Im a waitress so I spend at least 10 to 12 hrs a day on my feet walking , then I get home ans spend  an hr on the tredmill watching  ophra, I dont know how many step in a day  I get in but I can bet its well over 10.000 a day  and although Im pretty soild ,I can not seem to lose the weight  and I do not eat that much.  sure  I  jiggle here and there  but   Im 40 and had 3 kids.( and its all in the right spots  hehe )  I dont want to  lift weighst  cause I dont want to bulk out , so what else can I do to lose this weight.
4 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
Lifting weights will not necessarily make you bulk up.  Strength training is necessary, along with aerobics.  I'm guessing that the walking you do during your work hours, is relatively slow and sporadic?  The hour on the treadmill should do a lot of good, but it would be a good idea to change things around a bit -- if you constantly do the same thing every day, your body may become used to it and it will no longer be a challenge.  You could try running on the treadmill, alternating with walking.  

I'd also recommend that you try keeping a food diary, such as the one here on medhelp.  Keeping a food diary allows us to keep track of every bite that goes into our mouths -- often we think we aren't eating "that much", when in reality, a bite here and a bite there can really add up to more calories than we need.  It was a real "eye opener" for me.  

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I pretty  much run all day at work   I  take care of  15 tables of 4 people that are full all day  that 60 people  who all want their food, coffee, water, drinks tables  set and cleared all at the same time  for 10 hrs a day, I dont even get time to sit and relax for 5 minutes,  this  is a high volume  place and im the only one in from  430 am till 12 pm  so  i dont get time to stop,  you would think by the end of each day i would have lost 5  pounds   but nope  i can watch people eat all day  and still gain weight.
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579258 tn?1250649343
May I suggest you change up your exercise routine .. i.e. pilates, yoga, dancing, skating, biking, hiking (hills), basketball, tennis, swimming, bowling, kick ball, jumping rope, hoola-hoop, belly dancing, weights, stairs, anything that will change it up.  It keeps your body in the state of muscle confusion which will help you lose weight.

Second, Barb is correct in using your Food Diary to write down everything that crosses your lips.  MedHelp has some fabulous tools, which together shows us a picture and helps us not only be aware, but when you're not getting the results you want, others in the community can look at those and give your some suggestions.  

The Food Diary, the Exercise Tracker, the Weight Tracker and the Mood Tracker are highly recommended .. and there are countless others that are advantageous depending on what other things you need to monitor for a particular condition.

Remember .. sleep is important as well ... and Dr. Park is having an online seminar about it ... look at the topics in the community and register.  Even if you can't attend, you'll be able to get the information from that seminar for about 5 days and review at your leisure.

Thanks for posting and please let us know how you are doing.  Welcome to the WL&D Community .. we're pleased to have you here!
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649848 tn?1534633700
Yes, I'm sure you do feel like you are running all day.  I suspect that part of the problem is that you are constantly stopping/starting and not sustaining activity for any length of time.  

I sort of have the same situation --- it seems like I'm moving from the time I start work at 6:00 am until I get off at 2:30 pm and most days I, too, feel like I should have lost 5 pounds, but alas --- I only keep gaining  --- ughhh!!  I almost always walk between 3-5 miles/day and I think that should be enough, but it never is.......

Again, I'll recommend the food tracker because it's surprising how much food we eat, when we don't even think we are eating...........I did that today........our dept secretary keeps bowls of candy/pretzels, etc in her office and I had to be in there today and next thing I knew, I found myself digging into the bowl with the Hershey kisses in it, then I dug into the pretzel container --- fortunately, I stopped with only one Hershey kiss and just a small bag of pretzels (110 cal), but still, I didn't need/want any of it -- it was just a mindless thing while I was standing there discussing something with the secretary........

Also hope you'll hang around with us for a while - there's always support and ideas here.  
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