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does walking at home count as exercise? I ask because I don’t want bad weather to ruin my routine. Thanks a bunch
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I think it counts! I sometimes take a walk when I'm at home. I looked at my BP Doctor and it also showed calories burned.
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Of course! As long as you move your body, it's exercise
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649848 tn?1534633700
Any type of movement (even house/yard work, etc) are considered exercise and better than not moving at all.  It's no fun to be outside, walking on a rainy day, so you could try to come up with a different type of exercise for those days.  For instance, I have several different weights I can use, plus there are exercises for which you can use just your own body weight.  You can search YouTube for these exercises.   You can try searching for "Body Weight Exercises" or something on that order.  
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134578 tn?1716963197
Do you mean walking around the house in the course of your day? Usually people need a little more than that, although every bit helps.
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I mean walking as part of a daily workout, thanks a bunch
Walking a lot is as good as running for a shorter distance. My husband has a watch that makes a count, and he is walking 15,000 steps a day. It seems to do what exercise should do, his blood pressure is good, his weight is good, his endurance is good. I think most people do something more than walking because lifting weights or running gets to the same place faster than walking, and people don't have a lot of time.

The other thing is, when you're really in the zone whether walking or running, it doesn't matter if it's cold or raining. My husband comes in on cold, rainy days (even snowy ones) drenched and looking perfectly content, and he and the dogs have walked three or four miles or whatever.
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