326352 tn?1310994295

I suck at Weight Loss

So, went to do the weigh-in today...actually I was goaded into it by my co-worker who also stated she was doing it to "shame" herself back on the wagon.  Apparently we both fell off the WW wagon, burned it and shot the horses just for good measure.  

Shamefully I write that I'm now 1 pound above my start weight.  Not a nice place to be.

Shamefully and with full remorse for my sabotage of a good diet...today is a new day and the goal is to stay on diet today.  Tomorrow will be the same goal.  It would help if I weren't so good at sabotaging a diet.

One day SOON I'm going to report that I made goal (ok, not soon, but hopefully before 2009 gets here).
16 Responses
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326352 tn?1310994295

Ok, I'm frothing at the mouth.  Where do you live and when are you making these??????

I'm there!  4 points and all!
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198506 tn?1251156915
You lucky girl!  Doing okay, managed to lose a couple pounds this past week.  Yesterday I started Core and I think it's going to work out okay although I am dying to try a recipe from Hungry Girl for chocolate chip pancakes.  It'll cost me 4 points from my weekly allowance though.  Gosh, I hate being on a budget and I have a real problem with chocolate.  I agree, no liquid meals for me....I prefer to chew my food.  I'll save the liquid meal replacements for when I am old and all out of teeth.  

Well, enjoy the rest of your holiday!
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326352 tn?1310994295
I'm in FLORIDA sunning my buns with the kids and hubby.  That's a tiring way to vaycay, but it's been pretty nice.  No one but me has gotten too much sun, and that's just on my back and not bad.

Diet wise, I'm doing really well holding to WW.  I'm NOT going to start drinking a meal.  That's just gross.  I've tried it, didn't work.  I've also tried Atkins which worked for 10 days, then I had to have some bread!

I haven't weighed in this week, I'll do that on Wednesday.  Hopefully the last 3 days haven't ruined my run on weight loss.  We shall see!!!!

How you doing?
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498922 tn?1220807116
Some people get great results with meal-replacement shakes when they mix their powders with fruit juice, instead of soy milk or milk.
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198506 tn?1251156915
Hey Ihughes.....How are you doing?
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326352 tn?1310994295
Meal replacement shakes DO NOT work for me, sorry.  I cannot take/eat soy, I had an
estrogen positive cancer and until my onc agrees that soy is ok, then I'm against it.

Thanks for trying!
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498922 tn?1220807116
Meal replacement shakes blended with low fat milk or soy milk and some banana or frozen peaches makes a great nutritious and delicious breakfast. Protein bars can replace fat-filled snacks. If you replace two meals a day with the shakes and eat one colorful meal, with protein snacks in between, you will lose weight and keep it off. Once your weight is down to your goal weight, you can eat 2 meals a day and replace one with a shake, keeping the protein snacks in between. Some people have been practicing this healthy routine and kept their weight within acceptable range for 28 years.
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172023 tn?1334672284

I've used up my points for the century!
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198506 tn?1251156915
Come on ladies, no more defeatest attitude.  We can't let Peek show us up this swimsuit season!  BTW, it's 3:47 and I've already used up all my points....looks like celery for dinner.  
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326352 tn?1310994295
Sorry to hear that.  I was that way yesterday.  Might get there tonight, but I am SO trying not to let the work issue eat into my life (literally).
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I am in no mood to try today...I am just too tired, too cranky and tooo...everything else, except motivated.  I just can't do it today.......
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326352 tn?1310994295
Yes mommy peek.  No shame... just keep trying!  :)

Thanks ya'll.  
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326352 tn?1310994295
I think it's a conspiracy to keep us buying the bad stuff....they make it taste so GOOD!  And it's MOST of the time easier to purchase and quicker to fix and eat than planning and prepping the "good for you" stuff.

ugh.  So far today's been good.  Now if I can make it through the rest of this stressful day at work and keep up the good diet until bedtime.  The evening hours are probably the worst.  Tomorrow I'll start over trying to have a good diet day and hopefully it'll be day 2 of a good diet week.  That's about all you can do.

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172023 tn?1334672284
No shame!  I forbid it!

Just make your next bite the right one.  Forget about the past.  

(Now, if I could only take my own advice)
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198506 tn?1251156915
I don't know why we self-sabotage.  For me Thursday is weigh-day and I will paying for my sins tomorrow.  Lisa, I think you have the right idea we just have to keep trying.  Dang, why does food have to taste so good!

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I totally understand.  I won't get on the scale..I was doing so so well, and then "poof" it totally disappeared.  I blame it all on the celebrations and events when it actually me and my horrible will-power.  We will get back on track.

the thing that I don't understand is that I feel so good when I am on program!  Self esteem goes up, energy goes up....WHY DO WE DO THIS TO OURSELVES!!!

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