649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh In - October 2, 2022

Good morning.  How is everyone doing this morning?  Fortunately, we're still here after dodging Hurricane Ian this past week.  Although I feel very sorry, and concerned for those that did get hit, I'm so very grateful that we did not end up in the direct path, as originally forecast.  I just read this morning that there have been 66 deaths related to the storm - some in Florida and some in the Carolinas.  My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones, along with property.  

Because we didn't get hit so hard, my area is beginning to get back to "normal", which is good.  We did go to the grocery store yesterday and there are a lot of empty shelves.  That was beginning to happen prior to the storm and it's even worse now.

We did our "storm cleanup" yesterday - which consisted of picking of downed branches and palm fronds and hauling them away to disposal.   Husband also repaired the roof in a corner of my woodworking shop.  I'd noticed it flapping the wind the other day when I was working out there.  

I'm still trying to watch my food intake - not doing too well, though as I've had a great taste for pasta, lately.  That's not helping my weight situation, for sure!!  I had blood work done on Tuesday before the storm hit.  My glucose levels were high again, as was my triglyceride level.  This puts me back into the "Metabolic Syndrome" category, so I'm not sure what my doctor is going to advise (other than stop eating and get more exercise!!).  I see him on the 10th, so we'll see.  

My "winter neighbors" will be back tomorrow.   We'll pick them up at the airport.  We'll start walking again, probably on Wednesday.  Although it may not help my weight a lot, it should help my muscle tone, etc.  Hopefully, once I get back into the habit of walking almost daily, I'll be able to keep it up when my neighbor goes back to OR in Dec.

Anyway, my weight has fluctuated over the week, but it's staying pretty steady.  I haven't weighed this morning, but will report later.  

I hope everyone has been able to meet their goals for the week.  

~~Wishing everyone a wonderful successful week~~
1 Responses
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134578 tn?1716963197
I'm at the same weight as last week. It could be worse (we had pizza last night) but I was not trying just to maintain, but to lose a little. I haven't been as physically busy with my mom's house, but also have been tied up with other things that don't give me as much exercise. My husband has begun taking yoga classes 6 days a week, I need to heed his hint and join some kind of group.

So relieved for you, Barb. The news out of the places that got hit is awful. That is a lot of deaths. And who knows how long it will take to make repairs -- it will take so much work and so much money!

Working on my mom's house, my back has begun to act up, the kind of thing where you bend down to put something in the car and suddenly there's just a huge spasm of what seems like nerve pain evenly distributed over the whole back. I think it's probably the family's bad bones come to get me ... my grandmas on both sides had terrible osteoporosis. I drank a lot of milk when I was a kid, but have had my bone density scanned a few times as an adult and always got lower ratings for bone density than to my age group. I looked up "what to do if you have osteoporosis" and the answers aren't encouraging. There are a couple of medications that make the bones less brittle but don't thicken them up, you can still break them pretty easily. Exercise is the other suggestion, but if my back spasms in pain just from bending down, I'm not sure how much it's possible to do! I've got to get scanned again and talk to the doc, so I know if this is why the pain spasms are happening.

One good thing about my mom's house being in the final stages is that I was able to do a bunch of overdue errands. Though my car still needs to go for an oil change, I did take all our pets to the vet. One thing at a time, I guess!

Have a great week!
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