579258 tn?1250649343

Carbs - Are You on an Endless Roller Coaster???

Do those cravings for chips, crackers and carbs call to you?  Do you attempt to substitute their lower calorie counterparts only to find them calling you until you eat several servings?  

When you eat these processed carbohydrates, your blood sugar rises quickly and you get a burst of energy ... followed by an equally quick drop in blood sugar that can leave you feeling sluggish and tired.  Since our body processes these carbs quickly, feelings of hunger reoccur and tempt us to eat again.  

Knowing how this works, is half the battle ... knowledge is power!

So ... if you realize this ... the next time you're tempted to eat chips ... go to the refrigerator and eat some lean deli-sliced turkey or a few nuts.  In eating protein, it stops the endless roller coaster cycle of ups and downs and keeps hunger at bay.  

Do you have some thoughts or helpful suggestions to help end the carb cravings???  Shout it out; knowledge is best when shared with others ...  
14 Responses
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449672 tn?1398394807
Oh yes...............i feel like i am on a roller coaster alot of days!! I just hold on for dear life....and try not to get thrown off! I am a junk food addict!! I am doing so much better the last few months.............i eat lean meat(turkey,chicken, and tuna)...lots of veggie's and fruits! I am drinking that water,too! I use to hate water...because it made me full....Now,i like the full feeling and drink grape propel water or i buy the little single servings and mix it myself! They are flavored and so good!!

You are so right . ....knowledge is power............that is with anything! Right now...i am munching on some almonds....just a few does it! The deal with the chips is true...who can eat only a few pringles?? Not me....i want the whole can! I also keep the deli thin sliced meats....i go to the fridge...get one and roll him up and eat it!! I am satisfied with the one..............Alot of eating is a habit!! I know that to be true with me.....I would eat for just something to do!Now...i get up and do something constructive!!! I cleaned my pantry out this week...looks so much better! Lol...........

My thought is...always try and think about what you are eating....make good food choices...............mind over matter!.....small single serving.....don't super size it,either!

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168348 tn?1379357075
Yep.  I'm stuck on the top.  BTW, roller coasters scare the heck out of me!

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428506 tn?1296557399
I agree with this.  If I eat a handful of either really sweet or really salty carb-based snacks, I transform into a beast who can't stop eating.  Seriously, my sweet tooth is a junkie who will stop at nothing!

Everyone's different.  I'm not into ultra-low carb diets, and I don't eat meat.  What has helped me a lot is that I stopped eating anything with artificial sweetener in it.  Even though diet drinks have no calories, that strong sweet flavor sends messages to my brain to eat!  A bottle of diet coke doesn't satisfy me, it makes my stomach anticipate food.  I also avoid processed/salty stuff and use salt sparingly in my cooking.

Now, I realize how OVERWHELMED my tastebuds had been.  Lots of stuff I used to eat had so much pumped up flavor from sweeteners/salt, I didn't really know what food tasted like.  

So for me, stopping the super sweet drinks has been a big part of my continued work to get over my out of control appetite and carb-snack cravings.  Not for everyone, just my thoughts.

Good luck to all, I look forward to other tips and ideas!
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168348 tn?1379357075
OK .... I am having a carb craving ... I had bkfst 3 hrs ago .. so this is my mid-morning carb crave which I will not give into .. I reached into the fridge and grabbed 3 nice sized strawberries only to find out they are frozen solid ... OK .... I will not give in to the carb craving and will post instead as I wait for the berries to defrost ... hmmmmm .. Maybe if I put on the windowsill it will come sooner vs. later (defrosting them) LOL!

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449672 tn?1398394807
I like my fruit frozen............i buy a large bag of mixed fruit.......it has peaches,cantolope,grapes,kiwi,honey dew melon,strawberries,and pineapple in it! I fix me a cup of that and nibble on it! Considering it's frozen is better for me.....it takes me longer to eat it! I can't just gobble it down! Lol..............
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168348 tn?1379357075
Thanks for reminding me that I have fruit just like that in the freezer to make up yogurt type drinks for my kids on the neverending "go"!

OK .. this was interesting day.

5 times I had cravings for snack junk carb food.  Actual craving .. that is hard to believe ... I was stunned when I recognized it!

I ate strawberries once and and apple twice (organic) .. I gave in once and had one small cranberry cookie (vs. 4 or 5) and one chinese fortune cookie vs. 2 or 3.  Then the last carb craving I had was about 5 minds ago and I reached for some lean ham deli meat and it worked!

Is this really possible to "crave" a food?  How long does it take to get over this feeling?

I'm hungry.

OK ...that's what the day has been so far.  I'm new at this ... I never had an extra pound on me and could eat whatever I wanted to eat . .then a few years ago that all changed when I turned 40 hee hee hee ...

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449672 tn?1398394807
This is my belief...............it's all in our heads...............although,we do seem to crave certain foods,but i believe it's all learned behavior! A habit..that is hard to break!!!...but it is breakable! You just have to stay in tune with what you are eating.

Too much sugar(sweet stuff) in your bloodstream makes hunger levels go upward...and whatever isn't burned is converted to fat.......i am in the habit of checking labels on everything...........................I love to make fruit smoothies,especially in the summer,i keep mine sorta thick...i like the fiber in fruit....love yogurt,too......cottage cheese.

It's a shame that our world is based on food......and what we are gonna cook!! Where we are gonna eat out at!! Holidays are all about food....get to gathers are too!! Who ever passes up birthday cake and ice cream?? This is the world we live in!!!

As we age....our bodies are not the same....it seems like we require less calories to stay a certain weight.............that's why we have to monitor our diet...drink plenty of water,and exercise! Helen got me into the walking kick....i try for 10,000 steps a day....Most days i achieve that.

When i was pregnant with my twins,back in 1979-1980...............i gainned alot of weight...i weighed in at 220 lbs!! I lost most of it with diet and exercise shortly after they were born..................only to regain some of the weight when i got pregnant again in 1983................i once again watched what i ate and lost the weight............i have been at the same weight for a long time(give or take a few lbs.)...I would like to loose at least 10-15 lbs.................by Christmas Day!! That is my goal.
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579258 tn?1250649343
There really are true cravings .. and then we have to jump start our knowledge, our determination and some control.  This is a learned behavior and doesn't happen overnight so forgiveness comes in to play as well.

That said, many of what we call "cravings" is simply the desire to eat the foods we've become accustomed to.

As we let our brain determine what we will eat, based on new knowledge of how this all works, the carb cravings get further and further apart.  In fact, as you later go back to some of those sweets and chips ... they will taste completely different.  

French fries now taste like grease, chips are greasy and extremely salty and a little sweets go a very long way.

Likewise, fresh fruit is amazingly sweet ... don't know how I ever thought is would be better than the natural sugars you can taste again once you've changed your eating habits for just a while.  

BTW - Great goals Janice .. we can celebrate at Christmas time together!

Oh, and C~ the frozen fruit is Awesome!  Frozen pineapple and bing cherries are my favorites!
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168348 tn?1379357075
Thanks for the great info ....

I'll try the frozen fruit.

Bad news on the Grape Propel .. did not care for the aftertaste.  I will try berry flavor next.

I understand now about the cravings .............they are really cravings basedon behavior  -- interesting -- knowledge is power so now I know OK .. let me be empowered LOL

I did great Day #1 but Day #2 couldn't resist.  How hard is it to not grab the chips and eat another apple or fruit piece.. incredibly hard .... I was amazed I caved in, but I did.

Will buy some more healthy snacks and maybe that will help.  I did have cottage cheese with some fruit for lunch.. that was a big change!

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579258 tn?1250649343
Just wanted to clarify .. there are "true" cravings one can have .. like when you crave fish and your body is really needing one of the nutritional components found in fish.  

There is also "true" cravings .. so to speak .. for carbs .. in that your body has used up the energy stores from the previous carbs we have eaten .. and it triggers the call for "hunger" ... that is the behavior part as to what we choose sometimes.  In those instances, I choose protein (keeps me feeling full longer as it takes longer to metabolize in the digestive process) and the same is true with complex carbohydrates ... like wild rice.

You can truly "crave" things like "chocolate" ... and then there are complex choices ...

1.  Do I eat "chocolate" because I tuly "crave" it or because I "want" it or the flavor of it.

2.  If truly "crave" it, then do you crave a particular thing or just the flavor.  If the flavor, then try lower-calorie options .. like Wells Blue Bunny fudgesickles for 35 calories each.  If truly "crave" a particular item, like Godiva chocolate, the implement judgement and restraint and go buy 1-2 pieces and then eat them slowly and purposely, counting the calories and realizing that a true "craving" is fulfilled in 3 bites!  By eating slowly and purposefully, you're enjoying it to the fullest and longest.  It can take me 5 minutes to eat 2 pieces of chocolate.  It resolves the cravings and there is no guilt attached.

Hope that makes sense .. lolll

Love your positive attitude about the water ... I'll keep my eyes open as well for some alternatives.  Just a suggestion .. why don't you try making a post about "ways to drink water more flavorfully" ... and perhaps we can locate some more advice?

It is hard to resist and change our behaviors ... but it can be done.  You may want to try this ...

First, I also found it easier to get those "trigger" foods out of the house .. so I spent time cleaning out my cupboards.  The temptation was too great when it was right in front of me, especially in the beginning.

Second, I put a sign on my cupboard that simply said "STOP ... THINK" and this allowed me to begin changing my eating patterns from subconscious grazing to thoughtful eating.  I then decided whether I was truly "hungry" .. that gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach .. or was I eating for some other reason .. emotional eating .. boredom, sadness, loneliness, happiness, etc ... If that was the reason, then I needed to make a "rescue plan" that let me do something different.  Example .. if lonely .. go out and visit family or friends or invite some over.  If bored .. go do something .. anything!  If sad, do things that made me happy .. like visit a museum, walk in nature and notice the little things that we take for granted .. made me appreciative.

Third, make a list of the things you will gain if you resist the chips ... and make a list of the things you will lose if you eat them ... they should be opposing lists.  

Keep up the GREAT work and your POSITIVE attitude .. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!   I BELIEVE in YOU!!!   (((Huggggsss)))  ... R ~
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168348 tn?1379357075
On the chocolate, two of my four children cannot eat it .. they get migraine headaches  & one got joint pain from it (reactive arthritis in nature) .. tyramine is the culprit per the allergist .. they probably have higher than avg. levels naturally in their body so the chocolate adds too much and they get migraine headaches.  And they both "craved" the chocolate .. go figure ... but if they could eliminate so can I eliminate my chip craving is my moral to this little story on the chocolate!  

I wish I could keep the chips out of the house .. but with the kids around, they enjoy them with lunch, etc.  But maybe, I'm thinking, if I put them out of site and hide them during times when I want them the most that may be helpful.

I'll do that on the water ..... all it takes is one idea to clinch it.  Thx for the idea!

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579258 tn?1250649343
Just an idea or two .. perhaps talk with the children and tell them what you are attempting to do and ask them for their assistance.  Have found that many times they love to help and appreciate being asked for THEIR help.  Ask them for their ideas on how to best resolve it .. i.e. change the chips to baked, buy individual packages and put their names on the packages ... or divide a multi-use bag into individual portions with their names on the bags .. helps us to make better choices if we are accountable to someone else.  

Also, may consider changing the chips to baked or changing to popcorn .. popcorn is a wonderful substitute ... provides crunch and flavor!  I use the 100-calorie Pop Secret Kettle corn (salt and sweet) but they have regular butter flavor too.  The 100-calorie bags help with portions and I eat one kernel at a time, very purposefully.  If I'm really craving it ... or am having trouble stopping with one bag, a second bag does no harm.

As for the chocolate .. found that when I went to a darker chocolate, it was ultimately more satisfying in a very small amount.  For those craving times, I eat 1 little stick of Hershey's dark chocolate .. they have little stick packages .. and each stick .. about 4-5 inches long ... is 70 calories.  I keep them in the freezer so I don't see them often, that way I only eat it occasionally when there is a "true" craving.

Thanks for the feedback .. that is what is wonderful about this forum ... we can all keep exchanging ideas and brainstorm together till we find what works for a particular person .. in a healthful way.

Many, many (((Hugs))) ... you're doing a WONDERFUL job!!!  Am soooo PROUD of YOU!!!!

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168348 tn?1379357075
I'm going to buy my own stash at the store today of better chips and try the popcorn in the 100 calorie bags. Great ideas!

One ? on the baked products .. I like them and the work to satisfy a craving .... so it's ok to grab a handful of them .... what if it turns into 3 handfuls is that just as bad as the regular chips then?  

In your other post about defining what it is one likes about the food they crave, I figured it out . It is the taste and the crunch of chip-like snacks.  So baked will work, but I assume only if eaten in proper proportions.

The popcorn sounds like safer bet as its 100 calorie bags.

Is the object the # of calories or carbs to watch or both if I eat a baked Lays pot. chip as an example.  I can easily eat 2-3 handfuls as my "reward".

I am going to buy more lean deli meats for the inbetween times, too and try the protein rationale.  That was something I never knew about.

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579258 tn?1250649343
Sometimes when a person is starting a program to "rethink" their food, there are foods that tend to lead us off track ... those we simply have difficulty leaving alone.  These are known as "trigger" foods.  They trigger us to eat and we have difficulty stopping or exercising good judgement in portion control.

Sounds like "chips" may be a trigger food for you.  Personally, I did not have my trigger foods around initially because I wasn't sure I could leave them alone.  

In your case, you mentioned you had them around constantly because you children liked them.  So, the options are to package them in a way that you are accountable to someone else ... your children by communicating with them and putting their names on the package.  In other words, if you were to eat them, you would be responsible for having to explain that to one of your children.  The second choice, provided you are able to control portions, is to choose the baked option.  Again, portion control is key, so dividing them up promptly upon return home from the grocery store and labeling them with dates also helps you be responsible for portion control.  In communicating with your family, they can help you accountable for your consumption in a particular time frame.

To answer your question, most definitely you can overeat a better processed, lower caloried option and have them be every bit as detrimental as the higher fat, full caloried option.  Portion control is key.  

In learning to eat healthier, knowledge of calories and carbs is important.  For me, I knew the total calories would indicate my weight loss or gain.  The truth is .. calories in (eaten) ... minus the calories burned (exercise) ... equals your weight loss or gain.

Where the knowledge about carbs comes in is that carbs are metabolized quickly in the digestion process and, therefore, has your body calling for food again.  We, by habit of taste, think of carbs.  And thus, a cycle of eating poor choices of food and having the accompanying highs and lows in our blood sugar begins ... and continues ... until we exercise our knowledge to exchange the call for food ... for protein.  In substituting protein when we face that call for hunger, we stop the cycle because protein metabolizes slower and keeps us feeling fuller longer.  Nutritionally it is better for us.

During times you are not having the "carb craving" ... but you are wanting the "crunch factor," you can substitute other "crunch" foods ... like carrots ... or 100-calorie popcorn ... that is not a "trigger" food for you.  

To get off this cycle,  you may elect to eat lean turkey .. up to 100 calories or so .. and a 100-calorie bag of popcorn.  So, for 200 calories, you satisfy the crunch and tame the call for carbs.  The popcorn satisfies the crunch and provides immediate relief from the call for hunger and metabolizes quickly giving you energy.  The protein metabolizes slowly and will keep you feeling fuller longer.  Combine this all with a glass of water and you're good to go.

Hope this explains it in a little further detail.  Once you begin working with it and having some success ... it'll be easier to avoid the "processed carbs" and elect protein or complex carbs.

Best wishes ... you're off and running and can't wait to hear of your success!!!  YOU ARE DETERMINED and asking all the right questions.  YOU CAN DO THIS!!!  

(((Hugs))) ... and Happy Monday!  

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