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649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh In - Feb 6, 2011

Good morning again.............

Wow, time sure flies when we're having fun, doesn't it?  I can hardly believe that a whole week has gone by, and it's time for another weigh in.   Are we ready??

I did pretty good this week.  I went from 149 to 148, so that's down a pound.  While I would have preferred to go down more, I'm satisfied with that.   I do have a doctor appointment on Tues; I'm sure HE won't be too satisfied, but ............I'll keep working on it this coming week, and hopefully, go down another pound.  For me, it's all about baby steps.

What have I been doing?  I'm making small changes that don't feel like I'm depriving myself.  I'm making better choices for food, trying to walk a bit more, etc. I need to get into an exercise mode (back to yoga), but haven't done that yet, since I walk daily with my "winter" neighbor, when she's here.  In addition, my life has been extra busy lately, and there just isn't any more time left in the day.

I think I've mentioned that I'm reading the book "The Flex Diet"; it has tons of ideas for making small changes that you can stick with.  Once I get done reading the book, I'm going to go back through it and pick a list of things that will work into my lifestyle, then try to incorporate one new thing/week.  Actually, I'm already adding a few of them.

So, how about you?  How was your week?  We're anxious to hear whether or not you reached your goal(s), whether it would be for exercising or eating better.  If you stumbled, let us know that too, so we can help you get back on track.  

Wishing everyone a wonderful week.

Remember, there are no failures; only set backs.  

14 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
My confidence in "weight loss" doctors is very thin....... wishing you the best of luck, and particularly that you can keep the weight off, once you've done the program....
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359142 tn?1321120923
Because of the the doctor provides me with all the nutrition supplements, vitamins & minerals, plus does extensive blood work and EKG monitoring, etc.  I feel pretty confident that I can trust the program.  

I'm going to be cheating on Saturday for dinner.  I hope it doesn't ruin my progress.  Going to try and eat grilled fish and veggies to keep the damage minimal. :)
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649848 tn?1534633700
You're not dork for posting on another thread........ never mind that......

Keep your enthusiasm, but don't get discouraged if it doesn't go your way...... at 10 pounds over 2 weeks, you are averaging 5 lbs/week - that's a lot, and may not be healthy...... be careful - lose it safely.
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359142 tn?1321120923
I'm a dork and posted my update on the wrong string. Duh.  :) .  Sorry if you had to read this twice.  I'm down 4lbs my second week.  I feel good about it, not great, but solid.  That brings my two week total to 10 lbs.  I was shooting for 12-13, but 10 is ok.  I'm hoping to lose 2-3 lbs a week from here on out to make my goal.  Good luck this week everyone.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Looks like you are doing good; you're seeing what the issues are, and planning ahead; that's very important.  
Good luck for the coming week.
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505857 tn?1329681517
well i stayed the same this week no loss or gain which i'm fine about as i had my neice and nephew stay over on Saturday night so had a bit of junk because they were there, and also my calories were quite high last week.

Back into the exercising tonight, tried to do a load of housework last night and i think it's worked as my legs are a little sore this morning.  Also, back to writing everything down again and calorie counting as again i was kinda losing my way a little.

I'm back with a vengeance and hoping for at least 1lb off this week if anything, i've got a wedding fayre on Saturday where i'll probably try some samples and go for kunch with my mum and sister but i'm planning on making it as healthy as possible

good luck for this weekend everyone :-)
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649848 tn?1534633700
Thanks everyone for the congrats on my 1 pound; I was down another one this morning, so hopefully, I can maintain that until next week.

giggles, you did awesomely, losing 9.6 pounds, but do be careful not to lose it too fast; if you do, it will be much harder to keep it off.  It's great that you are eating more fruits and veggies; those are what's good for you, but don't forget the dairy and protein too.  

tkd4u2 -- I still think your lack of weight loss is due to the exercising/building muscles; give it a bit longer and see if the weight starts coming off.  You also need to make sure you are choosing wisely at meal/snack times, to, though; exercise, while continuing to eat poorly, isn't going to help you.  Sure glad I'm not a football fan!!    LOL     If all else fails, you may need to get your thyroid levels tested to make sure they are optimal for you.

krysie - first off, congratulations on your new job - those are hard to come by these days; can you make up some salads or maybe a pita stuffed with low fat tuna salad, lettuce and tomato?  A ham and cheese (low fat) sandwich (whole grain bread only), with some baked chips (just a few)?  If you have access to a microwave, you might bring a can of soup.  

Nicky - don't worry too much about the scale; I know it's frustrating, but not all scales are calibrated the same - my doctor's scale always reads 5 pounds higher than my scale, but they won't let me use MY result.  Just go by your current readings and don't think about what it would have been on your old scale.  Just lift your chin, smile and move on...........

That brings me to one final point, and I really need everyone to LISTEN UP on this one.... we all have our set backs, but it's imperative that we forgive ourselves for back sliding, stumbling or not accomplishing what we think we should.  We are in this to lose weight at a healthy rate, and not all of us will lose every single week; as we often see, we can actually gain, in spite of our best efforts.  

If *I* have a setback, which I have  many, you are all so very sympathetic and kind, and that makes it easier for me to get back on my feet and keep trying...... but even before I can do that, I have to forgive myself; I have to tell myself that I'm human, and as such, I'm going to goof, now and then.  If I go around thinking about what a failure I am, or how horrible it is, that I only lost one pound, instead of 5, I'd never be able to pick up where I left off.  I have to forgive myself and really "know" in my heart, that it's okay.  You need to do the same.

On that note, I'm off to bed.  I woke up with a bit of a sore throat and tightness in my chest this morning; by this afternoon, the throat was nearly unbearable, I ache all over and my latest temp was over 100........

Wishing everyone a wonderful and successful week.......

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1068689 tn?1325827206
Ha Ha funny nicky. Yea Football season is really hard to lose weight around my house! I just told my wife I'll be glad when it's over today cause I can really start my weight loss journey this season! I know it's mental and you can do it no matter what but activities like that and parties make it really tough at times.
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1179375 tn?1296662480
Sounds like everyone is fighting their own personal battles!  But this week it also sounds like a few battles were won!Congratulations!
Some days I feel like its a war against myself, weightloss and being comfortable in my own skin, it's so MENTAL!

  This week I bought a new digital scale and It was 4lbs! heavier than my old needle type scale!  I started out in Dec. @ "200" but really it was 204 and I thought I was at 182 But I'm really 186lbs. I went back and fixed my tracker and I did lose 2lbs this week but mentally I feel like I've gained 4.

  Today is Superbowl, not a good day to go mental, praying for self control!!
Really need to pump myself up to say "you don't need more of Moms awesome meatballs","and cookies and potato chips aren't going to make you feel better!"
"If the Steelers start to lose you don't need a beer." "Tomarrow will be a better day without the guilt from today." You can do this!!
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1068689 tn?1325827206
Aww, thanks Krysie. You are right. Be happy with the little things we do because they are an improvement and even though, they may not be what we want in entirety or expected, it is goodness.
I think we tend to be the most difficult critics of our success. I know I am! Let's have a great week.
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1536914 tn?1302701594
like barb stated last week, the working out could be giving you muscles... which is a good thing even if it doesn't feel like it. I am glad you measured yourself and congrats on loosing the 1/2  in both the chest and the waist... thats a fantastic job! I will make that a goal too; not beating myself up over things. Ex 1: I made a mistake at work yesterday cause, ya know, im in training, and i freaked out and i started crying. I beat myself up the rest of the evening. Ex 2: I should be happy about the 1lb i lost, but I am so angry at myself for not loosing more. I feel like I am making myself fatter for eating throughout the day; even though i have seen with my own eyes that isn't the case. I think my mind is reverting back to the way it used to be; before i found out i had diabeties. anyway... keep your chin up, and i'll keep my chin up too. :D
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1536914 tn?1302701594
barb- congrats on your 1 lb weight loss. I need to learn to be more like you and be excited about loosing that 1lb. I know what you mean by having to get back to yoga. :/ So what kind of changes are you making? I might be able to incorparte it into my life as well.

giggles- wow i am so uber excited for you! that is just terrific. :D make sure you keep up the good work. and remember, walking around while grocery shopping is still considered walking. :D expecially if you get a couple of baskets to put your food in. ;o) keep up the good work.

as for me, life has been crazy hectic. I just started my new job this week. I am going to have to figure out something for my lunchs. I work at Weekends Only; so we are only open on the weekends, and for alittle while, on mondays too! The only really good news is that I lost 1 lb, but im not uber excited... just alittle. Cause, I mean, I have finally reached that first goal so I can now start working towards that 2nd goal i stated last week. I guess I would have lost more if I would have exercised but I didn't even touch my yoga this week. So a baby goal is to take my lunch all next week (instead of starving while I am at work), to bring water to refill at work instead of getting soda, and to get back on track with my yoga! I can do this! Good luck everyone!
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1068689 tn?1325827206
Barb, gigglels and everyone. Glad you are making progress as little or as large as it may be. And I see we all have similar struggles in keeping on track. Shows us we're human.

For me I kept my exercise goals for this week! My goal is to workout 3 times a week and I met that this time. Last week was better but that's ok.

I haven't improved on my eating habits this week but did not get worse than last. Meaning I've ate the same sort of foods, amounts, etc. So with eating the same and working out more I have gained 6 lbs. Very frustrating as that is not the direction I am wanting to go.
Since my weight seems to fluctuate so much I've been keeping track of my measurements. I've lot a half inch in my chest and waist. So something is happening but of course, not fast enough for me and the weight worries me of course.

You know how it is with weight and body issues and of course I'm super sensitive about that so for this next week I want to work on not beating myself up for not being better than I am or getting to a goal that I didn't make. With all the health issues I have and it seems as if I'm doing all the right things and taking all the right meds to help, it doesn't seem to be working. So I ask myself what else is there, what else am I doing wrong or that I could be doing to improve.

Well, here's to a good week everyone. Don't forget to smile!
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1449821 tn?1421079096
Good Morning,  great job on your 1lb ever pound helps, I did well this week of course it was my first week back to being really good I lost 9.6, so on my way to a great start, but I know after this week I will slow down so I wont let that get me down a pound is a pound and I will be very happy w/that,  

I have just been really watching what I am eating and have been doing great at eating more fruits and veggies,  now I just got to work harder on doing more excersing but I will get there
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