard to figure this one out.  Kidney or not, or what?  If anyone has any further ideas.  
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Been suffering with kidney pain when lying down for the past 4 weeks or so. Getting up, passing water or wind offers relief and allows me to get back to sleep. I have started eating a little earlier, before 6 p.m. following the meal with a peppermint tea to aid digestion and I take a Boots Wind Relief tablet before turning in (active ingredients are Dried Aluminium Hydroxide Gel,Magnesium Hydroxide,Simethicone). I am now able most nights to sleep through with little or no pain although when I get up in the morning the pain returns until I pass water or shift some wind again. Hope this helps.
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I am checking this website for possible solutions.  like the rest of you I am having troubles at night laying down when I stand up pain seems to be better I have a lower right abdomen and back pain that comes and goes . I do not have kidney stones and I do not have difficulty urinating.  the pain is in the lower rear right abdomen.  
has anybody found any solutions please?
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I have the same pain but only in the morning when i wake up its in both kidneys and I've heard that it's my mattress when I sleep on the couch I wake up fine and pain free. I've also heard that you should not drink anything for a few hours before going to sleep, this helps me a little.
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I've suffered from Urinary tract infections for the last year ever so frequently. I have visited the docs each time and they've prescribed me antibiotics each time. I'm currently on Keflex 250mg  it's been 4 days of taking it and I now have 2 days left to consume.
I've noticed my right kidney starting to ache and am getting an ultra sound on Thursday to see WTF is going on! It's Christmas and with parties and all it's hard to avoid drinking! I'm not usually an alcho lover but admit I've been drinking a lot more than usual almost a drink a day for the last week! This might be the cause of the pain as I've shocked my system? Help!
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I have had the same  symptoms for years. At first I thought it was because I have several issues with my spine and associated the pain with that. Then I had issues with a very large Kidney stone. So after having that removed figured it was the kidney stone that might have been the issue and just didn't know  it was growing inside me. after a period of time after having the stone removed the  back pain although  better than it was , is still there and still can't lay down for more than 6 hours  at best without the aching  returning.. I believe it may be the fact that  My bladder fills up overnight causing the ever increasing pain. I manage it by emptying my bladder before  bed and if its bad get up and go to the toilet during the night and try get back to sleep . not perfect but works for me. hope this helps
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I have the same issue, had my gallbladder out and stent in from stone blockage. the pain is dull, did yours let up?
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I have pain on waking up needing 2 pee in the night in my kidneys and back , but its not lower back pain it seems 2 b rite behind my kidneys where the pain is in my back . It also happens when i wake up not needing 2 pee . The pain only goes when i walk about for a while. The pain can be realy intense
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I too, when I lay down on my back or my side at night my kidneys hurt real bad too. I have been to dr, they act like I am imaging things. Run all sorts of test and everything is fine. Well I just wanna know why I still have pain and were is it coming from because it never happened before. I have been a good sleeper all my life until recently, So I know I am not imaging this stuff. Please if any one has a answer let me know. ***@****
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It could be you have a compressed nerve where the nerves exit the spine (disk area) - it's called sciatica.  My back pain was to the side above my right hip. Mainly at night, and I couldn't sleep in my back or my side. If you have pain in your leg at night as well as in the kidney area ask your GP  about the possibility of sciatica

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