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Pain between Scrotum and Rectum... Taint pain

From everything that i have read this could be a prostate problem. I am getting pains, that come and go, right between my scrotum and my rectum. It feels liek someone is stabbing a knife into me. The first two times it happened it was bareable but still hurt like a mother. It happened on time when i sneezed and happened one time when i jumped off a step to the ground. It was only like a 2 foot drop though but that really hurt. This last time it happened i was driving and it was the worst yet. I clenched my teeth, and unfortunatly closed my eyes cause it hurt so bad; i was in tears. I ended up going in the ditch and taking out a road sign. I told the cop what happened and needless to say he didn't believe me n i got a ticket anyways. But I'm currently serving in the military and i've been to the doctor for this before and they checked to see if i had a hurnia. All my doctor said was that it wasn't a hurnia, they think its just normal or a fluke, and would not give me a referall to see a specialist at a civilian hospital. So now i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place with no help. I'm working with some of my supervisors to go up the chain n get me a referrall to see a specialist but so far nothing has worked. Can anyone relate or help me out?!? Thanks for your time _TrevoR_
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i to have the exact symptoms, i had a ultra sound done some time ago and nothing was found, have you gotten any answers?
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647273 tn?1292091141
I too have had problems with pain between the root of the penis, scrotal area and rectum.
Since about the age of 25 and currently at 44, I have had many bouts with prostatitis, kidney infections, epiditimitis, and orchitis. Just recently I found out that I have a fistula (hole) in my prostate and rectum. Currently pain can be so bad that I can't function.
I'm not suggesting that you might have a fistula, since the pain now is far worse that what I used to have about a year ago.

Whenever I used to get an infection I allways experienced some level of pain, however at times it turned into a stabbing pain. This usuall came shortly after sneezing, or coughing or just adjusting my position. I had allways thought that it was due to prostatitis. I never was able to ever explain to people around me the sudden pain that I experienced.

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thanks for the info.   i havent been having any problems with infections thus far. the stabbing pain i am well aware of. is this just something you
have to learn to deal with?  hopefully i will get some answers, thanks again for the info.
by the way how often would you say you experience the pain, ive been dealing with this for a few years but it comes and goes every so often.

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Sorry I haven't been on in a while. i am in the military and was on a temporary Duty assignment for a couple months, but I have had a couple infections, but i don't know if it co-insides, now i'll have to pay attention and see. But what rmprdl1964 said, my symptoms are exactly the same. when i sneeze n cough is usually when I get the pain. Its amazing cause I thought i was the only one, my doctor said it was prostititas; gave me some meds n i didn't have it again until i sneezed while i was driving a couple days ago and i took out a road sign. My whole body just froze i couldn't move or anything. It was scary; again my doctor said it was prostitas n i asked him "wouldn't the meds have helped that?" and he gave me some run around of sometimes you need mulitple treatments or long term treatments of antibiotics. Rmprdl1964; how did they diagnose the "fistula"? I might make another appointment with my doctor n ask him about that. It happens sometimes too when I jump down off something like 2 feet or higher i get the pain. Thanks for all the comments n feed back.
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i am currently taking antibiotics and meds called uraxatrol until i go back to the dr. where they will perform a scope to look through my bladder and get more info.  i have had a ct scan and it revealed nothing so onto the next procedure.
its looking like a prostate issue so you mite be inclined to bring that up. more info after i get some.
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This site has been a great help had this for about 8 years now 46 had the above symptons also pain on adjaculation, it comes in bouts, and the stabbing pains second to none .when i was 41 had a bad bout which left me with erectile dysfunction for a couple of years,fine now that was the worst bit! am now giong to the doctors took me a long time, to embarassed . But feel like light at the end of the tunnel
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I'll join the club, good to know I'm not alone out there. I've had this problem for about 10 years; pain in the perineum area between the anus and scrotum where a section of the urethra passes.

The first time I was aware of it was when I jumped down from a low wall as in the original post. I think I might have jumped down from something once since but have avoinded doing so thereafter as the pain was so excruciating on each occasion albeit short lived.

I occasionally experience nearly as intense pain randomly every once in while for a few seconds whilst urinating during which I can barely remain standing which has caused several misses I'm afraid to report! Sorry for the gorry details but I just want to make sure I give an accurate account for people to be able to compare symptoms.

I can also occasionally feel an ever so slight amount of pain when I sneeze as some others have commented and I think it has worsened slightly over the years as I now find it too uncomfortable to ride a bicycle and even certain hard chairs are not too comfortable although bearable.

I sometimes feel a slight discomfort at various stages during sexual arousal.
The other symptoms I experience which could be related is slight burning sensation in the urethra near the tip of the penis on occasion while urinating as well as after ejaculation.

I have mentioned these symptoms to my GP before without getting anywhere but I think I will go back now with the list of all these sympoms and ask them for appropriate tests. If I have any information I will post it here, hopefully one of us will get a diagnosis!
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I've been suffering from this intermittent pain for years, ever since childhood.  When it would happen in my childhood years (not very often), I would describe the pain more as a very brief hard pinching.

Recently over the last few years I would describe the pain as a stabbing, lightening bolt type of pain that makes me jump or stand on my toes, almost as if I'm trying to get away from the pain. Either way, the pain is blindingly intense, but thankfully only lasts a few seconds.  The most it ever lasted (a few years ago) was 4-5 seconds, but it felt more like 4-5 minutes, ouch!!!

Over the last 7 years I've seen my internist and urologist for other urinary symptoms.  Burning with urination, waking several times to urinate, feeling as if I have to urinate almost immediately after urinating.  After several tests that included an IVP, cystoscopy, blood tests, DRE, etc., I was diagnosed with non-bacterial prostatitis.  I was prescribed a ton of antibiotics, told to stay away from spicey foods, alcohol, smoking, and other irritants.  The prostatitis cleared up, but I had relapse a few years back, but not as bad.  I think that prostatitis is the IBS of the male urinary/reproductive system.

I relayed the above in case anyone can make any connections with their own experience of the stabbing pain.

Lately I've been wondering if the pain could be muscular or nerve (pudendal nerve to be exact) related.  I've put my self on a diet recently (last 4 weeks), and I've had the pain a few times, thankfully very brief.  Given the foods I'm eating (and not eating), I've lost a lot of water weight.  I drink a good amount of water throughout the day, and as a consequence, I'm sure I've pee'd out a whole bunch of minerals, etc.  Could the pain be in any way affected by calcium, magnesium & potassium levels being low?

Either way, you guys aren't alone.  I hope someone can figure this out one day!

Good luck to everyone :)
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647273 tn?1292091141
In regards to the question of how often I experience this pain, I would have to say a few times a week. Since the medical comunity has a poor to no understanding of the causes of prostatitis, it seems best to treat the symptoms.

I have been seen by many different urologists, with all not being able to pinpoint the cause of the problem.

Since I have been diagnosed with a neurogenic bladder as well as other neurological problems, it seems that doctors use this diagnosis when they can't explain something.

I have times where I don't want to travel due to the discomfort that I experience. I also experience sensations like constantly having to urinate or needing to have a bowel movement, however I don't. It made my job as a heavy duty mechanic very interesting at times.

Taking a hot bath only gives very teporary relief. We will have to deal with the symptoms as they are presented.

All the best.

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647273 tn?1292091141
Hi the fistula was discovered by me when I was in the hospital to treat a kidney infection and pneumonia. I had a Foley catheter in and I noticed that I was passing gas through the catheter and penis.

After getting discharged I was referred to a urologist and had a cystoscopy to confirm the fistula.

Sorry for the late response.

Take care.

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1023432 tn?1251735422
Pain and discomfort in that area can often an inguinal hernia. I'm a chiropractor, and just recently had a patient with I diagnosed with an inguinal hernia. One way to check is do a valsalva maneuver (cough hard) and watch the area. You will see a little out-pouching if it is a hernia. You may also see one of the testis is undescended.

Robert Cox, D.C.
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from expain:   refresher, saw a urologist, had blood in my urine.
put me on uroxatrol, urine specimin came back negative (thankfully).
gave me a cystoscopy( scope thru penis ) took look at bladder and saw
nothing. diagnosed as prostate infection. semen was yellowish, said was a sign of infection. put on antibiotics for 6 months, seemed to help
for awhile but not completely. finally tried some blood pressure meds
also used for bph, to help the blood flow, seems to have helped for the most part. havent had the pain in quite awhile and hopefully dont .
hope this helps someone.
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I cowboy for a living. Last summer I took a hard jolt in the saddle with intense pain in my taint area. Figured it was just one of them things. Had some time off, went back to work and immediately had another pop of pain. Had 3 months off, went back to work feeling great and instantly another "pop". Doctor says no hernia.  Is sore to walk or pull knees together but doesn't hurt to urinate. Hell' I don't know what it is, but I sure do need to get past it. Any answers or suggestions will be appreciated.
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I am 18 and at the most I have had this stabbing pain 10 times in the last two years(never before then). It seems to occur totally at random, although maybe it is when I cough particularly hard, OnIy I just haven't made the connection. It seems to be enough to make me lift out of my seat slightly with each stab, which feels like a knife is being rammed into my arse(great I know..). It would be great if someone could find out the cause and solution to this problem.
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I too was glad to hear I am not the only one that has had these problems. Went to the Dr when it really started getting uncomfortable, realizing I had been tolerating the discomfort and shooting pains for some time before I finally broke down.That was a couple years ago. I was diagnosed with an enlarged Prostate, and he put me on antibiotics and suggested I try Saw Pimento based herbs. I never really got much relief from this. As I have gotten older, now 53, and other ailments have started to pop up, I have asked myself, and the Dr., is this what I have to look forward to the rest of my life.  He said I could get better, but most likely I would fight this the rest of my life. I have been very active most of my life and this just is unacceptable.
My wife is a health freak and she never ceases to amaze me that "IF" she gets sick, she is over it very quickly, I can only attest that this has to be the fact she takes all kinds of herbs and teas. Her teas truly are the best things I have found for even the common cold and cough. So I asked her one night if we could look for an herbal something to try to get rid of the pain and discomfort. We went to Sprouts Market the next day, a local organic style grocery market her in Colorado. We were reading the different labels off many different manufacturers products and while reading, this woman appears from nowhere, introduces herself as a spokes person for a new brand of a Prostate specific herbal supplement, Prostacare by Himalay, http://www.himalayausa.com/herbalformulas/prostacare.htm , and hands me a brochure. (Sorry you will have to cut and paste the link) Well, I believe things happen for a reason. What are the chances, of going in to look for a specific thing, and have someone there to talk to you about it. So We bought a bottle. Not overly expensive around $30-$40. I have to tell you, I have been fighting the pressure for over 3 years, and the shooting pain for the last year plus. I started taking this about a month and a half ago, and the whether it is psychological, my imagination, or what ever, this stuff worked for me. For the first time in as long as I can remember, the pressure is gone. The shooting pain attacks have stopped. I am able to pee and have a strong steady stream. I feel much better, I am able to exercise regularly, and I genuinely feel better than I have in years. The internet is a great resource for just about anything. I hope that my experience helps some of you out there suffering from this same problem.
Michael - Westminster Colorado
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I have similiar symptoms of burning and penis pain when sitting. Warm baths helps. Have had cystocscopy, urine tests, prostate tests all negative. The prostate sits on a layer of muscle and if you pull the muscle the inflamed muscle pushes against the prostate.

My Urologist said I pulled a muscle and will take time.
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I want to begin by saying that I have a tendency to diagnose myself with stuff whenever I feel off, so reading this thread I can't help feeling that i have it, but I will list my symptoms.

Last November I developed epidytimitis. The first treatment did not work as it resurfaced a little over a month later (probably wasn't on the antibiotics long enough). I received treatment again and the pain is largely gone now, but the doctor said it may have left a cist so I still experience some groin pain occasionally.

2 weeks ago I started getting an uncomfortable, somewhat painful feeling when i sit, in the region right below my anus. It is a pressure feeling, like I am sitting on something. A few days later I had shooting lower back pain, near the tailbone, and I went in and I had another cist there, but with little treatment that drained and the sharp pain went away. The doctor believed that the pressure pain was related to the cist, but that has not gone away.

Last Monday I woke up with severe abdominal pain. I was sent to the ER and they took a CT scan, to check if it was my appendix, but they eventually diagnosed me with anxiety. They said my prostate looked great. Yesterday my anus got really sensitive, like just below the anus. Occasionally I do wipe too hard, but this doesn't feel like that and it is a lingering discomfort. I guess I would describe it as if a cold metal object were touching the skin there.

Do I have prostatitis? I am 23 years old. I had a follow up appointment with the doctor about the cramping on Wednesday, and I told her about the pressure pain, and she didn't know what it was and checked the radiology report and said my prostate was good and stuff, but I have another follow up on Tuesday. If she does not believe I have prostatitis, should I seek another doctor?
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Wow, i dont know if this gives me hope or more frustration I like some of you have been exsperiencing sharp lighting bolt like pains in my rectum and sometimes up through my groin. It is very painful and most times stands me up on end, ouch! My wife thinks im crazy and the docs keep giving me hemroid meds that do nothing.The pains come and go in waves,day or night, sitting or standing. If anyone has suggestions im MORE than happy to listen! Thanks all, The man in pain from Carlsbad!
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647273 tn?1292091141

There is a possibility that the pain can be causes by nerve pain. Ask your doctor about this possibility. If it is caused by the nervous system then things like Neurotin, Amitriptyline, or Lyrica might work.

All the best.

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I have similar symptoms.  For the past 20 years (on and off), I have had a sensation that the skin in the taint area is tightening and tingling (pins and needles).  It's not painful, but very uncomfortable. GP has not been able to diagnose. Urologist thinks possibly chronic  prostatitus. Anyone else have any ideas?  I've had hemroids in the past, minor bulging in groin from an inguinal hernia (no pain), and a testical that sometimes will ascend.
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647273 tn?1292091141

The likely hood of prostatitis being the cause is possible. I have had problems with ongoing prostatitis since prior 1994. The discomfort of the area between the scrotum and rectum has gotten worse but it might be due to a fistula between the prostate.

I too had an inguinal hernia on the right side as well as a testicle that would move up. In 2006 the hernia let go completely and also became an incarcerated hernia, for which I had emergency surgery to get it repaired. I now wish I would not have waited untill it let go. It was repaired with mesh and it still is uncomfortable at times. The area is hard and feels like there is something there that should not be.
I suggest that you get the hernia evaluated. Don't wait until things get worse.

All the best.

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I had similar symptoms a few years ago and it comes back every now and then.  After a CT, sono and various other exams ($$$), it turns out it's the nerves in my back.  When the lowest vertebrae in the back gets aggravated (after sitting too long or working out) it is much more noticeable.  When the pain was at its worst, I went to a Neuro pain specialist and he gave me some meds that "turn" off the nerves in that area.  Anyways, I hope that helps.  Those pills worked well.
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did you. Test for herpes cause. Herpes cause pain in nerves too
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I am 18 and i realised i had some kind of pain between my anus and my scrotum..i believe that i get this pain when i sit on cold steps or when i stand on my feet/walk a long period of time.
I actually think that if look out not to sit on cold steps or stay to long on my feet things will be allright but i am not sure.what do you people think?do i have any kind of disorder?
furthermore, can this damage my sexual experience?
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