959034 tn?1253671476


How do you know if you are eating healthy? I want to loose a little weight. I also want to eat healthy, and eat enough. I'm disabled and don't get much exercise either. Any ideas?
16 Responses
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483733 tn?1326798446
When you buy a vitamin try going to a health food store or a pharmacist and mention your health issues and meds to them.  You don't want something that will hurt you.  Stay away from iron in them as that can affect you too.

I know you don't like to cook so try bringing home one of those pre-cooked rotisserie chickens from the grocery store.  They are quite economical and taste great.  You can maybe cook up some rice and keep it available in the fridge to  heat up with it plus some of your canned veggies.  Do you like yogurt?  I love the Activia yogurts.  Low fat cottage cheese is good.  I love it with some canned peaches (no added sugar) on top.
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959034 tn?1253671476
Still having trouble finding meats and dairys. That I like to eat. Still a lot of nausea. I'm trying out the trackers. Food and exercises. I'm going to buy a vitamin today. Any brand is ok? Thanks so much!!!!!
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649848 tn?1534633700
Forgot to mention - since you don't really get a balanced diet, it would be a good idea to take a multi vitamin every day.  Also an omega 3 (fish oil gel cap) might also be good, since fish oil can help with painful joints, etc, plus it helps keep your skin and hair heathy.  
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649848 tn?1534633700
Good for you with the carrot sticks and bananas.  And like I said - canned veggies are better than NO veggies.  If you are setting a timer to eat, you can try eating about 6 times/day - 3 small meals/3 snacks, so that would be every couple of hours.  Do make sure you get some type of meats - chicken, turkey, fish, canned tuna packed in water, etc for protein and also try to get at least 3 servings of dairy each day.  The dairy can include low fat/fat free milk, yogurt, cheeses, etc.  Eating small meals and getting a good variety, might help with your nausea/vomiting also.  

You should try to get some exercise each day.  The length of time you do them will depend on how well you tolerate the activity.  If you can do 30 minutes at a time, that's great, but if not, maybe you could try for 10 minute increments, 3 times/day.  Just don't over do it to begin with.  

Oh - and do try to drink plenty of water to make sure you keep your body hydrated.  

You are doing great - just keep working at it.  Remember - slow and easy -- baby steps.....  
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959034 tn?1253671476
I got some carrot sticks, and bananas. I don't do the work slicing food. I got canned veggies, and ensure. I started 2 new meds for my stomach. Zofran and reglan. I am exercising. How often? How often should I put on my timer to eat? Should I take a multivitamin? I take b12. Thanks!!!!!
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649848 tn?1534633700
Canned fruits and veggies are better than no fruits or veggies, but if you can it's bets to go with fresh or frozen.  If you do fresh, often all you have to do is wash it and eat - like slicing an apple, slicing strawberries and/or bananas on your bowl of whole grain cereal.  Fresh sweet cherries just eaten raw.  Same goes for veggies - celery, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet peppers, can all chopped/sliced and added to a salad with some sliced deli ham and or turkey, boiled eggs, etc.  Just check out the produce section of your grocery store - you'll find all kinds of things that can be eaten without cooking.  In the freezer section, you can find a wide variety of meats, side dishes or complete dinners. And don't forget that most things can be fixed in the microwave with little or no effort.  

One rule of thumb is to shop around the outer aisles of the store - that's where you'll find the produce, meats, dairy and other healthy stuff...........

An exercise band is an elastic band that is used for exercising.  Do a google search and you will find exercises using one - that will give you an idea.  
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959034 tn?1253671476
Yes malnourished. I want to learn healthy eating. Weight maintenance, exercise, and improve overall health. Picking up some ensure today! Thanks!!!!! I don't know an exercise band. Can you post a link? Thanks for all the help guys!!!!!
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483733 tn?1326798446
I would not go the Carnation drink way.  If you want to get some more nutrients in a liquid manner it is best to try Ensure or Boost which you can get at a drug store.  Doctors recommend them to people who can't eat solid food.  

Barb has given you some excellent advice.  Little steps are best.  You may find you have more energy with more nutritious choices.  It sounds like you may be malnourished and/or dehydrated.  It must be so hard with that nausea and vomiting.

For laying down exercises you might want to look into exercise bands.  They can be used lying down and create tension on your muscles.

Try using the food diary too.  It has reports that can tell you your calories, carbs, fats, and proteins as well as other micronutrients.  Good luck!
Helpful - 0
959034 tn?1253671476
My thyroid is normal. I forgot to mention. My diet is supposed to be high sodium because of autonomic dysfunction. I am scheduling meals with a timer. How often? Adding some new foods. I don't prepare food. Canned is ok? Fruit too? I did some exercises. I like it. No job. Wake up is at 7 for meds. I go back to sleep then wake up whenever. Do you know a good vitamin I should take? To be healthier? Thanks!!!!!
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649848 tn?1534633700
Have you ever had your thyroid tested?  My weight used to go up and down at intervals for no apparent reason - last year I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which is an autoimmune disease, in which antibodies attack the thyroid and makes it do weird things.  Ask your doctor to check you for thyroid issues....

I didn't used to be good at eating either ----- when I was younger, I would sometimes go for a couple of days without eating anything but maybe potato chips (they are MY favorite too).  When I got into my late 20's and had 2 kids, I had to make myself learn to eat regularly, so my children would follow my lead...... I still never ate breakfast on a regular basis, even though I made sure the kids ate every morning, until about the past year (and I just turned 60) -- so let's get YOU turned around now, because it's not nice to be so hard on our body........ I'm paying for it now........

I'm not familiar with Carnation breakfast - *I* prefer something solid, that I can "sink my teeth into" and will stay with me for a few hours, such as a hard boiled egg and glass of milk; or slice of whole grain toast with peanut butter and jelly, with a banana; or a bowl of cheerios with fat free milk and sliced strawberries, with whole grain toast......

Oh - by the way - canned veggies are not only good weights they are good for you, so long as you choose the "no salt" variety..but fresh or frozen is best if you can go that route....... the closest to fresh you can get, is best and frozen is closer to fresh than canned.

If you aren't good at eating - you will have to tackle THAT problem first.  I'd recommend that you set a specific schedule for "meal times" and make yourself stick with it, even if you don't feel hungry......taking just a couple of bites of a healthy food is better than not eating at all.  I find eating a larger breakfast does best for me - but that's not true for everyone.  If I eat a large, healthy breakfast, I'm less hungry for other meals AND I have the advantage of using up the calories throughout the day............

I don't know what time you get up, go to bed or what your schedule during the day is.  It would be helpful to know that, as well as whether or not you have a job to go to everyday.  From there, we can come up with a plan..........

Feel free to send me a PM (personal message) and I'll be happy to work with you to come up with a plan.............

Just remember -- one step at a time; slow, but sure...........
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959034 tn?1253671476
I'm on lots of meds. Thanks so much for your help!!!!! Canned veggies are good weights! Thanks! I never had baked chips. I will look for them. Change my diet better slowly. I'm not good at eating. Are things like carnation breakfast healthy? I never bought it. I don't know. I have gastroparesis because of autonomic dysfunction. That's why I have nausea/vomiting. Overweight now because of meds. Easily fall underweight, and overweight. Thanks so much! Thank you!!!!!
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959034 tn?1253671476
I'm on lots of meds. Thanks so much for your help!!!!! Canned veggies are good weights! Thanks! I never had baked chips. I will look for them. Change my diet better slowly. I'm not good at eating. Are things like carnation breakfast healthy? I never bought it. I don't know. I have gastroparesis because of autonomic dysfunction. That's why I have nausea/vomiting. Overweight now because of meds. Easily fall underweight, and overweight. Thanks so much! Thank you!!!!!
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649848 tn?1534633700
Are you under a doctor's care and/or on meds?  Any major changes to your diet and exercise should be discussed with him/her prior to beginning, but there are some simple things you can do to get started.  

Bread, chips and water could be why you have the constant nausea/vomiting.  Try to incorporate some lean meats, veggies and fruits, along with low/no fat dairy such as milk, yogurt, cheeses, etc...........Whole grains, beans, etc will provide both protein and fiber.  

Don't try to change a lot of things all at once.  For instance, if you eat white bread - switch to whole grain.  Try baked chips rather than regular ones.  Add a veggie with each meal - lettuce, tomato, etc on your bread, add a piece of fruit for dessert and a glass of fat free milk to drink ---------.  See where I'm going with this?  

Once you begin to add some healthier choices to your menus, the nausea/vomiting may decrease, but as said above, you should discuss any diet changes with your doctor.

For lying down exercises - you can try some simple leg lifts, arm raises with light weights (canned veggies or bottles of water work great for weights) etc. You can do a "google" search and I'm sure you will come up with all types of "floor exercises" that you can try.  Always start slowly and work your way up.  If you can only do one or two leg lifts to start, don't worry - just do what you can and try again later or the next day.  

You didn't say what your height, current weight or goal weight is, but I hope there's something here that you find useful.  Good luck and keep posting.........
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959034 tn?1253671476
My weight changes very fast. Very often. I don't eat well. I have constant nausea/vomiting. I like bread, chips, and water. I want to learn to eat better. I don't exercise often. My disability is autonomic dysfunction. I have very low bp. Laying down exercises?
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649848 tn?1534633700
Welcome --------

Maybe if you could tell us what your current weight is, what your goal weight is, your height, along with what you eat on a daily basis, it would be a little easier for us to help you.    

Also, if you could let us know the nature of your disability, we might be able to help come up with exercise that would be beneficial........

Look forward to hearing from you again.............
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959034 tn?1253671476
I never loose weight when I try to. I never gain weight when I try to.
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