649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh In March 11, 2018

Okay, we're a full week into the weight loss challenge... so how is everyone doing now?  My weight has been all over the map this week, ranging from down 2 pounds from last week to up a pound.  For me, eating just a few grains of salt too much can mean the difference between a pound of fluid retained or a little bit weight lost.

I've done quite well with diet this week.  My husband had a doctor's appointment on and his doctor told him he should be eating lots of dark leafy greens and fish to get Omega 3 fatty acids... he doesn't care for either one, so the doctor said he could take fish oil pills instead.  Omega 3 fatty acids can actually help with weight loss.  One of their benefits may be helping provide better insulin sensitivity... I'm all for that, since on top of everything else, I'm pre-diabetic...

I've also done well with my exercise over the week.  I walked 3-4 miles every day and did other things (yardwork, housework, etc) that all count toward calorie usage and maintaining muscle; of course, it's always better to be moving around than it is to be sitting.  Even standing in one place is better than sitting.  I'm considering giving up my desktop computer and going to my laptop, so I can stand at the counter to use it instead of sitting at my desk... I'm not sure if that will happen anytime soon though... lol

My walking partner is leaving in a couple of days to go back to Oregon for the summer, so we'll see if I do as well next week.  I'm not so disciplined with the walking when I'm not committed to going with someone.

So that's me...how about everyone else?  Let's hear about your success... what you did that helped, what you could have done better, etc.  I see some of you posted updates on last week's weigh-in thread, which is fine... please go ahead and update here, too so we know how you've done since.

~have a great week and win by losing ~
13 Responses
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495284 tn?1333894042
My scale says i am down 2lbs this morning.  I hope it is accurate.  It is a digital scale.  I asked my hubby if he knew how much he weighed and his response was "alot"!!  That was helpful!  I eat good and exercise so dont know why i am questioning it!!!  With the 2 lbs this week i am down a total of 19 lbs since i started this mid November.  The weight loss has been slow but safe and that is what is important.  Will be nice to get back outside and walk.  We have so much snow and ice here i hope to be outside by July!!
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Congratulations on the 2 lbs.  There probably isn't any reason to doubt that, because it sounds like you've been doing excellent with your eating and I know you work every day, so you're busy and probably not just sitting around.  

19 lbs since November is excellent.  Slow and safe is the right way to do it and you have a much better chance of keeping it off than someone who loses it all at once.  

I think I read on the news that parts of your area got more snow... did you get it?  We're still on standby for my husband's mother, who is not improving, so we may still end up having to travel to cold country...Ugghhhh
Yes we got more snow and more last night.  Temps are supposed to reach the 50's by the weekend.  Still to early to get excited about that as April can be a very snowy month too!
Good for you!  That's gotta make you feel good.
134578 tn?1693250592
I'm down 3 lbs. from last week. I used an interesting article on the theory behind a 5-day water fast to get serious about stopping my worst habit, drinking sugared sodas, and to cut way back on between-meal eating. Posted lengthily about it on last week's weigh-in thread -- I didn't go on the water fast but the article had me thinking about how early humans ate, and it rang a bell, and that got me to at least drinking only water, tea or milk, and almost no snacking. The first time I stepped on the scale and saw actual results, I was down 5 lbs., which has never happened in a week in my life (and frankly, I assumed wouldn't last, even though I couldn't pooh-pooh it the way people do on diets as merely a "water weight" reduction because I was drinking tons of water!). But 3 pounds is great! Tummy not noticeably reduced, but I know I feel better without the constant small doses of sugar.
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wow sister!  Impressive!
495284 tn?1333894042
Way to go Annie!!!  You will continue to feel the better the longer you go without the sugar.  I found i dont have the highs and lows during the day.  I need to up my water intake so will work on that this week
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649848 tn?1534633700
I agree - "way to go, Annie"... I saw your post on the other weigh in.  It's pretty interesting and there's something to intermittent fasting, which is what early humans did.  You were right that they didn't always have food, but sometimes, they had an abundance; they filled up when they could and got by with very little when they had to.

I used to be able to do that, but I can't anymore because my blood sugar levels go too low, so I have to eat on a regular basis.  I just have to be careful of what I eat.  Fortunately, I don't drink sodas and I'm not big on candy.  Chips are my downfall and for me, the salt is as bad as the sugar...

Anyway, both of you keep up the good work.  
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As I think I said, I never did fast, but going from eating chips or a soda whenever I felt peckish to eating sliced cucumbers and a glass of water, well, it might as well have been fasting. :)

My little sister says you lose weight rather rapidly when you cut sugar because sugar causes so much inflammation, and what you're losing is the inflammation. Could be. I have never doubted that my soda habit gave me various kinds of inflammation (stuffy nose in the morning, etc.)
Some people can lose weight quickly just by cutting certain foods, but you have to have good metabolism to be able to do that, as well.  For those of us with faulty metabolism, weight loss is a challenge, no matter what we eat.

Your sister is right about sugar causing inflammation, though.  It's one of the worst offenders but there are other close contenders.
973741 tn?1342342773
Gained.  A.  Pound.  
Helpful - 0
Not bad! I mean, given the beer cheese spread and all. Could have done worse. Try again this week. (((HUGS)))
I agree - not so bad.  Don't be hard on yourself; it could have been fluid - that happens to me all the time.  At any rate, this is a new week and a chance to start again.  
Thank you my friends.  I will take all hugs and encouraging words.  I was a bit disheartened but will try harder this week.  
973741 tn?1342342773
Barb, good for you on several fronts. The diet, adding fish oil supplement (does the supplement good to accompany weight loss or is it just the actual leafy greens and fish?), and exercise!
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Both dark leafy greens and fish have Omega 3 fatty acids, which is what you get from the fish oil supplements. Since my husband doesn't eat either of them his doctor recommended the supplements... BUT you can eat the foods and take the supplements because the doctor said hardly anyone gets enough Omega 3 from food alone... So yes, the supplement accompanied by food may help with weight loss by improving insulin sensitivity.
973741 tn?1342342773
I'm so proud of you all.  Everyone is doing it!  Even though I wasn't super successful last week, I'm trying again this week.  Went to boot camp this morning, ate my salad for lunch, soup for dinner and have my cute pink water bottle with me for hydration.  So far so good!  You all are doing great!
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It always helps when the water is in a pink bottle. *softening the blow*
649848 tn?1534633700
That's the spirit, specialmom... keep trying.  I've been at it since 2008 when my thyroid died and although I've lost and gained some of the same weight several times, I'm gradually getting down.  It's frustrating, but I'll keep trying...

Hold onto that water bottle and stay hydrated... I'm thinking I might need to get one, but I don't want to be a copycat and I'm not really a "pink person" so I'll find a different color that's really cool...  ;-)
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Go purple Barb!
I can do that... I like purple!! I'll go shopping and see if I can find one.
Sarah...I went to 5 different stores yesterday and could not find a purple water bottle in the style I wanted, including Walmart.  Today I tried a different Walmart than I'd gone to yesterday and they didn't have any purple ones either but I found an aqua one in the style I like so I got it...it's purple, but it's not pink, either... lol

134578 tn?1693250592
Ha hm. Someone brought coconut divinity to school today, as a wonderful gift for the volunteers. Bad. I ate three pieces.
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As long as the pieces weren't the size of a piece of cake, you probably didn't do a lot of damage...

Tomorrow's a new day; dust yourself off and start over...  :-)
I probably would have eaten one if it *had* been the size of a piece of cake, though I guess not three. But they were that tasty.
Gotta indulge sometimes, right?  sounds delicious!
495284 tn?1333894042
Have any of you tried the new air fryers?  My daughter loves hers.  Am thinking of getting one.  

We also tried the new Veggie Tots tonight.  Made the cauliflower ones and they were simply wonderful.  I also like the mashed potatoes made with cauliflower.

I have noticed my craving for certain foods is alot like the cravings you can get with drugs.  They dont last long and it is all about instant gratification.  I have been craving a strawberry cheesecake blizzard.so made a smoothie instead.  That satisfied my "gratification" receptors.  I dont have any cake, cookies, ice cream etc around the house.  
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My receptors are going crazy.  Not sure why.  It can't just be the beer cheese binge.  I'm trying to be smart about it though.

Are those the air fryers you are talking about?
649848 tn?1534633700
I don't have an air fryer but thought about getting one.  

I haven't tried the veggie Tots. Are they in the frozen section?  I don't buy much frozen stuff anymore; it's mostly fresh that I get at the Farmer's Market because it's a lot cheaper than the grocery store.

I made a pizza crust out of cauliflower once.  It wasn't my favorite, but it wasn't horrible, either... I like mashed cauliflower in place of potatoes, but my husband won't touch it, but then he doesn't eat any veggies, other than potatoes, corn and tomatoes...

I wish I didn't have any cake or cookies in the house... hubby eats them the time, so it's staring me in the face every day. Some days I do really well, others not...
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495284 tn?1333894042
Okay, i have some really big news!!!  Today i went out to my doctors office to make my appt for my recheck on cholesterol.  I asked if i could weigh myself and they said sure so they took me back to the one i weighed in on Oct 17th.(i thought it was November)  So i took off my coat, weighed in with jeans, sweatshirt and tennis shoes.........Drum roll please.............24 lbs lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am over the top excited!!!  I go in Monday morning for my test so am holding my breath.  All i want to see is the numbers go down for my bad chol. and the good chol up.  I am not expecting a large number but a downward motion!!!  24 lbs!!!  Hell yeah!!
Helpful - 0
Wow, congratulations... how awesome is that!!
You're going to blow us away when it comes weigh in time on Sunday morning, cuz I know I've gained...
When i got my blood report back the 1st time i cried.  It scared the holy bajesus out of me.  I told my hubby here i am, finally living, loving and really enjoying my life and i dont want to check out yet.  For some reason that cholesterol test really got to me and i knew i had to do something.  Back in the day i did enough drugs everyday to kill a herd of elephants and now i am this emotional dont want to die person!
495284 tn?1333894042
I have been thinking about a couple things tonight.  When i started my weight loss i had some ask me "how many lbs do you want to lose"?  I never said an ending number as it made it seem to overwhelming.  I just told them i would be satisfied with a pound a week.  I have lived with "focus on the journey, not the destination" for quite some time so i implemented that into this adventure.  That has helped.  I didnt gain the weight over night so i knew it would take some time to change up my ways and be comfortable.

I have this friend who posted on fb how she lost 10 lbs since Feb 24th by drinking one cup of coffee a day.  I had heard about this new fad diet.  You put something in your coffee and then take a pill that gives you all this energy and makes you feel full.  It's called Smart Coffee and costs about 75.00-100.00 a month.  Doesnt seem so smart to me but that is just my opinion.  These fad diets have big numbers lost in the beginning as you get rid of fluids etc but by not eating your metabolism drops off to barely nothing as you arent fueling your body with the nutrients you need.  Most of these people that have tried these diets usually gain back and more when they are done.

And my final thoughts of the evening....My youngest daughter is desperate to lose weight and now has a torn miniscus(sp) so that has slowed her down at the gym.  She went to GNC and bought a supplement to help burn fat.  She showed me what she had gotten so i checked the ingrediants and warnings on a medical site.  It stated it should NOT be taken if you are on certain meds and she was on one that was listed.  It is very important to always check with your doctor even if it is a supplement. The workers at these places aren't educated on what you can and cant take.  They are there to sell.(in our area anyways)

Okay, lecture over and off my soapbox!
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I've heard of smart coffee, but don't believe in all the fad junk.  It might work, just like weight loss drugs do, but as soon as you stop using it, the weight comes back unless you implement a healthy diet and exercise plan along with it and if you're doing that you can lose weight without the weight loss aid or drug...

Some of the stuff doesn't even work at all.  I know someone who is taking something right now that she thinks is fantastic, but she hasn't lost any weight from it, though she says she's lost inches. I could see that if she exercised a lot and was muscular since muscle is denser than fat, so a pound of muscle takes less space than a pound of fat.   Like me, she has hypothyroidism which presents its own set of problems for weight loss since thyroid hormones regulate metabolism.  On top of it, she's diabetic, which adds additional challenges.  Anyone with metabolism issues can take all the weight loss supplements they want and little to nothing is going to happen until their metabolism is gotten back to normal again, except maybe they'll get sicker...  

One should always follow the label on the supplement or if in doubt check with the doctor to see if it's safe to take, as in the case of your daughter.

Some prescribed medications can cause weight gain, as well, so take a look at that medication your daughter is taking and see if weight gain is a side effect.  If so, she can talk to her doctor and ask if there's a different medication she can take instead.  Gabapentin caused me to gain over 20 lbs in a short period of time and I was able to lose a good share of it when I switched medications.

I'm totally jealous of anyone whose metabolism allows them to simply change their eating habits and drop a pound a week.  I certainly applaud anyone who adopts their eating plan and is able to stick with it on a long term basis to reach their goal.  Kudos to you...
I know all the walking and other physical labor i do helps with my loss. Seems my metabolism has slowed up the older i get, one other thing my mother never told me about!!!
I don't ever think there is some magic pill, drink, medicine, compound from the Incas, natural food, spice, or anything that makes as much of a difference in weight loss (if any) as does changing habits of basic dietary approach, plus exercise. I do think carbs are the culprit for me. I remain pretty unconcerned about fats, but am eating WAY less processed sugar since starting this challenge.

Overlooking the (ahem)Snickers bar(cough) today. (But I will say, before this challenge, I would have had M&Ms and a Dr. Pepper and something else, all in the same day. It's a wonder that I didn't give myself diabetes.) Though I was rash with Mr. Snickers today, that was the end of it. I have to guard against the classic error of figuring the day is more or less blown if I eat something I shouldn't, and continuing. Did not do that today. This is not a triumph like Sarah's 24 lbs. but it means a lot to me.
Mine has been since last October.  I was just excited, will tame myself from now on.  
Oh, I got that Rome wasn't built in a day (or, I guess, lost). But it is still a triumph.
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